Listar por autor "Corso, A."

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  • Gladstone, R.A.; Siira, L.; Brynildsrud, O.B.; Vestrheim, D.F.; Turner, P.; Clarke, S.C.; Srifuengfung, S.; Ford, R.; Lehmann, D.; Egorova, E.; Voropaeva, E.; Haraldsson, G.; Kristinsson, K.G.; McGee, L.; Breiman, R.F.; Bentley, S.D.; Sheppard, C.L.; Fry, N.K.; Corander, J.; Toropainen, M.; Steens, A.; Akpaka, P.E.; Ampofo, K.; Antonio, M.; Balaji, V.; Beall, B.W.; Belabbès, H.; Benisty, R.; Bigogo, G.; Brooks, A.W.; Carter, P.E.; Cornick, J.E.; Corso, A.; Cristina de Cunto Brandileone, M.; Cristine Grassi Almeida, S.; Croucher, N.J.; Dagan, R.; Davydov, A.; Diawara, I.; Doiphode, S.; du Plessis, M.; Elmdaghri, N.; Köseoglu Eser, Ö.; Everett, D.B.; Faccone, D.; Gagetti, P.; Givon-Lavi, N.; Hasanuzzaman, M.; Hawkins, P.A.; Hryniewicz, W.; Hulten, K.G.; Ip, M.; Kapusta, A.; Kandasamy, R.; Kastrin, T.; Keenan, J.; Klugman, K.P.; Kwambana-Adams, B.; Law, P.Y.; Lees, J.A.; Leung Ho, P.; Li, Y.; Lo, S.W.; Ochoa Woodell, Theresa Jean; Madhi, S.A.; Metcalf, B.J.; Moïsi, J.; Mucavele Fundação Manhiça, H.; Ndlangisa, K.M.; Nurse-Lucas, M.; Nzenze, S.A.; Obaro, S.K.; Paragi, M.; Pollard, A.J.; Ravikumar, K.L.; Sadowy, E.; Saha, S.K.; Sampane-Donkor, E.; Devi Sekaran, S.; Shakoor, S.; Shrestha, S.; Sigauque, B.; Skoczynska, A.; Soo ko, K.; Tientcheu, P.-E.; Titov, L.; Urban, Y.; Verani, J.; van Tonder, A.J.; von Gottberg, A.; Wolter, N.; The Global Pneumococcal Sequencing Consortium (Elsevier, 2022)
    Background: Pneumococcal disease outbreaks of vaccine preventable serotype 4 sequence type (ST)801 in shipyards have been reported in several countries. We aimed to use genomics to establish any international links between ...
  • Ndlangisa, K.M.; du Plessis, M.; Lo, S.; de Gouveia, L.; Chaguza, C.; Antonio, M.; Kwambana-Adams, B.; Cornick, J.; Everett, D.B.; Dagan, R.; Hawkins, P.A.; Beall, B.; Corso, A.; Grassi Almeida, S.C.; Ochoa Woodell, Theresa Jean; Obaro, S.; Shakoor, S.; Donkor, E.S.; Gladstone, R.A.; Ho, P.L.; Paragi, M.; Doiphode, S.; Srifuengfung, S.; Ford, R.; Moïsi, J.; Saha, S.K.; Bigogo, G.; Sigauque, B.; Eser, ÖK.; Elmdaghri, N.; Titov, L.; Turner, P.; Kumar, K.L.R.; Kandasamy, R.; Egorova, E.; Ip, M.; Breiman, R.F.; Klugman, K.P.; McGee, L.; Bentley, S.D.; von Gottberg, A.; The Global Pneumococcal Sequencing Consortium (Microbiology Society, 2022)
    Pneumococcal serotype 35B is an important non-conjugate vaccine (non-PCV) serotype. Its continued emergence, post-PCV7 in the USA, was associated with expansion of a pre-existing 35B clone (clonal complex [CC] 558) along ...

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