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Browsing by Subject "adaptation"

Browsing by Subject "adaptation"

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  • Watts, Nick; Amann, Markus; Arnell, Nigel; Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja; Belesova, Kristine; Boykoff, Maxwell; Byass, Peter; Cai, Wenjia; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Capstick, Stuart; Chambers, Jonathan; Dalin, Carole; Daly, Meaghan; Dasandi, Niheer; Davies, Michael; Drummond, Paul; Dubrow, Robert; Ebi, Kristie L.; Eckelman, Matthew; Ekins, Paul; Escobar, Luis E.; Fernandez Montoya, Lucia; Georgeson, Lucien; Graham, Hilary; Haggar, Paul; Hamilton, Ian; Hartinger Peña, Stella Maria; Hess, Jeremy; Kelman, Ilan; Kiesewetter, Gregor; Kjellstrom, Tord; Kniveton, Dominic; Lemke, Bruno; Liu, Yang; Lott, Melissa; Lowe, Rachel; Sewe, Maquins Odhiambo; Martinez-Urtaza, Jaime; Maslin, Mark; McAllister, Lucy; McGushin, Alice; Jankin Mikhaylov, Slava; Milner, James; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Morrissey, Karyn; Murray, Kris; Munzert, Simon; Nilsson, Maria; Neville, Tara; Oreszczyn, Tadj; Owfi, Fereidoon; Pearman, Olivia; Pencheon, David; Phung, Dung; Pye, Steve; Quinn, Ruth; Rabbaniha, Mahnaz; Robinson, Elizabeth; Rocklov, Joacim; Semenza, Jan C.; Sherman, Jodi; Shumake-Guillemot, Joy; Tabatabaei, Meisam; Taylor, Jonathon; Trinanes, Joaquin; Wilkinson, Paul; Costello, Anthony; Gong, Peng; Montgomery, Hugh (Elsevier, 2019)
    The Lancet Countdown is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration, dedicated to monitoring the evolving health profile of climate change, and providing an independent assessment of the delivery of commitments made ...
  • Sharma, S.; Gralla, J.; Ordonez, J. G.; Hurtado, M. E.; Swenson, E. R.; Schoene, R. B.; Kelly, J. P.; Callacondo, D.; Rivard, C.; Roncal-Jimenez, C.; Sirota, J.; Fuquay, R.; Jackson, B. P.; Swenson, K. E.; Johnson, R. J.; Hurtado, A.; Escudero, E. (Elsevier, 2017)
    Patients suffering from chronic mountain sickness (CMS) have excessive erythrocytosis. Low level cobalt toxicity as a likely contributor has been demonstrated in some subjects. We performed a randomized, placebo controlled ...
  • Kiyamu Tsuchiya, Melisa; Brutsaert, Tom D.; Elías, Gianpietro; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Rivera Chira, Maria Concepcion (Wiley, 2015)
    High altitude natives are reported to have outstanding work capacity in spite of the challenge of oxygen transport and delivery in hypoxia. To evaluate the developmental effect of lifelong exposure to hypoxia on aerobic ...
  • Bigham, Abigail W.; Wilson, Megan J.; Julian, Colleen G.; Kiyamu Tsuchiya, Melisa; Vargas, E.; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Rivera Chira, Maria Concepcion; Rodriquez, Carmelo; Browne, Vaughn A.; Parra, Esteban; Brutsaert, Tom D.; Moore, Lorna G.; Shriver, Mark D. (Wiley, 2013)
    High-altitude hypoxia, or decreased oxygen levels caused by low barometric pressure, challenges the ability of humans to live and reproduce. Despite these challenges, human populations have lived on the Andean Altiplano ...
  • Ostergaard, Louise; Rudiger, Alain; Wellmann, Sven; Gammella, Elena; Beck-Schimmer, Beatrice; Struck, Joachim; Maggiorini, Marco; Gassmann, Max (Dove Medical Press, 2014)
    BACKGROUND: A reduced oxygen supply puts patients at risk of tissue hypoxia, organ damage, and even death. In response, several changes are activated that allow for at least partial adaptation, thereby increasing the chances ...
  • Hurtado, A.; Escudero, E.; Pando, J.; Sharma, S.; Johnson, R.J. (Oxford University Press, 2012)
    Over 140 million people live at high altitude, defined as living at an altitude of 2400 m or more above sea level. Subjects living under these conditions are continuously living under hypoxic conditions and, depending on ...
  • Everard, M.; Loayza Muro, Raul Augusto; Bunclark, L.; Taboada, R. (Taylor and Francis, 2020)
    Hybridization of ‘green’ and engineered infrastructure, informed by protecting or restoring catchment processes, can resolve interconnected demands on catchment ecosystems, potentially also reversing historic degradation ...
  • Kiyamu Tsuchiya, Melisa; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Rivera Chira, Maria Concepcion; Elias, Gianpietro; Brutsaert, Tom D. (Mary Ann Liebert, 2015)
    Kiyamu, Melisa, Fabiola Leon-Velarde, Maria Rivera-Chira, Gianpietro Elias, and Tom D. Brutsaert. Developmental effects determine submaximal arterial oxygen saturation in Peruvian Quechua. High Alt Med Biol 16, 138-146, ...
