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Browsing by Subject "DNA sequence"

Browsing by Subject "DNA sequence"

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  • Gomes, C.; Gibaja, J. F.; Buxó, J. R. I.; Baeza-Richer, C.; López-Matayoshi, C.; López-Parra, A. M.; Palomo-Díez, S.; Subirà, M. E.; Arroyo-Pardo, E. (Elsevier, 2017)
    It is common in archeology and some forensic cases to make assumptions about the relationship between persons buried in the same grave, or in distinct burials but in the same cemetery. However, there is no objective criterion ...
  • Adaui, V.; Castillo Pareja, Denis Helan; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan; Gutierrez, Andrés; Decuypere, S.; Vanaerschot, M.; de Doncker, S.; Schnorbusch, K.; Maes, I.; van der Auwera, G.; Maes, L.; Llanos Cuentas, Elmer Alejandro; Arévalo Zelada, Jorge Luis; Dujardin, J.-C. (Public Library of Science, 2011)
    Background: Most of the Leishmania genome is reported to be constitutively expressed during the life cycle of the parasite, with a few regulated genes. Inter-species comparative transcriptomics evidenced a low number of ...
  • Mullins, K.E.; Hang, J.; Jiang, J.; Leguia, M.; Kasper, M.R.; Ventosilla, P.; Maguiña Vargas, Ciro; Jarman, R.G.; Blazes, D.; Richards, A.L. (Microbiology Society, 2015)
    Three novel isolates of the genus Bartonella were recovered from the blood of two patients enrolled in a clinical trial for the treatment of chronic stage Bartonella bacilliformis infection (verruga peruana) in Caraz, ...
  • Tataje-Lavanda, Luis; Montalvan, Angela; Montesinos, Ricardo; Morales-Erasto, Vladimir; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan; Fernandez-Sanchez, Manolo; Fernandez-Diaz, Manolo (American Society for Microbiology, 2019)
    Here, we report the full-genome sequence of an NAD-hemin-independent Avibacterium paragallinarum serovar C-2 strain, FARPER-174, isolated from layer hens in Peru. This genome contained 12 potential genomic islands that ...
  • 1000 Genomes Project; Auton, A.; Abecasis, G.R.; Altshuler, D.M.; Durbin, R.M.; Bentley, D.R.; Chakravarti, A.; Clark, A.G.; Donnelly, P.; Eichler, E.E.; Flicek, P.; Gabriel, S.B.; Gibbs, R.A.; Green, E.D.; Hurles, M.E.; Knoppers, B.M.; Korbel, J.O.; Lander, E.S.; Lee, C.; Lehrach, H.; Mardis, E.R.; Marth, G.T.; McVean, G.A.; Nickerson, D.A.; Schmidt, J.P.; Sherry, S.T.; Wang, J.; Wilson, R.K.; Boerwinkle, E.; Doddapaneni, H.; Han, Y.; Korchina, V.; Kovar, C.; Lee, S.; Muzny, D.; Reid, J.G.; Zhu, Y.; Chang, Y.; Feng, Q.; Fang, X.; Guo, X.; Jian, M.; Jiang, H.; Jin, X.; Lan, T.; Li, G.; Li, J.; Li, Y.; Liu, S.; Liu, X.; Lu, Y.; Ma, X.; Tang, M.; Wang, B.; Wang, G.; Wu, H.; Wu, R.; Xu, X.; Yin, Y.; Zhang, D.; Zhang, W.; Zhao, J.; Zhao, M.; Zheng, X.; Gupta, N.; Gharani, N.; Toji, L.H.; Gerry, N.P.; Resch, A.M.; Barker, J.; Clarke, L.; Gil, L.; Hunt, S.E.; Kelman, G.; Kulesha, E.; Leinonen, R.; McLaren, W.M.; Radhakrishnan, R.; Roa, A.; Smirnov, D.; Smith, R.E.; Streeter, I.; Thormann, A.; Toneva, I.; Vaughan, B.; Zheng-Bradley, X.; Grocock, R.; Humphray, S.; James, T.; Kingsbury, Z.; Sudbrak, R.; Albrecht, M.W.; Amstislavskiy, V.S.; Borodina, T.A.; Lienhard, M.; Mertes, F.; Sultan, M.; Timmermann, B.; Yaspo, M.