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  • Zambruni, Mara; Luna, Giannina; Silva, Maria; Bausch, Daniel G.; Rivera, Fulton P.; Velapatino, Grace; Campos, Miguel; Chea-Woo, Elsa; Baiocchi, Nelly; Cleary, Thomas G.; Ochoa Woodell, Theresa Jean (Oxford University Press, 2015)
    In an active diarrhea surveillance study of children aged 12-24 months in Lima, Peru, norovirus was the most common pathogen identified. The percentage of mixed (bacterial and noroviral) infections was significantly higher ...
  • Moyano, Luz M.; O'Neal, Seth E.; Ayvar, Viterbo; Gonzalvez, Guillermo; Gamboa Morán, Ricardo; Vilchez Barreto, Percy Mcquen; Rodriguez, Silvia; Reistetter, Joe; Tsang, Victor C. W.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Gonzalez Zariquiey, Armando Emiliano; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo (Public Library of Science, 2016)
    BACKGROUND: Neurocysticercosis is a common helminthic infection of the central nervous system and an important cause of adult-onset epilepsy in endemic countries. However, few studies have examined associations between ...
  • Debacq, Gabrielle; Moyano, Luz M.; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo; Boumediene, Farid; Marin, Benoit; Ngoungou, Edgard B.; Preux, Pierre-Marie (Public Library of Science, 2017)
    BACKGROUND: We reviewed studies that analyzed cysticercosis (CC), neurocysticercosis (NCC) and epilepsy across Latin America, Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, to estimate the odds ratio and etiologic fraction of epilepsy due ...
  • Alcedo, Katherine; Ruiz, Joaquim; Ochoa Woodell, Theresa Jean; Riveros Ramirez, Maribel Denise (Korean Society of Infectious Diseases, 2022)
    Background: Antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli can colonize the intestinal tract of healthy children, causing concern when antibiotic resistance is related to the presence of transferable mechanisms, such as extended-spectrum ...
  • Delahoy, Miranda J.; Hubbard, Sydney; Mattioli, Mia; Culquichicon, Carlos; Knee, Jackie; Brown, Joe; Cabrera, Lilia; Barr, Dana Boyd; Ryan, P. Barry; Lescano Guevara, Andres Guillermo; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Levy, Karen (American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2022)
    Chemical and microbiological drinking water contaminants pose risks to child health but are not often evaluated concurrently. At two consecutive visits to 96 households in Piura, Peru, we collected drinking water samples, ...
  • León Sandoval, Segundo Ramos; Segura, Eddy R.; Konda, Kelika A.; Flores, Juan A.; Silva-Santisteban Portella, Alfonso Alberto; Galea, Jerome T.; Coates, Thomas J.; Klausner, Jeffrey D.; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando (BMJ Publishing Group, 2016)
    Objectives: This study aimed to characterise the epidemiology of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) infections among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TW) in Lima, Peru. Setting: ...
  • Rivadeneira, Maria F.; Moncayo, Ana L.; Condor, Jose D.; Tello, Betzabe; Buitron, Janett; Astudillo, Fabricio; Caicedo-Gallardo, Jose D.; Estrella-Proano, Andrea; Naranjo-Estrella, Alfredo; Torres, Ana L (BioMed Central, 2022)
    Background: Despite the multiple initiatives implemented to reduce stunting in Ecuador, it continues to be a public health problem with a significant prevalence. One of the most affected groups is the rural indigenous ...
  • Zammarchi, Lorenzo; Tortoli, Enrico; Borroni, Emanuele; Bartalesi, Filippo; Strohmeyer, Marianne; Baretti, Simonetta; Simonetti, Maria Tullia; Liendo, Carola; Santini, Maria Grazia; Rossolini, Gian Maria; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Bartoloni, Alessandro (MDPI, 2014)
    Tuberculosis is a leading cause of morbidity for Peruvian migrants in Florence, Italy, where they account for about 20% of yearly diagnosed cases. A retrospective study on cases notified in Peruvian residents in Florence ...
  • Allan-Blitz, Lao-Tzu; León Sandoval, Segundo Ramos; Bristow, Claire C.; Konda, Kelika A.; Vargas Rivera, Silver Keith; Flores, Juan A.; Brown, Brandon J.; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando; Klausner, Jeffrey D. (SAGE Publications, 2016)
    Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are among the most common sexually transmitted bacterial infections in the world. Data are limited, however, on the burden of extra-genital chlamydial and gonococcal infections ...
  • Blas Blas, Magaly Marlitz; Alva, Isaac E.; Garcia Funegra, Patricia Jannet; Cárcamo Cavagnaro, César Paul Eugenio; Montano, Silvia M.; Mori, Nicanor; Muñante, Ricardo; Zunt, Joseph R. (Public Library of Science, 2013)
    In an earlier study, we detected an association between human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) infection and cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) in indigenous Amazonian Peruvian women of the Shipibo-Konibo ethnic group. ...
