Listar por tema "*Global Health"

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  • Turk, Eva; Durrance-Bagale, Anna; Han, Emeline; Bell, Sadie; Rajan, Selina; Lota, Maria Margarita M.; Ochu, Chinwe; Lazo Porras, María de los Ángeles; Mishra, Pallavi; Frumence, Gasto; McKee, Martin; Legido-Quigley, Helena (BMJ Publishing Group, 2021)
    Eva Turk and colleagues believe that there is much to learn from the experiences of low and middle income countries in co-producing knowledge and working with communities to find feasible and acceptable solutions to ...
  • Beran, David; Pesantes Villa, María Amalia; Berghusen, Maria Claudia; Hennig, Branwen J.; Jacobi, Johanna; Lazo Porras, María de los Ángeles; Llanque, Aymara; Placella, Enrichetta; Robledo-Abad, Carmenza; Bayona, Marta Tufet; Miranda, J. Jaime (BMJ Publishing Group, 2021)
    Co-production needs to become an integral part of the training and funding of researchers to ensure research meets everyone’s needs, argue David Beran and colleagues...

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