Listar por tema "HIV Infections"

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  • Galea, J.T.; Kinsler, J.J.; Salazar Lostaunau, Ximena; Lee, S.-J.; Giron, M.; Sayles, J.N.; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando; Cunningham, W.E. (SAGE Publications, 2011)
    Summary: This study examined pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) acceptability among female sex workers, male-to-female transgendered persons and men who have sex with men in Lima, Peru. Focus groups explored social issues ...
  • Auerbach, J.D.; Parkhurst, J.O.; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando (Taylor and Francis, 2011)
    A key component of the shift from an emergency to a long-term response to AIDS is a change in focus from HIV prevention interventions focused on individuals to a comprehensive strategy in which social/structural approaches ...
  • Amaya, Ana B.; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando; Spicer, Neil; Balabanova, Dina (Taylor and Francis, 2014)
    Peru has received around $70 million from Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund). Recent economic growth resulted in grant ineligibility, enabling greater government funding, yet doubts remain ...
  • Rath, Barbara A.; von Kleist, Max; Castillo, Maria E.; Kolevic, Lenka; Caballero, Patricia; Soto-Castellares, Giselle; Amedee, Angela M.; Robinson, James E.; Katzenstein, David K.; Van Dyke, Russell B.; Oberhelman, Richard A. (BioMed Central, 2013)
    Background: The impact of extended use of ART in developing countries has been enormous. A thorough understanding of all factors contributing to the success of antiretroviral therapy is required. The current study aims to ...
  • Bristow, Claire C.; Konda, Kelika A.; Wong, Jordan; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando; Klausner, Jeffrey D. (Elsevier, 2014)
    We read with interest Susan Buchbinder and colleagues' report about HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in men who have sex with men (MSM) and male-to-female transgender women…
  • Wolff, M.; Shepherd, B.E.; Cortés, C.; Rebeiro, P.; Cesar, C.; Wagner Cardoso, S.; Pape, J.W.; Padgett, D.; Sierra-Madero, J.; Echevarria Zarate, Juan Ignacio; McGowan, C.C.; CCASAnet (Wolters Kluwer Health, 2016)
    Background: HIV-infected persons in resource-limited settings may experience high rates of antiretroviral therapy (ART) change, particularly because of toxicity or other nonfailure reasons. Few reports address patient ...
  • Riza, Anca Lelia; Pearson, Fiona; Ugarte Gil, Cesar Augusto; Alisjahbana, Bachti; van de Vijver, Steven; Panduru, Nicolae M.; Hill, Philip C.; Ruslami, Rovina; Moore, David Alexander James; Aarnoutse, Rob; Critchley, Julia A.; van Crevel, Reinout (Elsevier, 2014)
    Diabetes triples the risk for active tuberculosis, thus the increasing burden of type 2 diabetes will help to sustain the present tuberculosis epidemic. Recommendations have been made for bidirectional screening, but ...
  • Giganti, M.J.; Luz, P.M.; Caro-Vega, Y.; Cesar, C.; Padgett, D.; Koenig, S.; Echevarria Zarate, Juan Ignacio; McGowan, C.C.; Shepherd, B.E. (Mary Ann Liebert, 2015)
    Many studies of HIV/AIDS aggregate data from multiple cohorts to improve power and generalizability. There are several analysis approaches to account for cross-cohort heterogeneity; we assessed how different approaches can ...
  • Musayón Oblitas, Flor Yesenia; Cárcamo Cavagnaro, César Paul Eugenio; Gimbel, Sarah (Taylor and Francis, 2018)
    One-on-one counseling can be an effective strategy to improve patient adherence to HIV treatment. The aim of this systematic review is to examine articles with one-on-one counseling-based interventions, review their ...
  • Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando; Amaya, Ana B.; Sandoval Figueroa, Clara Zoraida; Valverde, Rocío (Taylor and Francis, 2013)
    Peru has applied to six of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) rounds for funding, achieving success on four occasions. The process of proposal development has, however, been criticised, ...
  • Sattui, S.; De La Flor, C.; Sanchez, C.; Lewis, D.; Lopez, G.; Rizo-Patrõn, E.; White Jr., A.C.; Montes Delgado, Martin (Wiley, 2012)
    Background: Regulatory T cells (Tregs) modulate the host response in infectious diseases and are key mediators of peripheral tolerance. Cryopreservation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) is commonly used in ...