  • Sherman, Mya; Berrang-Ford, Lea; Lwasa, Shuaib; Ford, James; Namanya, Didacus B.; Llanos Cuentas, Elmer Alejandro; Maillet, Michelle; Harper, Sherilee; Team, IHACC Res (Wiley, 2016)
    Climate change adaptation is increasingly considered an urgent priority for policy action. Billions of dollars have been pledged for adaptation finance, with many donor agencies requiring that adaptation is distinct from ...
  • de Sousa, J.D.; Alvarez, C.; Vandamme, A.-M.; Müller, V. (MDPI, 2012)
    HIV-1 M originated from SIVcpz endemic in chimpanzees from southeast Cameroon or neighboring areas, and it started to spread in the early 20th century. Here we examine the factors that may have contributed to simian-to-human ...
  • Childebayeva, Ainash; Jones, Tamara R.; Goodrich, Jaclyn M.; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Rivera Chira, Maria Concepcion; Kiyamu Tsuchiya, Melisa; Brutsaert, Tom D.; Dolinoy, Dana C.; Bigham, Abigail W. (Taylor and Francis, 2019)
    Recent discoveries indicate a genetic basis for high-altitude adaptation among human groups who have resided at high altitude for millennia, including Andeans, Tibetans, and Ethiopians. Yet, genetics alone does not explain ...
  • Stobdan, Tsering; Akbari, Ali; Azad, Priti; Zhou, Dan; Poulsen, Orit; Appenzeller, Otto; Gonzales Rengifo, Gustavo Francisco; Telenti, Amalio; Wong, Emily H. M.; Saini, Shubham; Kirkness, Ewen F.; Venter, J. Craig; Bafna, Vineet; Haddad, Gabriel G. (Oxford University Press, 2017)
    Human high-altitude (HA) adaptation or mal-adaptation is explored to understand the physiology, pathophysiology, and molecular mechanisms that underlie long-term exposure to hypoxia. Here, we report the results of an ...
  • Salas-Gismondi, R.; Moreno-Bernal, J.W.; Scheyer, T.M.; Sánchez-Villagra, M.R.; Jaramillo, C. (Taylor and Francis, 2018)
    Gavialoidea is a clade of slender- and long-snouted crocodylomorphs with a single living species, the Indian gharial Gavialis gangeticus. Because elongated snouts (longirostry) have evolved independently in several ...
  • Stembridge, Mike; Williams, Alexandra M.; Gasho, Christopher; Dawkins, Tony G.; Drane, Aimee; Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Levine, Benjamin D.; Shave, Rob; Ainslie, Philip N. (National Academy of Sciences, 2019)
    In contrast to Andean natives, high-altitude Tibetans present with a lower hemoglobin concentration that correlates with reproductive success and exercise capacity. Decades of physiological and genomic research have assumed ...
  • Yalcindag, Erhan; Rougeron, Virginie; Elguero, Eric; Arnathau, Céline; Durand, Patrick; Brisse, Sylvain; Diancourt, Laure; Aubouy, Agnes; Becquart, Pierre; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Fontenille, Didier; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Maestre, Amanda; Ménard, Didier; Musset, Lisie; Noya, Oscar; Veron, Vincent; Wide, Albina; Carme, Bernard; Legrand, Eric; Chevillon, Christine; Ayala, Francisco J.; Renaud, Francois; Prugnolle, Franck (Wiley, 2014)
    Pathogens, which have recently colonized a new host species or new populations of the same host, are interesting models for understanding how populations may evolve in response to novel environments. During its colonization ...
  • Ford, James D.; Sherman, Mya; Berrang-Ford, Lea; Llanos Cuentas, Elmer Alejandro; Cárcamo Cavagnaro, César Paul Eugenio; Harper, Sherilee; Lwasa, Shuaib; Namanya, Didacus; Marcello, Thomas; Maillet, Michelle; Edge, Victoria (Elsevier, 2018)
    Climate change presents substantial risks to the health of Indigenous peoples. Research is needed to inform health policy and practice for managing risks, with community based adaptation (CBA) emerging as one approach to ...
  • Zhou, Dan; Udpa, Nitin; Ronen, Roy; Stobdan, Tsering; Liang, Junbin; Appenzeller, Otto; Zhao, Huiwen W.; Yin, Yi; Du, Yuanping; Guo, Lixia; Cao, Rui.; Wang, Yu; Jin, Xin; Huang, Chen; Jia, Wenlong; Cao, Dandan; Guo, Guangwu; Gamboa, Jorge L.; Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Callacondo, David; Xue, Jin; Liu, Siqi; Frazer, Kelly A.; Li, Yingrui; Bafna, Vineet; Haddad, Gabriel G. (Elsevier, 2013)
    The hypoxic conditions at high altitudes present a challenge for survival, causing pressure for adaptation. Interestingly, many highaltitude denizens (particularly in the Andes) are maladapted, with a condition known as ...

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