Listar por tema "Human"

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  • Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Frisancho, O.; Sanchez, Jorge; Liendo, G.; Carrillo, Carlos; Black, R.E.; Morris, J.G. (American Medical Association, 1991)
    Eight cases of typhoid and paratyphoid fever were identified during a 4-year period in a cohort of 117 patients who were positive for human immunodeficiency virus in Lima, Peru. Asymptomatic patients with human immundeficiency ...
  • Khan, Wa; Seas Ramos, Carlos Rafael; Dhar, Ujjwal; Salam, Ma (Wiley, 1995)
    Acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) is a medical emergency and a global health problem associated with significant mortality and neurologic sequelae (1, 2). An aetiologic diagnosis and determination of the antimicrobial ...
  • Jacobs, Robert A.; Díaz, Víctor; Meinild, Anne-Kristine; Gassmann, Max; Lundby, Carsten (Wiley, 2013)
    It is debatable whether differences in mitochondrial function exist across skeletal muscle types and whether mouse skeletal muscle mitochondrial function can serve as a valid model for human skeletal muscle mitochondrial function…
  • Menezes, Soraya Maria; Decanine, Daniele; Brassat, David; Khouri, Ricardo; Schnitman, Saul V.; Kruschewsky, Ramon; López, Giovanni; Alvarez, Carolina; Talledo Albujar, Michael John; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Vandamme, Anne-Mieke; Galvão-Castro, Bernardo; Liblau, Roland; Weyenbergh, Johan Van (BioMed Central, 2014)
    Background: Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1) is the causative agent of the incapacitating, neuroinflammatory disease HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). Currently, there are no ...
  • Davies, Clive Richard; Llanos Cuentas, Elmer Alejandro; Pyke, Stephen D.M.; Dye, Christopher M. (Cambridge University Press, 1995)
    A prospective longitudinal survey of cutaneous leishmaniasis (Leishmania peruviana) was carried out in Peru on a study population of 4716 persons living in 38 villages (Departments of Lima, Ancash and Piura). Demographic ...
  • Canal, Enrique; Pollett, Simon; Heitzinger, Kristen; Gregory, Michael; Kasper, Matthew; Halsey, Eric; Meza, Yocelinda; Campos, Kalina; Perez, Juan; Meza, Rina; Bernal, Maruja; Guillen, Alfredo; Kochel, Tadeusz J.; Espinosa, Benjamin; Hall, Eric R.; Maves, Ryan C. (BioMed Central, 2013)
    Background: Leptospirosis is a potentially lethal zoonosis mainly affecting low-resource tropical countries, including Peru and its neighbouring countries. Timely diagnosis of leptospirosis is critical but may be challenging ...
  • Benavente, Luis; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Guerra, Jorge; Grados, Oscar; Guerra, Humberto (Massachusetts Medical Society, 1981)
    To the Editor: The present outbreak of typhoid fever in the city of Lima has made it imperative for us to improve the bacteriologic diagnosis of this disease. On the assumption that duodenal secretions might contain ...
  • Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Sánchez, Jorge; Escamilla, Joel; Carrillo, Carlos; Phillips, Irving; Moreyra, Luis; Stamm, Walter; Ashley, Rhoda; Roggen, Erwin; Kreiss, Joan; Piot, Peter; Holmes, King (Oxford University Press, 1994)
    Four hundred female sex workers attending a sexually transmitted disease clinic in Lima, Peru, were interviewed for demographic information and medical, contraceptive, and sexual practice histories. Cervical cultures were ...
  • León-Barúa, Raúl (Elsevier, 1991)
    I have read with much interest Khojasteh and Haghighi’s [l] review on immunoproliferative small intestinal disease (IPSID)...
  • Echevarria Zarate, Juan Ignacio; Campos, Pablo; Chang, Jaime; Cuéllar, Luis; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Paz, Lourdes; Llanos Cuentas, Elmer Alejandro (Oxford University Press, 1993)
    In Perd tegumentary leishmaniases are endemic, more than 5000 new cases per year being reported by the Ministry of Health, although the estimated real incidence is three times as great, and human immunodeficiency virus ...
  • Perez, Jorge; Ogusuku, E.; Inga, Rocío; Lopez, Martín; Monje, Julio; Paz, Lourdes; Nieto, Elizabeth; Arévalo Zelada, Jorge Luis; Guerra, Humberto (Oxford University Press, 1994)
    Natural infection of Lutzomyia spp. with Leishmaniawas studied with the aid of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in Chaute, Lima, Perú, a locality endemic for Andean cutaneous leishmaniasis (uta). The PCR, withprimers ...
  • Nash, Theodore E.; Mahanty, Siddhartha; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo (Public Library of Science, 2013)
    Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common cause of adult-acquired epilepsy worldwide and one the most frequent parasitic infections associated with chronic morbidity in the United States…
  • López de Cáceres, C.V.B.; Rodrigues-Fernandes, C.I.; Rendón Henao, J.; Morais, T.M.D.L.; Soares, C.D.; de Almeida, O.P.; Fonseca, F.P.; Delgado-Azañero, W. (Wiley, 2021)
    Background: Hydroa vacciniforme-like lymphoproliferative disorder (HVLPD) is a chronic Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive lymphoproliferative disease which may either present as an indolent condition or progress to a systemic ...
  • O’Donnell, Steve; Adler, David H.; Inboriboon, Pholaphat Charles; Alvarado, Hermenegildo; Acosta, Raul; Godoy-Monzon, Daniel (Springer, 2014)
    Background: Emergency Medicine (EM) is increasingly becoming an international field. The number of fellowships in International EM in the USA is growing along with opportunities to complete international health electives ...
  • Tamashiro, Victor G.; Perez, Horestes H.; Griffin, Diane E. (Wolters Kluwer Health, 1987)
    The suppression of cellular immune responses during measles is thought to contribute to the development of secondary infections which often complicate this disease. To determine whether there was a difference in the altered ...
  • Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Carrillo, Carlos (Wolters Kluwer Health, 1994)
    In the pre-antibiotic era, typhoid fever presented an evolving course of high fever, malaise, and headache...
  • Bisoffi, Zeno; Buonfrate, Dora; Montresor, Antonio; Requena-Méndez, Ana; Muñoz, Jose; Krolewiecki, Alejandro J.; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Mena, Maria Alejandra; Chiodini, Peter L.; Anselmi, Mariella; Moreira, Juan; Albonico, Marco (Public Library of Science, 2013)
    More than one century later, the key issues regarding this parasite (subsequently renamed Strongyloides stercoralis) are essentially the same, and although researchers have recently given more attention to this infection, ...
  • Leon-Figueroa, Darwin A.; Bonilla-Aldana, DK; Pachar, M; Romani, Luccio; Saldana-Cumpa, HM; Anchay-Zuloeta, C; Diaz-Torres, M; Franco-Paredes, C; Suarez, JA; Ramirez, JD; Paniz-Mondolfi, A; Rodriguez-Morales, AJ (Elsevier, 2022)
    Since its emergence in early 2020 and up until the end of May 2022, the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has caused more than 528 million COVID-19 cases globally, with 6.3 million deaths (∼1.2%, case fatality rate, CFR). Today, the ...

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