Listar por autor "Gonzalez, G. M."

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  • Espinel-Ingroff, A.; Turnidge, J.; Alastruey-Izquierdo, A.; Dannaoui, E.; Garcia-Effron, G.; Guinea, J.; Kidd, S.; Pelaez, T.; Sanguinetti, M.; Meletiadis, J.; Botterel, F.; Bustamante Rufino, Ana Beatriz; Chen, Y.-C.; Chakrabarti, A.; Chowdhary, A.; Chryssanthou, E.; Córdoba, S.; Gonzalez, G. M.; Guarro, J.; Johnson, E. M.; Kus, J. V.; Lass-Flörl, C.; Linares-Sicilia, M. J.; Martín-Mazuelos, E.; Negri, C. E.; Pfaller, M. A.; Tortorano, A. M. (American Society for Microbiology, 2018)
    Estimating epidemiological cutoff endpoints (ECVs/ECOFFS) may be hindered by the overlap of MICs for mutant and nonmutant strains (strains harboring or not harboring mutations, respectively). Posaconazole MIC distributions ...

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