Listar por tema "Microscopy"

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  • Torres Fajardo, Katherine Jessica; Bachman, Christine M.; Delahunt, Charles B.; Alarcon Baldeon, Jhonatan; Alava, Freddy; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Proux, Stephane; Mehanian, Courosh; McGuire, Shawn K.; Thompson, Clay M.; Ostbye, Travis; Hu, Liming; Jaiswal, Mayoore S.; Hunt, Victoria M.; Bell, David (BioMed Central, 2018)
    BACKGROUND: Microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained blood films remains a major form of diagnosis in malaria case management, and is a reference standard for research. However, as with other visualization-based diagnoses, ...
  • Lopez-Garnier, Santiago; Sheen Cortavarria, Patricia; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan (Public Library of Science, 2019)
    Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that causes ill health and death in millions of people each year worldwide. Timely diagnosis and treatment is key to full patient recovery. The Microscopic Observed Drug Susceptibility ...
  • Alnasser, Yossef; Ferradas, Cusi; Clark, Taryn; Calderón Sánchez, Maritza Mercedes; Gurbillon, Alejandro; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; McKakpo, Uri S.; Quakyi, Isabella A.; Bosompem, Kwabena M.; Sullivan, David J.; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Gilman, Robert Hugh (Public Library of Science, 2016)
    Plasmodium vivax is the most prevalent cause of human malaria in the world and can lead to severe disease with high potential for relapse. Its genetic and geographic diversities make it challenging to control. P. vivax is ...
  • Datta, Sumona; Shah, Lena; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Evans, Carlton Anthony William (Elsevier, 2017)
    BACKGROUND: The performance of laboratory tests to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis is dependent on the quality of the sputum sample tested. The relative merits of sputum collection methods to improve tuberculosis diagnosis ...
  • Bailon Gonzales, Nataly Aracely; Ramos Maguiña, Eric Sreve; Alvarado Torres, Keren Soledad; Bernaola Silva, Lenin Ceferino; Wilson, James; Montoya, Rosario; Valencia, Teresa; Evans, Carlton Anthony William; Datta, Sumona (F1000 Research, 2023)
    Background: Some sputum smear microscopy protocols recommend placing filter paper over sputum smears during staining for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) . We found no published evidence assessing whether this is beneficial. ...
  • Solis, Leonardo; Coronel, Jorge; Rueda, Daniel; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Sheen Cortavarria, Patricia; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan (Elsevier, 2015)
    Tuberculosis (TB) control efforts are hampered by a mismatch in diagnostic technology. Lack of adequate early diagnostics and Multi-drug resistant (MDR) detection is a critical problem in control efforts. Alternate and ...
  • Chew, R.; Calderón, C.; Schumacher, S.G.; Sherman, J.M.; Caviedes, L.; Fuentes, P.; Coronel, J.; Valencia, T.; Hererra, B.; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan; Huaroto, L.; Sabogal, I.; Escombe, A.R.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Evans, Carlton Anthony William (BioMed Central, 2011)
    Background: Bleach-sedimentation may improve microscopy for diagnosing tuberculosis by sterilising sputum and concentrating Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We studied gravity bleach-sedimentation effects on safety, sensitivity, ...
  • Boehme, C.C.; Nicol, M.P.; Nabeta, P.; Michael, J.S.; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Tahirli, R.; Gler, M.T.; Blakemore, R.; Worodria, W.; Gray, C.; Huang, L.; Cáceres Nakiche, Tatiana; Mehdiyev, R.; Raymond, L.; Whitelaw, A.; Sagadevan, K.; Alexander, H.; Albert, H.; Cobelens, F.; Cox, H.; Alland, D.; Perkins, M.D. (Elsevier, 2011)
    The Xpert MTB/RIF test (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) can detect tuberculosis and its multidrug-resistant form with very high sensitivity and specificity in controlled studies, but no performance data exist from district ...
  • Chile Andrade, Nancy; Clark, Taryn; Arana, Yanina; Ortega, Ynes R.; Palma, Sandra; Mejia, Alan; Angulo, Noelia; Kosek, Jon C.; Kosek, Margaret; Gomez-Puerta, Luis A.; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo; Gavidia, Cesar M.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Verastegui Pimentel, Manuela Renee (Public Library of Science, 2016)
    BACKGROUND: The transitional period between the oncosphere and the cysticercus of Taenia solium is the postoncospheral (PO) form, which has not yet been completely characterized. The aim of this work was to standardize a ...
  • Salguedo, Mario; Zarate, Guillermo; Coronel, Jorge; Comina, Germán; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Sheen Cortavarria, Patricia; Oberhelman, Richard; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan (Elsevier, 2022)
    MODS, an assay for diagnosis of tuberculosis and drug-susceptibility, is based in the microscopic observation of the characteristic cords of Mycobacterium tuberculosis colonies grown in liquid media. An inverted optical ...
