Listar por tema "Genetics, Population"

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  • Ruiz-Linares, Andrés; Adhikari, Kaustubh; Acuña-Alonzo, Victor; Quinto-Sanchez, Mirsha; Jaramillo, Claudia; Arias, William; Fuentes, Macarena; Pizarro, María; Everardo, Paola; de Avila, Francisco; Gómez-Valdés, Jorge; León-Mimila, Paola; Hunemeier, Tábita; Ramallo, Virginia; Silva de Cerqueira, Caio C.; Burley, Mari-Wyn; Konca, Esra; de Oliveira, Marcelo Zagonel; Veronez, Mauricio Roberto; Rubio-Codina, Marta; Attanasio, Orazio; Gibbon, Sahra; Ray, Nicolas; Gallo López-Aliaga, Carla Maria; Poletti, Giovanni; Rosique, Javier; Schuler-Faccini, Lavinia; Salzano, Francisco M.; Bortolini, Maria-Cátira; Canizales-Quinteros, Samuel; Rothhammer, Francisco; Bedoya, Gabriel; Balding, David; Gonzalez-José, Rolando (Public Library of Science, 2014)
    The current genetic makeup of Latin America has been shaped by a history of extensive admixture between Africans, Europeans and Native Americans, a process taking place within the context of extensive geographic and social ...
  • Oliveira, Larissa Rosa de; Gehara, Marcelo C. M.; Fraga, Lúcia D.; Lopes, Fernando; Túnez, Juan Ignacio; Cassini, Marcelo H.; Majluf, Patricia; Cardenas Alayza, Susana; Pavés, Héctor J.; Crespo, Enrique Alberto; García, Nestor; Loizaga de Castro, Rocío; Hoelzel, A. Rus; Sepúlveda, Maritza; Olavarría, Carlos; Valiati, Victor Hugo; Quiñones, Renato; Pérez-Alvarez, Maria Jose; Ott, Paulo Henrique; Bonatto, Sandro L. (Public Library of Science, 2017)
    The South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) is widely distributed along the southern Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America with a history of significant commercial exploitation. We aimed to evaluate the population ...
  • Scliar, Marilia O.; Gouveia, Mateus H.; Benazzo, Andrea; Ghirotto, Silvia; Fagundes, Nelson J.; Leal, Thiago P.; Magalhães, Wagner C.; Pereira, Latife; Rodrigues, Maira R.; Soares-Souza, Giordano B.; Cabrera, Lilia; Berg, Douglas E.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Bertorelle, Giorgio; Tarazona-Santos, Eduardo (BioMed Central, 2014)
    Background: Archaeology reports millenary cultural contacts between Peruvian Coast-Andes and the Amazon Yunga, a rainforest transitional region between Andes and Lower Amazonia. To clarify the relationships between cultural ...
  • Lainhart, William; Bickersmith, Sara A.; Nadler, Kyle J.; Moreno, Marta; Saavedra Romero, Marlon Pierino; Chu, Virginia M.; Ribolla, Paulo E.; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Conn, Jan E. (BioMed Central, 2015)
    BACKGROUND: The major Neotropical malaria vector, Anopheles darlingi, was reintroduced into the Iquitos, Loreto, Peru area during the early 1990s, where it displaced other anophelines and caused a major malaria epidemic. ...
  • Adhikari, Kaustubh; Chacón-Duque, Juan Camilo; Mendoza-Revilla, Javier; Fuentes-Guajardo, Macarena; Ruiz-Linares, Andrés (Annual Reviews, 2017)
    The history of the Americas involved the encounter of millions of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans. A variable admixture of these three continental groups has taken place throughout the continent, influenced by ...
