Listar por tema "Naegleria fowleri"

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  • Machaca Mendez, Issela Milagros (Universidad Peruana Cayetano HerediaPE, 2019)
    Las amebas de vida libre son parásitos protozoarios ambientales que producen infecciones del sistema nervioso central (SNC) de curso agudo, subagudo o crónico y generalmente con desenlace fatal. Las especies de amebas de ...
  • Seas Ramos, Carlos Rafael; Legua, P. (Springer, 2022)
    Purpose of Review: To asses recent advances in our understanding of the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of infections caused by free-living amoebas Recent Findings: The burden of disease by ...
  • Cabello Vílchez, Alfonso Martín (Cuerpo Médico del HNAAA, 2023)
    Free-living amoebae (FLA) are microbial entities that are capable of causing disease in humans and animals. Naegleria fowleri is one of the three free-living amoebae that are pathogenic to humans; it has been identified ...
  • García Lescano, Héctor Hugo; Nath, Avindra; Del Brutto, Oscar H. (Thieme Gruppe, 2019)
    Parasitic infections of the central nervous system are much more common than suspected, although most infections are asymptomatic. For example, parasites like the ubiquitous protozoa Toxoplasma gondii or the nematode larvae ...

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