  • Paiva, V.; Ferguson, L.; Aggleton, P.; Mane, P.; Kelly-Hanku, A.; Giang, L.M.; Barbosa, R.M.; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando; Parker, R. (Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, 2015)
    This paper offers a critical overview of social science research presented at the 2014 International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia. In an era of major biomedical advance, the political nature of HIV remains of ...
  • Ballif, M.; Nhandu, V.; Wood, R.; Dusingize, J.C.; Carter, E.J.; Cortes, C.P.; McGowan, C.C.; Diero, L.; Graber, C.; Renner, L.; Hawerlander, D.; Kiertiburanakul, S.; Du, Q.T.; Sterling, T.R.; Egger, M.; Fenner, L.; Ajayi, S.; Anastos, K.; Bashi, J.; Bishai, W.; Boulle, A.; Braitstein, P.; Carriquiry, G.; Carter, J.E.; Cegielski, P.; Chimbetete, C.; Conrad, J.; Davies, M.-A.; Duda, S.; Durier, N.; Eboua, T.F.; Gasser, A.; Geng, E.; Hardwicke, L.; Hoffmann, C.; Huebner, R.; Kancheya, N.; Kim, P.; Lameck, D.; Leroy, V.; Lewden, C.; Lindegren, M.L.; Mandalakas, A.; Maskew, M.; McKaig, R.; Mofenson, L.; Mpoudi-Etame, M.; Okwara, B.; Phiri, S.; Prasitsuebsai, W.; Petit, A.; Prozesky, H.; Reid, S.E.; Reubenson, G.; Sohn, A.; Vo, Q.; Walker, D.; Wehbe, F.; Wejse, C.; Wester, W.; Williams, C.; Wools-Kaloustian, K.; Yao, Z.; Yunihastuti, E.; Zhang, F.J.; Zhao, H.X.; Han, N.; Merati, T.P.; Wirawan, D.N.; Yuliana, F.; Ditangco, R.; Uy, E.; Bantique, R.; Phanuphak, P.; Ruxrungtham, K.; Avihingsanon, A.; Mengthaisong, T.; Sungkanuparph, S.; Sanmeema, N.; Chaiwarith, R.; Sirisanthana, T.; Kotarathititum, W.; Pham, T.T.; Cuong, D.D.; Ha, H.L.; Nguyen, V.K.; Bui, V.H.; Cao, T.T.; Sohn, A.H.; Petersen, B.; Cooper, D.A.; Law, M.G.; Jiamsakul, A.; Boettiger, D.C.; Wati, D.K.; Atmikasari, L.P.P.; Malino, I.Y.; Nallusamy, R.; Chan, K.C.; Lumbiganon, P.; Kosalaraksa, P.; Tharnprisan, P.; Udomphanit, T.; Chokephaibulkit, K.; Lapphra, K.; Phongsamart, W.; Wittawatmongkol, O.; Dung, K.T.K.; Lam, N.V.; An, P.N.; Loan, N.T.; Truong, H.K.; Du, T.Q.; Chau, N.H.; Do, C.V.; Ha, M.T.; Nipathakosol, P.; Kariminia, A.; Mutimura, E.; Gitembagara, A.; Tatwangire, J.; Izabelle, I.; Niyongabo, T.; Twizere, C.; Baramperanye, E.; Edmonds, A.; Yotebieng, M.; Azinyue, I.; Ayangma, L.; Yiannoutsos, C.; Ayaya, S.; Bukusi, E.A.; Lewis-Kulzer, J.; Somi, G.; Lyamuya, R.; Ngonyani, K.; Ssali, J.; Ssemuwemba, H.; Mwebesa, B.B.; Kambugu, A.; Hermans, S.; Nalugoda, F.; Jjingo, K.; Dickinsonn, D.; Eley, B.; Fritz, C.; Garone, D.; Giddy, J.; MacPhail, P.; Moultrie, H.; Ndirangu, J.; Pestilli, S.; Rabie, H.; Stringer, J.; Technau, K.; Kaeser, F.; Keiser, O.; Cornell, M.; Maxwell, N.; Zannou, D.M.; Ahouada, C.; Akakpo, J.; Ahomadegbé, C.; Gougounon-Houéto, A.; Azon-Kouanou, A.; Houngbé, F.; Sehonou, J.; Koumakpaï, S.; Alihonou, F.; D'Almeida, M.; Hodonou, I.; Hounhoui, G.; Sagbo, G.; Tossa-Bagnan