  • 1000 Genomes Project; Auton, A.; Abecasis, G.R.; Altshuler, D.M.; Durbin, R.M.; Bentley, D.R.; Chakravarti, A.; Clark, A.G.; Donnelly, P.; Eichler, E.E.; Flicek, P.; Gabriel, S.B.; Gibbs, R.A.; Green, E.D.; Hurles, M.E.; Knoppers, B.M.; Korbel, J.O.; Lander, E.S.; Lee, C.; Lehrach, H.; Mardis, E.R.; Marth, G.T.; McVean, G.A.; Nickerson, D.A.; Schmidt, J.P.; Sherry, S.T.; Wang, J.; Wilson, R.K.; Boerwinkle, E.; Doddapaneni, H.; Han, Y.; Korchina, V.; Kovar, C.; Lee, S.; Muzny, D.; Reid, J.G.; Zhu, Y.; Chang, Y.; Feng, Q.; Fang, X.; Guo, X.; Jian, M.; Jiang, H.; Jin, X.; Lan, T.; Li, G.; Li, J.; Li, Y.; Liu, S.; Liu, X.; Lu, Y.; Ma, X.; Tang, M.; Wang, B.; Wang, G.; Wu, H.; Wu, R.; Xu, X.; Yin, Y.; Zhang, D.; Zhang, W.; Zhao, J.; Zhao, M.; Zheng, X.; Gupta, N.; Gharani, N.; Toji, L.H.; Gerry, N.P.; Resch, A.M.; Barker, J.; Clarke, L.; Gil, L.; Hunt, S.E.; Kelman, G.; Kulesha, E.; Leinonen, R.; McLaren, W.M.; Radhakrishnan, R.; Roa, A.; Smirnov, D.; Smith, R.E.; Streeter, I.; Thormann, A.; Toneva, I.; Vaughan, B.; Zheng-Bradley, X.; Grocock, R.; Humphray, S.; James, T.; Kingsbury, Z.; Sudbrak, R.; Albrecht, M.W.; Amstislavskiy, V.S.; Borodina, T.A.; Lienhard, M.; Mertes, F.; Sultan, M.; Timmermann, B.; Yaspo, M.-L.; Fulton, L.; Ananiev, V.; Belaia, Z.; Beloslyudtsev, D.; Bouk, N.; Chen, C.; Church, D.; Cohen, R.; Cook, C.; Garner, J.; Hefferon, T.; Kimelman, M.; Liu, C.; Lopez, J.; Meric, P.; O'Sullivan, C.; Ostapchuk, Y.; Phan, L.; Ponomarov, S.; Schneider, V.; Shekhtman, E.; Sirotkin, K.; Slotta, D.; Zhang, H.; Balasubramaniam, S.; Burton, J.; Danecek, P.; Keane, T.M.; Kolb-Kokocinski, A.; McCarthy, S.; Stalker, J.; Quail, M.; Davies, C.J.; Gollub, J.; Webster, T.; Wong, B.; Zhan, Y.; Campbell, C.L.; Kong, Y.; Marcketta, A.; Yu, F.; Antunes, L.; Bainbridge, M.; Sabo, A.; Huang, Z.; Coin, L.J.M.; Fang, L.; Li, Q.; Li, Z.; Lin, H.; Liu, B.; Luo, R.; Shao, H.; Xie, Y.; Ye, C.; Yu, C.; Zhang, F.; Zheng, H.; Zhu, H.; Alkan, C.; Dal, E.; Kahveci, F.; Garrison, E.P.; Kural, D.; Lee, W.-P.; Leong, W.F.; Stromberg, M.; Ward, A.N.; Wu, J.; Zhang, M.; Daly, M.J.; DePristo, M.A.; Handsaker, R.E.; Banks, E.; Bhatia, G.; Del Angel, G.; Genovese, G.; Li, H.; Kashin, S.; McCarroll, S.A.; Nemesh, J.C.; Poplin, R.E.; Yoon, S.C.; Lihm, J.; Makarov, V.; Gottipati, S.; Keinan, A.; Rodriguez-Flores, J.L.; Rausch, T.; Fritz, M.H.; Stütz, A.M.; Beal, K.; Datta, A.; Herrero, J.; Ritchie, G.R.S.; Zerbino, D.; Sabeti, P.C.; Shlyakhter, I.; Schaffner, S.F.; Vitti, J.; Cooper, D.N.; Ball, E.V.; Stenson, P.D.; Barnes, B.; Bauer, M.; Cheetham, R.K.; Cox, A.; Eberle, M.; Kahn, S.; Murray, L.; Peden, J.; Shaw, R.; Kenny, E.E.; Batzer, M.A.; Konkel, M.K.; Walker, J.A.; MacArthur, D.G.; Lek, M.; Herwig, R.; Ding, L.; Koboldt, D.C.; Larson, D.; Ye, K.; Gravel, S.; Swaroop, A.; Chew, E.; Lappalainen, T.; Erlich, Y.; Gymrek, M.; Willems, T.F.; Simpson, J.T.; Shriver, M.D.; Rosenfeld, J.A.; Bustamante, C.D.; Montgomery, S.B.; De