Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Listar por tema "Image Processing, Computer-Assisted"

Listar por tema "Image Processing, Computer-Assisted"

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  • Lopez-Garnier, Santiago; Sheen Cortavarria, Patricia; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan (Public Library of Science, 2019)
    Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that causes ill health and death in millions of people each year worldwide. Timely diagnosis and treatment is key to full patient recovery. The Microscopic Observed Drug Susceptibility ...
  • Carrasco Escobar, Gabriel; Manrique, Edgar; Ruiz Cabrejos, Jorge; Saavedra Romero, Marlon Pierino; Alava, Freddy; Bickersmith, Sara; Prussing, Catharine; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Conn, Jan E.; Moreno, Marta; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza (Public Library of Science, 2019)
    Interest in larval source management (LSM) as an adjunct intervention to control and eliminate malaria transmission has recently increased mainly because long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spray ...
  • Alva, Alicia; Cangalaya, Carla; Quiliano, Miguel; Krebs, Casey; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Sheen Cortavarria, Patricia; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan (Public Library of Science, 2017)
    Parasitic infections are generally diagnosed by professionals trained to recognize the morphological characteristics of the eggs in microscopic images of fecal smears. However, this laboratory diagnosis requires medical ...

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