, L.; Adjide, H.; Drabo, J.; Bognounou, R.; Dienderé, A.; Traore, E.; Zoungrana, L.; Zerbo, B.; Sawadogo, A.B.; Zoungrana, J.; Héma, A.; Soré, I.; Bado, G.; Tapsoba, A.; Yé, D.; Kouéta, F.; Ouedraogo, S.; Ouédraogo, R.; Hiembo, W.; Gansonré, M.; Messou, E.; Gnokoro, J.C.; Koné, M.; Kouakou, G.M.; Bosse, C.A.; Brou, K.; Assi, A.I.; Chenal, H.; Soppi, F.; Minga, A.; Abo, Y.; Eholié, S.P.; Amego, M.D.N.; Andavi, V.; Diallo, Z.; Ello, F.; Tanon, A.K.; Koule, S.O.; Anzan, K.C.; Guehi, C.; Aka, E.A.; Issouf, K.L.; Kouakou, J.-C.; N'Gbeche, M.-S.; Pety, T.; Avit-Edi, D.; Kouakou, K.; Moh, M.; Yao, V.A.; Folquet, M.A.; Dainguy, M.-E.; Kouakou, C.; Méa-Assande, V.T.; Oka-Berete, G.; Zobo, N.; Acquah, P.; Kokora, M.-B.; Eboua, T.F.; Timité-Konan, M.; Diecket Ahoussou, L.; Assouan, J.K.; Sami, M.F.; Kouadio, S.; Goka, B.; Welbeck, J.; Sackey, A.; Owiafe, S.N.; Da Silva, Z.J.; Paulo, J.; Rodrigues, A.; Da Silva, D.; Medina, C.; Oliviera-Souto, I.; Østergaard, L.; Laursen, A.; Sodemann, M.; Aaby, P.; Fomsgaard, A.; Erikstrup, C.; Eugen-Olsen, J.; Maïga, M.Y.; Diakité, F.F.; Kalle, A.; Katile, D.; Traore, H.A.; Minta, D.; Cissé, T.; Dembelé, M.; Doumbia, M.; Fomba, M.; Kaya, A.S.; Traoré, A.M.; Traoré, H.; Toure, A.A.; Dicko, F.; Sylla, M.; Berthé, A.; Traoré, H.C.; Koïta, A.; Koné, N.; N'Diaye, C.; Coulibaly, S.T.; Traoré, M.; Traoré, N.; Charurat, M.; Alim, G.; Dapiap, S.; Igbinoba, F.; Benson, O.; Adebamowo, C.; James, J.; Obaseki; Osakede, P.; Olasode, J.; Seydi, M.; Sow, P.S.; Diop, B.; Manga, N.M.; Tine, J.M.; Bassabi, C.C.; Sy, H.S.; Ba, A.; Diagne, A.; Dior, H.; Faye, M.; Gueye, R.D.; Mbaye, A.D.; Patassi, A.; Kotosso, A.; Kariyare, B.G.; Gbadamassi, G.; Komi, A.; Mensah-Zukong, K.E.; Pakpame, P.; Koko Lawson-Evi, A.; Atakouma, Y.; Takassi, E.; Djeha, A.; Ephoévi-gah, A.; El-Hadj Djibril, S.; Dabis, F.; Bissagnene, E.; Arrivé, E.; Coffie, P.; Ekouevi, D.; Jaquet, A.; Sasco, A.J.; Amani, D.; Azani, J.-C.; Balestre, E.; Bessekon, S.; Bohossou, F.; Gilbert, C.; Karcher, S.; Gonsan, J.M.; Le Carrou, J.; Lenaud, S.; Nchot, C.; Malateste, K.; Yao, A.R.; Siloué, B.; Clouet, G.; Dosso, M.; Doring, A.; Kouakou, A.; Rabourdin, E.; Rivenc, J.; Anglaret, X.; Ba, B.; Essanin, J.B.; Ciaranello, A.; Datté, S.; Desmonde, S.; Elvis Diby, J.-S.; Gottlieb, G.S.; Horo, A.G.; Kangah, S.N.; Malvy, D.; Meless, D.; Mounkaila-Harouna, A.; Ndondoki, C.; Shiboski, C.; Tchounga, B.; Thiébaut, R.; Wandeler, G.; McGowan, C.; Cahn, P.; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Wolff, M.; Grinsztejn, B.; Pape, J.; Padgett, D.; Madero, J.S. (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2014)
    SETTING: Drug resistance threatens tuberculosis (TB) control, particularly among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected persons. OBJECTIVE: To describe practices in the prevention and management of drug-resistant TB ...