La Vega, F.M.; Byrnes, J.K.; Carroll, A.W.; DeGorter, M.K.; Lacroute, P.; Maples, B.K.; Martin, A.R.; Moreno-Estrada, A.; Shringarpure, S.S.; Zakharia, F.; Halperin, E.; Baran, Y.; Cerveira, E.; Hwang, J.; Malhotra, A.; Plewczynski, D.; Radew, K.; Romanovitch, M.; Zhang, C.; Hyland, F.C.L.; Craig, D.W.; Christoforides, A.; Homer, N.; Izatt, T.; Kurdoglu, A.A.; Sinari, S.A.; Squire, K.; Xiao, C.; Sebat, J.; Antaki, D.; Gujral, M.; Noor, A.; Ye, K.; Burchard, E.G.; Hernandez, R.D.; Gignoux, C.R.; Haussler, D.; Katzman, S.J.; Kent, W.J.; Howie, B.; Ruiz-Linares, A.; Dermitzakis, E.T.; Devine, S.E.; Kang, H.M.; Kidd, J.M.; Blackwell, T.; Caron, S.; Chen, W.; Emery, S.; Fritsche, L.; Fuchsberger, C.; Jun, G.; Li, B.; Lyons, R.; Scheller, C.; Sidore, C.; Song, S.; Sliwerska, E.; Taliun, D.; Tan, A.; Welch, R.; Wing, M.K.; Zhan, X.; Awadalla, P.; Hodgkinson, A.; Li, Y.; Shi, X.; Quitadamo, A.; Lunter, G.; Marchini, J.L.; Myers, S.; Churchhouse, C.; Delaneau, O.; Gupta-Hinch, A.; Kretzschmar, W.; Iqbal, Z.; Mathieson, I.; Menelaou, A.; Rimmer, A.; Xifara, D.K.; Oleksyk, T.K.; Fu, Y.; Liu, X.; Xiong, M.; Jorde, L.; Witherspoon, D.; Xing, J.; Browning, B.L.; Browning, S.R.; Hormozdiari, F.; Sudmant, P.H.; Khurana, E.; Tyler-Smith, C.; Albers, C.A.; Ayub, Q.; Chen, Y.; Colonna, V.; Jostins, L.; Walter, K.; Xue, Y.; Gerstein, M.B.; Abyzov, A.; Balasubramanian, S.; Chen, J.; Clarke, D.; Fu, Y.; Harmanci, A.O.; Jin, M.; Lee, D.; Liu, J.; Mu, X.J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Hartl, C.; Shakir, K.; Degenhardt, J.; Meiers, S.; Raeder, B.; Casale, F.P.; Stegle, O.; Lameijer, E.-W.; Hall, I.; Bafna, V.; Michaelson, J.; Gardner, E.J.; Mills, R.E.; Dayama, G.; Chen, K.; Fan, X.; Chong, Z.; Chen, T.; Chaisson, M.J.; Huddleston, J.; Malig, M.; Nelson, B.J.; Parrish, N.F.; Blackburne, B.; Lindsay, S.J.; Ning, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Lam, H.; Sisu, C.; Challis, D.; Evani, U.S.; Lu, J.; Nagaswamy, U.; Yu, J.; Li, W.; Habegger, L.; Yu, H.; Cunningham, F.; Dunham, I.; Lage, K.; Jespersen, J.B.; Horn, H.; Kim, D.; Desalle, R.; Narechania, A.; Sayres, M.A.W.; Mendez, F.L.; Poznik, G.D.; Underhill, P.A.; Mittelman, D.; Banerjee, R.; Cerezo, M.; Fitzgerald, T.W.; Louzada, S.; Massaia, A.; Yang, F.; Kalra, D.; Hale, W.; Dan, X.; Barnes, K.C.; Beiswanger, C.; Cai, H.; Cao, H.; Henn, B.; Jones, D.; Kaye, J.S.; Kent, A.; Kerasidou, A.; Mathias, R.; Ossorio, P.N.; Parker, M.; Rotimi, C.N.; Royal, C.D.; Sandoval, K.; Su, Y.; Tian, Z.; Tishkoff, S.; Via, M.; Wang, Y.; Yang, H.; Yang, L.; Zhu, J.; Bodmer, W.; Bedoya, G.; Cai, Z.; Gao, Y.; Chu, J.; Peltonen, L.; Garcia-Montero, A.; Orfao, A.; Dutil, J.; Martinez-Cruzado, J.C.; Mathias, R.A.; Hennis, A.; Watson, H.; McKenzie, C.; Qadri, F.; LaRocque, R.; Deng, X.; Asogun, D.; Folarin, O.; Happi, C.; Omoniwa, O.; Stremlau, M.; Tariyal, R.; Jallow, M.; Joof, F.S.; Corrah, T.; Rockett, K.; Kwiatkowski, D.; Kooner, J.; Hien, T.T.; Dunstan, S.J.; ThuyHang, N.; Fonnie, R.; Garry, R.; Kanneh, L.; Moses, L.; Schieffelin, J.; Grant, D.S.; Gallo López-Aliaga, Carla Maria; Poletti, Giovanni; Saleheen, D.; Rasheed, A.; Brooks, L.D.; Felsenfeld, A.L.; McEwen, J.E.; Vaydylevich, Y.; Duncanson, A.; Dunn, M.; Schloss, J.A. (Springer Nature, 2015)
    The 1000 Genomes Project set out to provide a comprehensive description of common human genetic variation by applying whole-genome sequencing to a diverse set of individuals from multiple populations. Here we report ...
  • Adhikari, K.; Mendoza-Revilla, J.; Sohail, A.; Fuentes-Guajardo, M.; Lampert, J.; Chacón-Duque, J.C.; Hurtado, M.; Villegas, V.; Granja, V.; Acuña-Alonzo, V.; Jaramillo, C.; Arias, W.; Lozano, R.B.; Everardo, P.; Gómez-Valdés, J.; Villamil-Ramírez, H.; Silva de Cerqueira, C.C.; Hunemeier, T.; Ramallo, V.; Schuler-Faccini, L.; Salzano, F.M.; Gonzalez-José, R.; Bortolini, M.-C.; Canizales-Quinteros, S.; Gallo López-Aliaga, Carla Maria; Poletti, G.; Bedoya, G.; Rothhammer, F.; Tobin, D.J.; Fumagalli, M.; Balding, D.; Ruiz-Linares, A. (Springer Nature, 2019)
    We report a genome-wide association scan in >6,000 Latin Americans for pigmentation of skin and eyes. We found eighteen signals of association at twelve genomic regions. These include one novel locus for skin pigmentation ...
  • Escalante, Ananias A.; Ferreira, Marcelo U.; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Volkman, Sarah K.; Cui, Liwang; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Krogstad, Donald J.; Barry, Alyssa E.; Carlton, Jane M.; van Eijk, Anna Maria; Pradhan, Khageswar; Mueller, Ivo; Greenhouse, Bryan; Pacheco, M. Andreina; Vallejo, Andres F.; Herrera, Socrates; Felger, Ingrid (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2015)
    Molecular epidemiology leverages genetic information to study the risk factors that affect the frequency and distribution of malaria cases. This article describes molecular epidemiologic investigations currently being ...
