Listar por autor "Menard, Didier"

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  • Bordbar, Bita; Tuikue Ndam, Nicaise; Renard, Emmanuelle; Jafari-Guemouri, Sayeh; Tavul, Livingstone; Jennison, Charlie; Gnidehou, Sedami; Tahar, Rachida; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Bendezu, Jorge; Menard, Didier; Barry, Alyssa E.; Deloron, Philippe; Sabbagh, Audrey (Elsevier, 2014)
    In placental malaria (PM), sequestration of infected erythrocytes in the placenta is mediated by an interaction between VAR2CSA, a Plasmodium falciparum protein expressed on erythrocytes, and chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) ...
  • Koepfli, Cristian; Rodrigues, Priscila T.; Antao, Tiago; Orjuela-Sanchez, Pamela; Van den Eede, Peter; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; van Hong, Nguyen; Bendezu, Jorge; Erhart, Annette; Barnadas, Celine; Ratsimbasoa, Arsene; Menard, Didier; Severini, Carlo; Menegon, Michela; Nour, Bakri Y. M.; Karunaweera, Nadira; Mueller, Ivo; Ferreira, Marcelo U.; Felger, Ingrid (Public Library of Science, 2015)
    Plasmodium vivax is the geographically most widespread human malaria parasite. To analyze patterns of microsatellite diversity and population structure across countries of different transmission intensity, genotyping data ...
  • Perrotti, Edvige; L'Episcopia, Mariangela; Menegon, Michela; Soares, Irene S.; Rosas Aguirre, Angel Martin; Speybroeck, Niko; Llanos Cuentas, Elmer Alejandro; Menard, Didier; Ferreira, Marcelo Urbano; Severini, Carlo (BioMed Central, 2023)
    Background: ETRAMP11.2 (PVX_003565) is a well-characterized protein with antigenic potential. It is considered to be a serological marker for diagnostic tools, and it has been suggested as a potential vaccine candidate. ...

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