  • Alva, Alicia; Cangalaya, Carla; Quiliano, Miguel; Krebs, Casey; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Sheen Cortavarria, Patricia; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan (Public Library of Science, 2017)
    Parasitic infections are generally diagnosed by professionals trained to recognize the morphological characteristics of the eggs in microscopic images of fecal smears. However, this laboratory diagnosis requires medical ...
  • Alva, Alicia; Aquino, Fredy; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Olivares, Carlos; Requena, David; Gutiérrez, Andrés H.; Caviedes, Luz; Coronel, Jorge; Larson, Sandra; Sheen Cortavarria, Patricia; Moore, David Alexander James; Zimic-Peralta, Mirko Juan (Public Library of Science, 2013)
    Tuberculosis control efforts are hampered by a mismatch in diagnostic technology: modern optimal diagnostic tests are least available in poor areas where they are needed most. Lack of adequate early diagnostics and MDR ...
  • Blakemore, R.; Nabeta, P.; Davidow, A.L.; Vadwai, V.; Tahirli, R.; Munsamy, V.; Nicol, M.; Jones, M.; Persing, D.H.; Hillemann, D.; Ruesch-Gerdes, S.; Leisegang, F.; Zamudio Fuertes, Carlos Eduardo; Rodrigues, C.; Boehme, C.C.; Perkins, M.D.; Alland, D. (American Thoracic Society, 2011)
    Rationale: The Xpert MTB/RIF is an automated molecular test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis that estimates bacterial burden by measuring the threshold-cycle (Ct) of its M. tuberculosis-specific real-time polymerase chain ...
  • Horning, Matthew P.; Delahunt, Charles B.; Bachman, Christine M.; Luchavez, Jennifer; Luna, Christian; Hu, Liming; Jaiswal, Mayoore S.; Thompson, Clay M.; Kulhare, Sourabh; Janko, Samantha; Wilson, Benjamin K.; Ostbye, Travis; Mehanian, Martha; Gebrehiwot, Roman; Yun, Grace; Bell, David; Proux, Stephane; Carter, Jane Y.; Oyibo, Wellington; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Dhorda, Mehul; Vongpromek, Ranitha; Chiodini, Peter L.; Ogutu, Bernhards; Long, Earl G.; Tun, Kyaw; Burkot, Thomas R.; Lilley, Ken; Mehanian, Courosh (BioMed Central, 2021)
    BACKGROUND: Manual microscopy remains a widely-used tool for malaria diagnosis and clinical studies, but it has inconsistent quality in the field due to variability in training and field practices. Automated diagnostic ...
  • Maltha, J.; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Bendezu, J.; Sanchez, L.; Cnops, L.; Gillet, P.; Jacobs, J. (Public Library of Science, 2012)
    Background: In the Peruvian Amazon, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria are endemic in rural areas, where microscopy is not available. Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) provide quick and accurate diagnosis. ...
  • Cabada, Miguel M.; Malaga, Jose L.; Castellanos-Gonzalez, Alejandro; Bagwell, Kelli A.; Naeger, Patrick A.; Rogers, Hayley K.; Maharsi, Safa; Mbaka, Maryann; White, A. Clinton Jr (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2017)
    Fasciola hepatica is the most widely distributed trematode infection in the world. Control efforts may be hindered by the lack of diagnostic capacity especially in remote endemic areas. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based ...
  • Trollip, A. P.; Moore, David Alexander James; Coronel, J.; Caviedes, L.; Klages, S.; Victor, T.; Romancenco, E.; Crudu, V.; Ajbani, K.; Vineet, V. P.; Rodrigues, C.; Jackson, R. L.; Eisenach, K.; Garfein, R. S.; Rodwell, T. C.; Desmond, E.; Groessl, E. J.; Ganiats, T. G.; Catanzaro, A. (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2014)
    OBJECTIVE: To establish breakpoint concentrations for the fluoroquinolones (moxifloxacin [MFX] and ofloxacin [OFX]) and injectable second-line drugs (amikacin [AMK], kanamycin [KM] and capreomycin [CPM]) using the microscopic ...
  • Datta, Sumona; Sherman, Jonathan M.; Tovar, Marco A.; Bravard, Marjory A.; Valencia, Teresa; Montoya, Rosario; Quino, Willi; D'Arcy, Nikki; Ramos, Eric S.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Evans, Carlton Anthony William (Oxford University Press, 2017)
    Background: Sputum from patients with tuberculosis contains subpopulations of metabolically active and inactive Mycobacterium tuberculosis with unknown implications for infectiousness. Methods: We assessed sputum microscopy ...

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