  • Otero Vegas, Larissa; Krapp, Fiorella; Tomatis, Cristina; Zamudio Fuertes, Carlos Eduardo; Matthys, Francine; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Van der Stuyft, Patrick; Seas Ramos, Carlos Rafael (Public Library of Science, 2011)
    Introduction: In high multidrug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) prevalence areas, drug susceptibility testing (DST) at diagnosis is recommended for patients with risk factors for MDR. However, this approach might miss ...
  • Salazar-De La Cuba, Ana L.; Ardiles-Paredes, Diana F.; Araujo-Castillo, Roger V.; Maguiña, Jorge L. (Wiley, 2018)
    Objective: To estimate the prevalence of self-reported tuberculosis TB diagnosed at Peruvian correctional facilities (CFs), and their associated factors. Methods: Cross-sectional study based on secondary analysis of the ...
  • Carrasco Escobar, Gabriel; Miranda-Alban, Julio; Fernandez-Miñope, Carlos; Brouwer, Kimberly C.; Torres Fajardo, Katherine Jessica; Calderón Sánchez, Maritza Mercedes; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Llanos Cuentas, Elmer Alejandro; Vinetz, Joseph Michael (BioMed Central, 2017)
    BACKGROUND: The incidence of malaria due both to Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in the Peruvian Amazon has risen in the past 5 years. This study tested the hypothesis that the maintenance and emergence of malaria ...
  • Nguyen, Minh; Cabeza, Jeanne; Segura, Eddy; Garcia Funegra, Patricia Jannet; Klausner, Jeffrey-D. (Wolters Kluwer Health, 2016)
    This was a substudy of 60 Chlamydia trachomatis-infected women from a larger study of pregnant women in Lima, Peru. Participants were encouraged to bring their partners in for concurrent patient-partner treatment. The ...
  • Moreira-Soto, Andres; Pachamora Diaz, Johanna Maribel; González-Auza, Lilian; Merino Merino, Xiomara Jeanleny; Schwalb Calderon, Alvaro; Drosten, Christian; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Talledo Albujar, Michael John; Arévalo Ramirez, Heriberto; Peralta Delgado, Roxana; Bocanegra Vargas, Spassky; Drexler, Jan Felix (American Society for Microbiology, 2021)
    Latin America has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 burden in rural settings in Latin America is unclear. We performed a cross-sectional, population-based, random-selection SARS-CoV-2 serologic ...
  • Janowski, A.B.; Owen, M.C.; Dudley, H.; López, T.; Espinosa, R.; Elvin-Lewis, M.; Colichon, A.; Arias, C.F.; Burbelo, P.D.; Wang, D. (American Society for Microbiology, 2021)
    Astroviruses are common pathogens of the human gastrointestinal tract, but they have been recently identified from cases of fatal meningoencephalitis. Astrovirus VA1 is the most frequently detected astrovirus genotype from ...
  • Gonzales Rengifo, Gustavo Francisco; Tapia Aguirre, Vilma Lucrecia; Gasco Tantachuco, Manuel Enrique; Rubio, Julio; Gonzales-Castañeda, Cynthia (Springer, 2011)
    Chronic mountain sickness (CMS), a lack of adaptation to altitude characterized by excessive erythrocytosis (EE), is a health problem associated with life at high altitude. The erythropoietic process is regulated by both ...
  • Aguilar, Gissel; Ortiz, Nathalie; Gonzales, Donna; Loyola Sosa, Steev Orlando; Paredes, Jose A. (Elsevier, 2022)
    Critical antibody titers have been described as factors associated with hemolysis in ABO plasma-incompatible platelet (PLT) transfusions. This study was carried out to describe the frequency of high-titers anti-A and antiB ...
  • Carrasco Escobar, Gabriel; Manrique, Edgar; Ruiz Cabrejos, Jorge; Saavedra Romero, Marlon Pierino; Alava, Freddy; Bickersmith, Sara; Prussing, Catharine; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Conn, Jan E.; Moreno, Marta; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza (Public Library of Science, 2019)
    Interest in larval source management (LSM) as an adjunct intervention to control and eliminate malaria transmission has recently increased mainly because long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spray ...
  • Jorgensen, Kelsey; Song, Daisheng; Weinstein, Julien; Garcia, Obed A.; Pearson, Laurel N.; Inclán, María; Rivera Chira, Maria Concepcion; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Kiyamu Tsuchiya, Melisa; Brutsaert, Tom D.; Bigham, Abigail W.; Lee, Frank S. (Oxford University Press, 2023)
    For over 10,000 years, Andeans have resided at high altitude where the partial pressure of oxygen challenges human survival. Recent studies have provided evidence for positive selection acting in Andeans on the HIF2A (also ...

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