Listar por autor "Antoine, P.-O."

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  • Antoine, P.-O.; Yans, J.; Castillo, A.A.; Stutz, N.; Abello, M.A.; Adnet, S.; Custódio, M.A.; Benites-Palomino, A.; Billet, G.; Boivin, M.; Herrera, F.; Jaramillo, C.; Mártinez, C.; Moreno, F.; Navarrete, R.E.; Negri, F.R.; Parra, F.; Pujos, F.; Rage, J.-C.; Ribeiro, A.M.; Robinet, C.; Roddaz, M.; Tejada-Lara, J.V.; Varas-Malca, R.; Ventura Santos, R.; Salas-Gismondi, R.; Marivaux, L. (Elsevier, 2021)
    Since 2012, we have investigated a stratigraphic section encompassing the late Eocene–earliest Oligocene interval at Shapaja (Tarapoto area, Peruvian Amazonia, ca. 7°S), through paleontological and geological fieldwork. ...
  • Tejada, J.V.; Flynn, J.J.; Antoine, P.-O.; Pacheco, V.; Salas-Gismondi, R.; Cerling, T.E. (National Academy of Sciences, 2020)
    Closed-canopy rainforests are important for climate (influencing atmospheric circulation, albedo, carbon storage, etc.) and ecology (harboring the highest biodiversity of continental regions). Of all rainforests, Amazonia ...
  • Boivin, M.; Marivaux, L.; Aguirre-Diaz, W.; Andriolli Custódio, M.; Benites-Palomino, A.; Pujos, F.; Roddaz, M.; Salas-Gismondi, R.; Stutz, N.; Tejada-Lara, J.V.; Yans, J.; Antoine, P.-O. (Springer, 2022)
    The Paleogene record of caviomorph rodents has substantially increased over the last decades, and their evolutionary history better understood by the discovery of their earliest representatives, so far recorded in several ...
  • Boivin, M.; Marivaux, L.; Aguirre-Diaz, W.; Benites-Palomino, A.; Billet, G.; Pujos, F.; Salas-Gismondi, R.; Stutz, N.S.; Tejada-Lara, J.V.; Varas-Malca, R.M.; Walton, A.H.; Antoine, P.-O. (Public Library of Science, 2021)
    Miocene deposits of South America have yielded several species-rich assemblages of caviomorph rodents. They are mostly situated at high and mid- latitudes of the continent, except for the exceptional Honda Group of La ...
  • Stutz, N.S.; Abello, M.A.; Marivaux, L.; Boivin, M.; Pujos, F.; Benites-Palomino, A.M.; Salas-Gismondi, Rodolfo; Tejada-Lara, J.V.; Custódio, M.A.; Roddaz, M.; Santos, R.V.; Ribeiro, A.M.; Antoine, P.-O. (Elsevier, 2022)
    Currently, marsupials (modern members of the Metatheria clade) are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas of South America, but poorly represented in the fossil record of these regions. Except for the ...
  • Marivaux, L.; Aguirre-Diaz, W.; Benites-Palomino, A.; Billet, G.; Boivin, M.; Pujos, F.; Salas-Gismondi, R.; Tejada-Lara, J.V.; Varas-Malca, R.M.; Antoine, P.-O. (Elsevier, 2020)
    The Honda Group of La Venta, Colombia, has yielded a wide array of crown platyrrhine primates, documenting the late Middle Miocene epoch (ca. 13.1–12.6 Ma, Laventan South American Land Mammal Age). Although exceptional, ...

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