Listar por autor "Benavente, Luis"

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  • Guerra, Jorge G.; Falconi, E.; Palomino, J.C.; Benavente, Luis; Antunez de Mayolo, E. (Springer, 1983)
    Forty patients with urinary tract infections were randomly assigned to receive a ten-day course of oral therapy with either norfloxacin 400 mg twice daily or cotrimoxazole (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) 160/800 mg twice ...
  • Benavente, Luis; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Guerra, Jorge; Grados, Oscar; Guerra, Humberto (Massachusetts Medical Society, 1981)
    To the Editor: The present outbreak of typhoid fever in the city of Lima has made it imperative for us to improve the bacteriologic diagnosis of this disease. On the assumption that duodenal secretions might contain ...
  • Benavente, Luis; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Guerra, Jorge G.; Grados, Oscar; Guerra, Humberto; Bravo, Nora (Oxford University Press, 1984)
    Cultures were made from blood, bone marrow, stool and duodenal contents (obtained with string capsules) from 36 patients with bacteriologically proven typhoid fever on admission to hospital. Duodenal content cultures proved ...
  • Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Guerra, Jorge G.; Benavente, Luis; Palomino, Juan C.; Carrillo, Carlos; Lopera, Julio; Delgado, Freddy; Nalin, David R.; Sabbaj, Jacobo (Oxford University Press, 1988)
    High relapse rates and low tolerability to ampicillin characterize present therapy for carriers of Salmonella typhi. Norfloxacin, a carboxyquinolone with a 90% minimum inhibitory concentration for S. typhi of ≤0.5 µ/mL, ...

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