  • Silva-Santisteban Portella, Alfonso Alberto; Segura, Eddy R.; Sandoval Figueroa, Clara Zoraida; Girón, Maziel; Petrera, Margarita; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando (BioMed Central, 2013)
    Background: Equity in access to health care among people living with HIV (PLHA) has not been extensively studied in Peru despite the fact there is significant social diversity within this group. We aimed to assess the ...
  • Gutierrez Loli, Renzo Marcelo; Ferradas, C.; Diestra, A.; Traianou, A.; Bowman, N.; Bok, J.; Reimer-McAtee, M.; Ramal, C.; Ticona, E.; Steinberg, H.; Mayta, H.; Calderón Sánchez, Maritza Mercedes; Calla Choque, Jaeson Santos; Sterling, C.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Pinedo, L.C.; Valencia, G.; Sanchez, L.; Málaga, E.; Zhu, D.; Jiménez, J.; Bern, C.; Angulo, N.; Schiaffino Salazar, Francesca; Acosta, J.; Holtz, M.; Clark, D.; Clark, T.; Trompeter, G.; Choi, J.; Gandarilla, O.; Dorn, M.; Fortuny, E.; Galdos, G.; Colanzi, R. (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2019)
    Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for Toxoplasma gondii multicopy genes has emerged as a promising strategy for sensitive detection of parasite DNA. qPCR can be performed from blood samples, which are minimally ...
  • Carriquiry, Gabriela; Otero Vegas, Larissa; González Lagos, Elsa Violeta; Zamudio Fuertes, Carlos Eduardo; Sánchez, Eduardo; Nabeta, Pamela; Campos, Miguel; Echevarria Zarate, Juan Ignacio; Seas Ramos, Carlos Rafael; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo (Public Library of Science, 2012)
    Background: Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients remains complex and demands easy to perform and accurate tests. Xpert®MTB/RIF (MTB/RIF) is a molecular TB diagnostic ...
  • Cortes, Claudia P.; Wehbe, Firas H.; McGowan, Catherine C.; Shepherd, Bryan E.; Duda, Stephany N.; Jenkins, Cathy A.; González Lagos, Elsa Violeta; Carriquiry, Gabriela; Schechter, Mauro; Padgett, Denis; Cesar, Carina; Madero, Juan Sierra; Pape, JeanW.; Masys, D.R.; Sterling, T.R.; Wolff, M.; Arancibia, J.M.; Saavedra, F.; Salinas, C.; Gonzalez, E.; Carriquiry, G.; Mayer, E.; Condorhuaman, P.; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Schechter, M.; Tuboi, S.H.; Padgett, D.; Cesar, C.; Fink, V.; Sued, O.; Cahn, P.; Crabtree, B.; Madero, J.S.; Bacon, M.; Williams, C.; Shepherd, B.E.; Jenkins, C.A.; Duda, S.N.; Masys, D.R.; McGowan, C.C. (Public Library of Science, 2013)
    Background: Antiretroviral therapy (ART) decreases mortality risk in HIV-infected tuberculosis patients, but the effect of the duration of anti-tuberculosis therapy and timing of anti-tuberculosis therapy initiation in ...
  • Young, S.D.; Konda, K.; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando; Galea, J.; Sung-Jae, L.; Salazar Lostaunau, Ximena; Coates, T. (Springer, 2011)
    Evaluating interventions that reduce HIV stigma may help to craft effective stigma-reduction programs. This study evaluates the effects of a community popular opinion leader HIV/STI intervention on stigma in urban, coastal ...
  • de Sousa, J.D.; Alvarez, C.; Vandamme, A.-M.; Müller, V. (MDPI, 2012)
    HIV-1 M originated from SIVcpz endemic in chimpanzees from southeast Cameroon or neighboring areas, and it started to spread in the early 20th century. Here we examine the factors that may have contributed to simian-to-human ...
  • Chiu, ChingChe J.; Menacho Alvirio, Luis Alberto; Fisher, C.; Young, Sean D. (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
    Questions have been raised regarding participants' safety and comfort when participating in e-health education programs. Although researchers have begun to explore this issue in the United States, little research has been ...

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