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Browsing by Subject "chronic mountain sickness"

Browsing by Subject "chronic mountain sickness"

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  • Zhao, H. W.; Gu, X. Q.; Chailangkarn, T.; Perkins, G.; Callacondo, D.; Appenzeller, O.; Poulsen, O.; Zhou, D.; Muotri, A. R.; Haddad, G. G. (Elsevier, 2015)
    Monge’s disease, also known as chronic mountain sickness (CMS), is a disease that potentially threatens more than 140 million highlanders during extended time living at high altitudes (over 2500 m). The prevalence of CMS ...
  • Alarcón Yaquetto, Dulce Esperanza; Caballero, Lidia; Gonzales Rengifo, Gustavo Francisco (Mary Ann Liebert, 2017)
    High-altitude (HA) hypoxia is a stressful condition endured by organisms through different mechanisms. Failing to adapt to chronic HA exposure leads to a disease called chronic mountain sickness (CMS) characterized by ...
  • Painschab, M.S.; Malpartida, G.E.; Dávila-Roman, V.G.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Kolb, T.M.; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Miranda, J. Jaime; Checkley, W. (Mary Ann Liebert, 2015)
    Long-term residence at high altitude is associated with the development of chronic mountain sickness (CMS), which is characterized by excessive erythrocytosis (EE). EE occurs under chronic hypoxia, and a strongly selected ...
  • Hurtado, A.; Escudero, E.; Pando, J.; Sharma, S.; Johnson, R.J. (Oxford University Press, 2012)
    Over 140 million people live at high altitude, defined as living at an altitude of 2400 m or more above sea level. Subjects living under these conditions are continuously living under hypoxic conditions and, depending on ...
  • León-Velarde, Fabiola; Arregui A.; Vargas M.; Huicho Oriundo, Luis; Acosta R. (Elsevier, 1994)
    To determine whether chronic lower respiratory tract disorders contributed to the development of chronic mountain sickness (CMS), we compared hemoglobin (Hb), oxygen saturation (SaO2), peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), and ...
  • Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Corante, Noemi (Mary Ann Liebert, 2016)
    Villafuerte, Francisco C., and Noemi Corante. Chronic mountain sickness: clinical aspects, etiology, management, and treatment. High Alt Med Biol. 17:61-69, 2016.-Millions of people worldwide live at a high altitude, and ...
  • Healy, Katherine; Labrique, Alain B.; Miranda, J. Jaime; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Danz, David; Davila-Roman, Victor G.; Huicho Oriundo, Luis; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Checkley, William (Mary Ann Liebert, 2016)
    Healy, Katherine, Alain B. Labrique, J. Jaime Miranda, Robert H. Gilman, David Danz, Victor G. Davila-Roman, Luis Huicho, Fabiola Leon-Velarde, and William Checkley. Dark adaptation at high altitude: an unexpected pupillary ...
  • Macarlupu, José-Luis; Marchant, Dominique; Jeton, Florine; Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Richalet, Jean-Paul; Voituron, Nicolas (Wiley, 2021)
    Physical exercise may improve hematological conditions in high altitude dwellers suffering from Chronic Mountain Sickness (CMS), in reducing hemoglobin concentration. Therefore, the present study aimed to characterize the ...
  • Corante, Noemí; Anza-Ramírez, Cecilia; Figueroa-Mujíca, Rómulo; Macarlupú, José Luis; Vizcardo-Galindo, Gustavo; Bilo, Grzegorz; Parati, Gianfranco; Gamboa, Jorge L.; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Villafuerte, Francisco C. (Mary Ann Liebert , 2018)
    Corante, Noemí, Cecilia Anza-Ramírez, Rómulo Figueroa-Mujíca, José Luis Macarlupú, Gustavo Vizcardo-Galindo, Grzegorz Bilo, Gianfranco Parati, Jorge L. Gamboa, Fabiola León-Velarde, and Francisco C. Villafuerte. Excessive ...
  • Simpson, Lydia L.; Meah, Victoria L.; Steele, Andrew R.; Gasho, Christopher; Howe, Connor A.; Dawkins, Tony G.; Busch, Stephen A.; Oliver, Samuel J.; Moralez, Gilberto; Lawley, Justin S.; Tymko, Michael M.; Vizcardo-Galindo, Gustavo A.; Figueroa-Mujíca, Rómulo J.; Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Ainslie, Phillip N.; Stembridge, Mike; Steinback, Craig D.; Moore, Jonathan P. (Wiley, 2020)
    NEW FINDINGS: What is the central question of this study? Does chronic mountain sickness (CMS) alter sympathetic neural control and arterial baroreflex regulation of blood pressure in Andean (Quechua) highlanders? What ...
  • Tremblay, Joshua C.; Coombs, Geoff B.; Howe, Connor A.; Vizcardo-Galindo, Gustavo A.; Figueroa-Mujica, Romulo J.; Bermudez, Daniela; Tymko, Michael M.; Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Ainslie, Philip N.; Pyke, Kyra E. (American Physiological Society, 2019)