  • Campos, Melina; Conn, Jan E.; Alonso, Diego Peres; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Emerson, Kevin J.; Ribolla, Paulo Eduardo Martins (BioMed Central, 2017)
    BACKGROUND: In recent decades, throughout the Amazon Basin, landscape modification contributing to profound ecological change has proceeded at an unprecedented rate. Deforestation that accompanies human activities can ...
  • Kehdy, F.S.G.; Gouveia, M.H.; Machado, M.; Magalhães, W.C.S.; Horimoto, A.R.; Horta, B.L.; Moreira, R.G.; Leal, T.P.; Scliar, M.O.; Soares-Souza, G.B.; Rodrigues-Soares, F.; Araújo, G.S.; Zamudio, R.; Sant Anna, H.P.; Santos, H.C.; Duarte, N.E.; Fiaccone, R.L.; Figueiredo, C.A.; Silva, T.M.; Costa, G.N.O.; Beleza, S.; Berg, D.E.; Cabrera, L.; Debortoli, G.; Duarte, D.; Ghirotto, S.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Gonçalves, V.F.; Marrero, A.R.; Muniz, Y.C.; Weissensteiner, H.; Yeager, M.; Rodrigues, L.C.; Barreto, M.L.; Lima-Costa, M.F.; Pereira, A.C.; Rodrigues, M.R.; Tarazona-Santos, E. (National Academy of Sciences, 2015)
    While South Americans are underrepresented in human genomic diversity studies, Brazil has been a classical model for population genetics studies on admixture.We present the results of the EPIGEN Brazil Initiative, the most ...
  • Yalcindag, Erhan; Rougeron, Virginie; Elguero, Eric; Arnathau, Céline; Durand, Patrick; Brisse, Sylvain; Diancourt, Laure; Aubouy, Agnes; Becquart, Pierre; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Fontenille, Didier; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Maestre, Amanda; Ménard, Didier; Musset, Lisie; Noya, Oscar; Veron, Vincent; Wide, Albina; Carme, Bernard; Legrand, Eric; Chevillon, Christine; Ayala, Francisco J.; Renaud, Francois; Prugnolle, Franck (Wiley, 2014)
    Pathogens, which have recently colonized a new host species or new populations of the same host, are interesting models for understanding how populations may evolve in response to novel environments. During its colonization ...
  • Koepfli, Cristian; Rodrigues, Priscila T.; Antao, Tiago; Orjuela-Sanchez, Pamela; Van den Eede, Peter; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; van Hong, Nguyen; Bendezu, Jorge; Erhart, Annette; Barnadas, Celine; Ratsimbasoa, Arsene; Menard, Didier; Severini, Carlo; Menegon, Michela; Nour, Bakri Y. M.; Karunaweera, Nadira; Mueller, Ivo; Ferreira, Marcelo U.; Felger, Ingrid (Public Library of Science, 2015)
    Plasmodium vivax is the geographically most widespread human malaria parasite. To analyze patterns of microsatellite diversity and population structure across countries of different transmission intensity, genotyping data ...
  • Sikora, Martin; Carpenter, Meredith L.; Moreno-Estrada, Andres; Henn, Brenna M.; Underhill, Peter A.; Sanchez-Quinto, Federico; Zara, Ilenia; Pitzalis, Maristella; Sidore, Carlo; Busonero, Fabio; Maschio, Andrea; Angius, Andrea; Jones, Chris; Mendoza-Revilla, Javier; Nekhrizov, Georgi; Dimitrova, Diana; Theodossiev, Nikola; Harkins, Timothy T.; Keller, Andreas; Maixner, Frank; Zink, Albert; Abecasis, Goncalo; Sanna, Serena; Cucca, Francesco; Bustamante, Carlos D. (Public Library of Science, 2014)
    Genome sequencing of the 5,300-year-old mummy of the Tyrolean Iceman, found in 1991 on a glacier near the border of Italy and Austria, has yielded new insights into his origin and relationship to modern European populations. ...