-L.; Fulton, L.; Ananiev, V.; Belaia, Z.; Beloslyudtsev, D.; Bouk, N.; Chen, C.; Church, D.; Cohen, R.; Cook, C.; Garner, J.; Hefferon, T.; Kimelman, M.; Liu, C.; Lopez, J.; Meric, P.; O'Sullivan, C.; Ostapchuk, Y.; Phan, L.; Ponomarov, S.; Schneider, V.; Shekhtman, E.; Sirotkin, K.; Slotta, D.; Zhang, H.; Balasubramaniam, S.; Burton, J.; Danecek, P.; Keane, T.M.; Kolb-Kokocinski, A.; McCarthy, S.; Stalker, J.; Quail, M.; Davies, C.J.; Gollub, J.; Webster, T.; Wong, B.; Zhan, Y.; Campbell, C.L.; Kong, Y.; Marcketta, A.; Yu, F.; Antunes, L.; Bainbridge, M.; Sabo, A.; Huang, Z.; Coin, L.J.M.; Fang, L.; Li, Q.; Li, Z.; Lin, H.; Liu, B.; Luo, R.; Shao, H.; Xie, Y.; Ye, C.; Yu, C.; Zhang, F.; Zheng, H.; Zhu, H.; Alkan, C.; Dal, E.; Kahveci, F.; Garrison, E.P.; Kural, D.; Lee, W.-P.; Leong, W.F.; Stromberg, M.; Ward, A.N.; Wu, J.; Zhang, M.; Daly, M.J.; DePristo, M.A.; Handsaker, R.E.; Banks, E.; Bhatia, G.; Del Angel, G.; Genovese, G.; Li, H.; Kashin, S.; McCarroll, S.A.; Nemesh, J.C.; Poplin, R.E.; Yoon, S.C.; Lihm, J.; Makarov, V.; Gottipati, S.; Keinan, A.; Rodriguez-Flores, J.L.; Rausch, T.; Fritz, M.H.; Stütz, A.M.; Beal, K.; Datta, A.; Herrero, J.; Ritchie, G.R.S.; Zerbino, D.; Sabeti, P.C.; Shlyakhter, I.; Schaffner, S.F.; Vitti, J.; Cooper, D.N.; Ball, E.V.; Stenson, P.D.; Barnes, B.; Bauer, M.; Cheetham, R.K.; Cox, A.; Eberle, M.; Kahn, S.; Murray, L.; Peden, J.; Shaw, R.; Kenny, E.E.; Batzer, M.A.; Konkel, M.K.; Walker, J.A.; MacArthur, D.G.; Lek, M.; Herwig, R.; Ding, L.; Koboldt, D.C.; Larson, D.; Ye, K.; Gravel, S.; Swaroop, A.; Chew, E.; Lappalainen, T.; Erlich, Y.; Gymrek, M.; Willems, T.F.; Simpson, J.T.; Shriver, M.D.; Rosenfeld, J.A.; Bustamante, C.D.; Montgomery, S.B.; De La Vega, F.M.; Byrnes, J.K.; Carroll, A.W.; DeGorter, M.K.; Lacroute, P.; Maples, B.K.; Martin, A.R.; Moreno-Estrada, A.; Shringarpure, S.S.; Zakharia, F.; Halperin, E.; Baran, Y.; Cerveira, E.; Hwang, J.; Malhotra, A.; Plewczynski, D.; Radew, K.; Romanovitch, M.; Zhang, C.; Hyland, F.C.L.; Craig, D.W.; Christoforides, A.; Homer, N.; Izatt, T.; Kurdoglu, A.A.; Sinari, S.A.; Squire, K.; Xiao, C.; Sebat, J.; Antaki, D.; Gujral, M.; Noor, A.; Ye, K.; Burchard, E.G.; Hernandez, R.D.; Gignoux, C.R.; Haussler, D.; Katzman, S.J.; Kent, W.J.; Howie, B.; Ruiz-Linares, A.; Dermitzakis, E.T.; Devine, S.E.; Kang, H.M.; Kidd, J.M.; Blackwell, T.; Caron, S.; Chen, W.; Emery, S.; Fritsche, L.; Fuchsberger, C.; Jun, G.; Li, B.; Lyons, R.; Scheller, C.; Sidore, C.; Song, S.; Sliwerska, E.; Taliun, D.; Tan, A.; Welch, R.; Wing, M.K.; Zhan, X.; Awadalla, P.; Hodgkinson, A.; Li, Y.; Shi, X.; Quitadamo, A.; Lunter, G.; Marchini, J.L.; Myers, S.; Churchhouse, C.; Delaneau, O.; Gupta-Hinch, A.; Kretzschmar, W.; Iqbal, Z.; Mathieson, I.; Menelaou, A.; Rimmer, A.; Xifara, D.K.; Oleksyk, T.K.; Fu, Y.; Liu, X.; Xiong, M.; Jorde, L.; Witherspoon, D.; Xing, J.; Browning, B.L.; Browning, S.R.; Hormozdiari, F.; Sudmant, P.H.; Khurana, E.; Tyler-Smith, C.; Albers, C.A.; Ayub, Q.; Chen, Y.; Colonna, V.; Jostins, L.; Walter, K.; Xue, Y.; Gerstein, M.B.; Abyzov, A.; Balasubramanian, S.; Chen, J.; Clarke, D.; Fu, Y.; Harmanci, A.O.; Jin, M.; Lee, D.; Liu, J.; Mu, X.J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Hartl, C.; Shakir, K.; Degenhardt, J.; Meiers, S.; Raeder, B.; Casale, F.P.; Stegle, O.; Lameijer, E.-W.; Hall, I.; Bafna, V.; Michaelson, J.; Gardner, E.J.; Mills, R.E.; Dayama, G.; Chen, K.; Fan, X.; Chong, Z.; Chen, T.; Chaisson, M.J.; Huddleston, J.; Malig, M.; Nelson, B.J.; Parrish, N.F.; Blackburne, B.; Lindsay, S.J.; Ning, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Lam, H.; Sisu, C.; Challis, D.; Evani, U.S.; Lu, J.; Nagaswamy, U.; Yu, J.; Li, W.; Habegger, L.; Yu, H.; Cunningham, F.; Dunham, I.; Lage, K.; Jespersen, J.B.; Horn, H.; Kim, D.; Desalle, R.; Narechania, A.; Sayres, M.A.W.; Mendez, F.L.; Poznik, G.D.; Underhill, P.A.; Mittelman, D.; Banerjee, R.; Cerezo, M.; Fitzgerald, T.W.; Louzada, S.; Massaia, A.; Yang, F.; Kalra, D.; Hale, W.; Dan, X.; Barnes, K.C.; Beiswanger, C.; Cai, H.; Cao, H.; Henn, B.; Jones, D.; Kaye, J.S.; Kent, A.; Kerasidou, A.; Mathias, R.; Ossorio, P.N.; Parker, M.; Rotimi, C.N.; Royal, C.D.; Sandoval, K.; Su, Y.; Tian, Z.; Tishkoff, S.; Via, M.; Wang, Y.; Yang, H.; Yang, L.; Zhu, J.; Bodmer, W.; Bedoya, G.; Cai, Z.; Gao, Y.; Chu, J.; Peltonen, L.; Garcia-Montero, A.; Orfao, A.; Dutil, J.; Martinez-Cruzado, J.C.; Mathias, R.A.; Hennis, A.; Watson, H.; McKenzie, C.; Qadri, F.; LaRocque, R.; Deng, X.; Asogun, D.; Folarin, O.; Happi, C.; Omoniwa, O.; Stremlau, M.; Tariyal, R.; Jallow, M.; Joof, F.S.; Corrah, T.; Rockett, K.; Kwiatkowski, D.; Kooner, J.; Hien, T.T.; Dunstan, S.J.; ThuyHang, N.; Fonnie, R.; Garry, R.; Kanneh, L.; Moses, L.; Schieffelin, J.; Grant, D.S.; Gallo López-Aliaga, Carla Maria; Poletti, Giovanni; Saleheen, D.; Rasheed, A.; Brooks, L.D.; Felsenfeld, A.L.; McEwen, J.E.; Vaydylevich, Y.; Duncanson, A.; Dunn, M.; Schloss, J.A. (Springer Nature, 2015)
    The 1000 Genomes Project set out to provide a comprehensive description of common human genetic variation by applying whole-genome sequencing to a diverse set of individuals from multiple populations. Here we report ...
  • de Oliveira Mendes, Tiago Antonio; Reis Cunha, Joao Luís; de Almeida Lourdes, Rodrigo; Rodrigues Luiz, Gabriela Flávia; Lemos, Lucas Dhom; dos Santos, Ana Rita Rocha; da Câmara, Antonia Cláudia Jácome; da Cunha Galvão, Lúcia Maria; Bern, Caryn; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Fujiwara, Ricardo Tostes; Gazzinelli, Ricardo Tostes; Bartholomeu, Daniella Castanheira (Public Library of Science, 2013)
    The factors influencing variation in the clinical forms of Chagas disease have not been elucidated; however, it is likely that the genetics of both the host and the parasite are involved. Several studies have attempted to ...
