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Browsing by Author "Bellomo, Sicilia"

Browsing by Author "Bellomo, Sicilia"

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  • Medina-Alva, Pilar; Duque, Kevin R.; Zea-Vera, Alonso; Bellomo, Sicilia; Cárcamo Cavagnaro, César Paul Eugenio; Guillén Pinto, Daniel; Rivas, Maria; Tori, Alfredo; Zegarra, Jaime; Cam, Luis; Castañeda, Anne; Villavicencio, Aasith; Ochoa Woodell, Theresa Jean (Elsevier, 2019)
    Objective: To evaluate the combined prognostic value of neurological examination, head circumference and cranial ultrasound for neurodevelopmental delay (NDD) in very low birth weight (VLBW, <1500 g) preterm infants. ...
  • Guillen Mendoza, Daniel; Bellomo, Sicilia; Torres, Nancy; Lazo, Edwin; Guillén Pinto, Daniel (Colegio Médico del Perú, 2017)
    Objetivo: Determinar los niveles de plomo en leche materna en puérperas primíparas provenientes de nueve distritos de la ciudad de Lima. Materiales y método: Se realizó un estudio transversal entre octubre de 2010 y agosto ...
  • Ochoa Woodell, Theresa Jean; Loli, Sebastián; Mendoza, Karina; Cárcamo Cavagnaro, César Paul Eugenio; Bellomo, Sicilia; Cam, Luis; Castañeda, Anne; Campos, Miguel; Jacobs, Jan; Cossey, Veerle; Zegarra, Jaime (NRC Research Press, 2020)
    We previously conducted two randomized controlled trials with bovine lactoferrin (bLF) for the prevention of lateonset sepsis (LOS) in infants with a birth weight <2500 g (Study 1) and <2000 g (Study 2). The aim of this ...
  • Turin, Christie G.; Zea-Vera, Alonso; Pezo, Alonso; Cruz, Karen; Zegarra, Jaime; Bellomo, Sicilia; Cam, Luis; Llanos, Raul; Castaneda, Anne; Tucto, Lourdes; Ochoa Woodell, Theresa Jean (Springer, 2014)
    Preterm neonates are at risk to acquire infections. In addition to the high mortality associated with sepsis, these patients are at risk for long-term disabilities, particularly neurodevelopment impairment. Several ...
  • Zambruni, Mara; Villalobos, Alex; Somasunderam, Anoma; Westergaard, Sarah; Nigalye, Maitreyee; Turin, Christie G.; Zegarra, Jaime; Bellomo, Sicilia; Mercado, Erik; Ochoa Woodell, Theresa Jean; Utay, Netanya S. (Elsevier, 2017)
    Several cytokines have been detected in human milk but their relative concentrations differ among women and vary over time in the same person. The drivers of such differences have been only partially identified, while the ...
  • Ochoa Woodell, Theresa Jean; Zegarra, Jaime; Cam, Luis; Llanos, Raul; Pezo, Alonso; Cruz, Karen; Zea-Vera, Alonso; Cárcamo Cavagnaro, César Paul Eugenio; Campos, Miguel; Bellomo, Sicilia (Wolters Kluwer Health, 2015)
    BACKGROUND: Lactoferrin (LF) is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial and immunomodulatory milk glycoprotein. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of bovine LF on the prevention of the first episode of late-onset sepsis in Peruvian ...

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