Listar por autor "Fuentes, H.A."

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  • De-La-Cruz-Ku, G.; Luyo, M.; Morante, Z.; Enriquez, D.; Möller, M.G.; Chambergo-Michilot, D.; Flores, L.; Luque, R.; Saavedra, A.; Eyzaguirre-Sandoval, M.E.; Luján-Peche, M.G.; Noel, N.; Calderon, H.; Razuri, C.; Fuentes, H.A.; Cotrina, J.M.; Neciosup, S.P.; Araujo, J.; Lema, A.; Pinto, J.; Gomez, H.L.; Valcarcel, B. (Public Library of Science, 2020)
    Background: Epidemiological studies commonly identify the clinical characteristics and survival outcomes of patients with breast cancer at five years. Our study aims to describe the sociodemographic, clinicopathological ...

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