Listar por autor "Castro-Sesquen, Y.E."

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  • Castro-Sesquen, Y.E.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Yauri, V.; Angulo, N.; Verastegui Pimentel, Manuela Renee; Velásquez, D.E.; Sterling, C.R.; Martin, D.; Bern, C. (Elsevier, 2011)
    The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) is a natural reservoir for Trypanosoma cruzi but has seldom been used as an experimental infection model. We developed a guinea pig infection model for acute and chronic Chagas disease. ...
  • Perez, L. Agueda; Castillo Berrios, Yesenia; Espinoza Guerrero, Cindy; Toribio, Luz M.; Santos, Yesica; Martel, Kevin S.; Wilkins, P.P.; Bustos Palomino, Javier Arturo; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo; Castro-Sesquen, Y.E.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Gonzalez Zariquiey, Armando Emiliano; Tsang, V.C.W.; Rodriguez, S.; Gonzalez, I.; Saavedra Pastor, Herbert; Sanchez, S.; Martinez, M.; Verastegui Pimentel, Manuela Renee; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan; Santivañez, Saul; Mayta, Holger; Pajuelo Travezaño, Monica Jhenny; Arroyo Hurtado, Gianfranco; Lopez, M.T.; Gomez, L.; Vargas, A.; Gavidia, C.M.; Moyano, L.M.; Gamboa Morán, Ricardo; Muro Ecca, Claudio Alberto; Vichez, P.; O´neal, S.; Handali, S.; Noh, J.; Nash, T.E.; Mahanty, S.; Friedland, J. (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2020)
    The use of L protein coupled magnetic particles for the concentration and purification of immunoglobulin M (mIgM) monoclonal antibodies against Taenia solium was evaluated. Three concentration methods and different elution ...

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