    Excessive erythrocytosis [EE; hemoglobin concentration (Hb) >/= 21 g/dL in adult men] is a maladaptive high-altitude pathology associated with increased cardiovascular risk and reduced reactive hyperemia flow-mediated ...
  • Hansen, Alexander B.; Moralez, Gilbert; Amin, Sachin B.; Simspon, Lydia L.; Hofstaetter, Florian; Anholm, James D.; Gasho, Christopher; Stembridge, Mike; Dawkins, Tony G.; Tymko, Michael M.; Ainslie, Philip N.; Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Romero, Steve A.; Hearon Jr., Christopher M.; Lawley, Justin S. (Wiley, 2021)
    Key points: Humans suffering from polycythaemia undergo multiple circulatory adaptations including changes in blood rheology and structural and functional vascular adaptations to maintain normal blood pressure and vascular ...
  • Busch, Stephen A.; van Diepen, Sean; Steele, Andrew R.; Meah, Victoria L.; Simpson, Lydia L.; Figueroa-Mujíca, Rómulo J.; Vizcardo-Galindo, Gustavo; Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Tymko, Michael M.; Ainslie, Philip N.; Moore, Jonathan P.; Stembridge, Mike; Steinback, Craig D. (Frontiers Media, 2019)
    Background: Ascent to altitude increases the prevalence of arrhythmogenesis in low-altitude dwelling populations (Lowlanders). High altitude populations (i.e., Nepalese Sherpa) may have arrhythmias resistant adaptations ...
  • Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Simonson, T.S.; Bermudez, D.; León-Velarde, Fabiola (American Physiological Society, 2022)
    Erythrocytosis, or increased production of red blood cells, is one of the most well-documented physiological traits that varies within and among in high-altitude populations. Although a modest increase in blood O2-carrying ...
  • Gonzales Rengifo, Gustavo Francisco; Chaupis, D. (Wiley, 2015)
    Populations living at high altitudes (HA), particularly in the Peruvian Central Andes, are characterised by presenting subjects with erythrocytosis and others with excessive erythrocytosis (EE)(Hb>21 g dl(-1) ). EE is ...
  • Laouafa, Sofien; Elliot-Portal, Elizabeth; Revollo, Susana; Schneider-Gasser, Edith-M.; Joseph, Vincent; Voituron, Nicolas; Gassmann, Max; Soliz, Jorge (American Physiological Society, 2016)
    The impact of cerebral erythropoietin (Epo) in the regulation of the hypercapnic ventilatory response (HcVR) is controversial. While we reported that cerebral Epo does not affect the central chemosensitivity in C57Bl6 ...
  • Bermudez, Daniela; Azad, Priti; Figueroa-Mujica, Romulo; Vizcardo-Galindo, Gustavo; Corante, Noemi; Guerra-Giraldez, Cristina; Haddad, Gabriel G.; Villafuerte, Francisco C. (American Physiological Society, 2019)
    Excessive erythrocytosis (EE) is the main sign of Chronic Mountain Sickness (CMS), a maladaptive clinical syndrome prevalent in Andean and other high-altitude populations worldwide. The pathophysiological mechanism of EE ...
  • Sanchez-Azofra, Ana; Villafuerte, Francisco C.; DeYoung, Pamela N.; Gilbertson, Dillon; Gu, Wanjun; Moya, Esteban A.; Vizcardo-Galindo, Gustavo; Figueroa-Mujica, Romulo; Anza-Ramirez, Cecilia; Macarlupu, Jose L.; Pham, Luu V.; Wagner, Peter; Malhotra, Atul; Simonson, Tatum S.; Mesarwi, Omar A. (American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2022)
    STUDY OBJECTIVES: Chronic mountain sickness (CMS) is commonly observed among Andean and other highland populations. Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is highly prevalent at high altitude, and SDB and nocturnal hypoxemia ...
  • Vyas, Kaetan J.; Danz, David; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Wise, Robert A.; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Miranda, J. Jaime; Checkley, William (Mary Ann Liebert, 2015)
    Vyas, Kaetan J., David Danz, Robert H. Gilman, Robert A. Wise, Fabiola Leon-Velarde, J. Jaime Miranda, and William Checkley. Noninvasive assessment of excessive erythrocytosis as a screening method for chronic mountain ...
  • Anza Ramírez, Cecilia Isabel; Gu, Wanjun; Macarlupú Bernuy, Jose Luis; Figueroa Mujiica, Romulo Joseph; Vizcardo Galindo, Gustavo Andrés; Heinrich, Erica C; Tift, Michael S; Wagner, Harrieth E; Wagner, Peter D; Simonson, Tatum S; Villafuerte Castrillón, Francisco Carlos (American Physiological Society, 2023)
    In chronic mountain sickness (CMS), increased blood oxygen (O2)-carrying capacity due to excessive erythrocytosis (EE, [Hb] ≥ 21 g/dL) could be offset, especially during exercise by both impaired cardiac output (Qt) and ...

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