  • Diniz, Pedro Paulo V.P.; Morton, Bridget A.; Tngrian, Maryam; Kachani, Malika; Barrón, Eduardo A.; Gavidia, Cesar M.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Angulo, Noelia P.; Brenner, Elliott C.; Lerner, Richard; Chomel, Bruno B. (Public Library of Science, 2013)
    Bartonella species are emerging infectious organisms transmitted by arthropods capable of causing long-lasting infection in mammalian hosts. Among over 30 species described from four continents to date, 15 are known to ...
  • Cabello Vílchez, Alfonso Martín; Reyes-Batlle, María; Montalbán-Sandoval, Esmelda; Martín-Navarro, Carmen Ma.; López-Arencibia, Atteneri; Elias-Letts, Rafaela; Guerra, Humberto; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Martínez-Carretero, Enrique; Piñero, José E.; Maciver, Sutherland K.; Valladares, Basilio; Lorenzo-Morales, Jacob (Springer Verlag, 2014)
    Balamuthia mandrillaris is an opportunistic free-living amoeba that has been reported to cause skin lesions and the fatal Balamuthia amoebic encephalitis (BAE) in humans and other animals. Currently, around 200 human BAE ...
  • Vargas-Calla, Ana; Gomez-Puerta, Luis A.; Lopez, Maria T.; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo; Gonzalez Zariquiey, Armando Emiliano; Cysticercosis Working Group in Peru (Springer Verlag, 2019)
    Several studies have been performed to determine specific antigens for the diagnosis of tapeworms. One of these antigens is Tso31, which is used to differentiate Taenia solium and Taenia saginata in human feces. The aim ...
  • Baldeviano, G.C.; Akinyi Okoth, S.; Arrospide, N.; Gonzalez, R.V.; Sánchez, J.F.; Macedo, S.; Conde, S.; Tapia, L.L.; Salas, C.; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Herrera, Y.; Edgel, K.A.; Udhayakumar, V.; Lescano Guevara, Andres Guillermo (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015)
    During 2010–2012, an outbreak of 210 cases of malaria occurred in Tumbes, in the northern coast of Peru, where no Plasmodium falciparum malaria case had been reported since 2006. To identify the source of the parasite ...
  • Yalcindag, Erhan; Rougeron, Virginie; Elguero, Eric; Arnathau, Céline; Durand, Patrick; Brisse, Sylvain; Diancourt, Laure; Aubouy, Agnes; Becquart, Pierre; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Fontenille, Didier; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Maestre, Amanda; Ménard, Didier; Musset, Lisie; Noya, Oscar; Veron, Vincent; Wide, Albina; Carme, Bernard; Legrand, Eric; Chevillon, Christine; Ayala, Francisco J.; Renaud, Francois; Prugnolle, Franck (Wiley, 2014)
    Pathogens, which have recently colonized a new host species or new populations of the same host, are interesting models for understanding how populations may evolve in response to novel environments. During its colonization ...
  • Pallecchi, L.; Bartoloni, A.; Riccobono, E.; Fernandez, C.; Mantella, A.; Magnelli, D.; Mannini, D.; Strohmeyer, M.; Bartalesi, F.; Rodriguez, H.; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Rossolini, G.M. (Public Library of Science, 2012)
    Background: Quinolones are potent broad-spectrum bactericidal agents increasingly employed also in resource-limited countries. Resistance to quinolones is an increasing problem, known to be strongly associated with quinolone ...
  • Giacani, L.; Brandt, S.L.; Ke, W.; Reid, T.B.; Molini, B.J.; Iverson-Cabral, S.; Ciccarese, G.; Drago, F.; Lukehart, S.A.; Centurion-Lara, A. (American Society for Microbiology, 2015)
    An effective mechanism for introduction of phenotypic diversity within a bacterial population exploits changes in the length of repetitive DNA elements located within gene promoters. This phenomenon, known as phase variation, ...
  • Bright, A.T.; Tewhey, R.; Abeles, S.; Chuquiyauri, R.; Llanos Cuentas, Elmer Alejandro; Ferreira, M.U.; Schork, N.J.; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Winzeler, E.A. (BioMed Central, 2012)
    Background: Malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax is an experimentally neglected severe disease with a substantial burden on human health. Because of technical limitations, little is known about the biology of this important ...

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