  • Mallick, Swapan; Li, Heng; Lipson, Mark; Mathieson, Iain; Gymrek, Melissa; Racimo, Fernando; Zhao, Mengyao; Chennagiri, Niru; Nordenfelt, Susanne; Tandon, Arti; Skoglund, Pontus; Lazaridis, Iosif; Sankararaman, Sriram; Fu, Qiaomei; Rohland, Nadin; Renaud, Gabriel; Erlich, Yaniv; Willems, Thomas; Gallo López-Aliaga, Carla Maria; Spence, Jeffrey-P.; Song, Yun-S.; Poletti, Giovanni; Balloux, Francois; van-Driem, George; de-Knijff, Peter; Gallego Romero, Irene; Jha, Aashish-R.; Behar, Doron-M.; Bravi, Claudio-M.; Capelli, Cristian; Hervig, Tor; Moreno-Estrada, Andres; Posukh, Olga-L.; Balanovska, Elena; Balanovsky, Oleg; Karachanak-Yankova, Sena; Sahakyan, Hovhannes; Toncheva, Draga; Yepiskoposyan, Levon; Tyler-Smith, Chris; Xue, Yali; Abdullah, M. Syafiq; Ruiz-Linares, Andres; Beall, Cynthia-M.; Di-Rienzo, Anna; Jeong, Choongwon; Starikovskaya, Elena-B.; Metspalu, Ene; Parik, Juri; Villems, Richard; Henn, Brenna-M.; Hodoglugil, Ugur; Mahley, Robert; Sajantila, Antti; Stamatoyannopoulos, George; Wee, Joseph-T. S.; Khusainova, Rita; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Litvinov, Sergey; Ayodo, George; Comas, David; Hammer, Michael-F.; Kivisild, Toomas; Klitz, William; Winkler, Cheryl-A.; Labuda, Damian; Bamshad, Michael; Jorde, Lynn-B.; Tishkoff, Sarah-A.; Watkins, W. Scott; Metspalu, Mait; Dryomov, Stanislav; Sukernik, Rem; Singh, Lalji; Thangaraj, Kumarasamy; Paabo, Svante; Kelso, Janet; Patterson, Nick; Reich, David (Springer Nature, 2016)
    Here we report the Simons Genome Diversity Project data set: high quality genomes from 300 individuals from 142 diverse populations. These genomes include at least 5.8 million base pairs that are not present in the human ...
  • Lorenzo Bermejo, Justo; Boekstegers, Felix; Gonzalez Silos, Rosa; Marcelain, Katherine; Baez Benavides, Pablo; Barahona Ponce, Carol; Muller, Bettina; Ferreccio, Catterina; Koshiol, Jill; Fischer, Christine; Peil, Barbara; Sinsheimer, Janet; Fuentes Guajardo, Macarena; Barajas, Olga; Gonzalez-Jose, Rolando; Bedoya, Gabriel; Catira Bortolini, Maria; Canizales-Quinteros, Samuel; Gallo López-Aliaga, Carla Maria; Ruiz Linares, Andres; Rothhammer, Francisco (Public Library of Science, 2017)
    Latin Americans are highly heterogeneous regarding the type of Native American ancestry. Consideration of specific associations with common diseases may lead to substantial advances in unraveling of disease etiology and ...
  • Zhou, Dan; Udpa, Nitin; Ronen, Roy; Stobdan, Tsering; Liang, Junbin; Appenzeller, Otto; Zhao, Huiwen W.; Yin, Yi; Du, Yuanping; Guo, Lixia; Cao, Rui.; Wang, Yu; Jin, Xin; Huang, Chen; Jia, Wenlong; Cao, Dandan; Guo, Guangwu; Gamboa, Jorge L.; Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Callacondo, David; Xue, Jin; Liu, Siqi; Frazer, Kelly A.; Li, Yingrui; Bafna, Vineet; Haddad, Gabriel G. (Elsevier, 2013)
    The hypoxic conditions at high altitudes present a challenge for survival, causing pressure for adaptation. Interestingly, many highaltitude denizens (particularly in the Andes) are maladapted, with a condition known as ...

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