Listar por tema "age"

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  • Romanello, M.; McGushin, A.; Di Napoli, C.; Drummond, P.; Hughes, N.; Jamart, L.; Kennard, H.; Lampard, P.; Solano Rodriguez, B.; Arnell, N.; Ayeb-Karlsson, S.; Belesova, K.; Cai, W.; Campbell-Lendrum, D.; Capstick, S.; Chambers, J.; Chu, L.; Ciampi, L.; Dalin, C.; Dasandi, N.; Dasgupta, S.; Davies, M.; Dominguez-Salas, P.; Dubrow, R.; Ebi, K.L.; Eckelman, M.; Ekins, P.; Escobar, L.E.; Georgeson, L.; Grace, D.; Graham, H.; Gunther, S.H.; Hartinger Peña, Stella Maria; He, K.; Heaviside, C.; Hess, J.; Hsu, S.-C.; Jankin, S.; Jimenez, M.P.; Kelman, I.; Kiesewetter, G.; Kinney, P.L.; Kjellstrom, T.; Kniveton, D.; Lee, J.K.W.; Lemke, B.; Liu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Lott, M.; Lowe, R.; Martinez-Urtaza, J.; Maslin, M.; McAllister, L.; McMichael, C.; Mi, Z.; Milner, J.; Minor, K.; Mohajeri, N.; Moradi-Lakeh, M.; Morrissey, K.; Munzert, S.; Murray, K.A.; Neville, T.; Nilsson, M.; Obradovich, N.; Sewe, M.O.; Oreszczyn, T.; Otto, M.; Owfi, F.; Pearman, O.; Pencheon, D.; Rabbaniha, M.; Robinson, E.; Rocklöv, J.; Salas, R.N.; Semenza, J.C.; Sherman, J.; Shi, L.; Springmann, M.; Tabatabaei, M.; Taylor, J.; Trinanes, J.; Shumake-Guillemot, J.; Vu, B.; Wagner, F.; Wilkinson, P.; Winning, M.; Yglesias, M.; Zhang, S.; Gong, P.; Montgomery, H.; Costello, A.; Hamilton, I. (Elsevier, 2021)
    The Lancet Countdown is an international collaboration that independently monitors the health consequences of a changing climate. Publishing updated, new, and improved indicators each year, the Lancet Countdown represents ...
  • Miranda, J. Jaime; Bernabé Ortiz, Antonio; Stanojevic, S.; Málaga Rodríguez, Germán Javier; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Smeeth, L. (Public Library of Science, 2011)
    Objectives: To determine the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, in three groups of Peruvian adults, using fasting glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C). Methodology/Principal Findings: This study included adults ...
  • Gonzales Rengifo, Gustavo Francisco; Tapia Aguirre, Vilma Lucrecia; Vásquez-Velásquez, Cinthya (Wiley, 2020)
    According to the World Health Organization, the cutoff hemoglobin (Hb) value for defining anemia is 11 g/dL in preschool-aged children, and Hb measurements should be corrected above an altitude of 1000 meters. This study ...
  • Painschab, Matthew S.; Davila-Roman, Victor G.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Vasquez-Villar, Angel D.; Pollard, Suzanne L.; Wise, Robert A.; Miranda, J. Jaime; Checkley, William (BMJ Publishing Group, 2013)
    Background Biomass fuels are used for cooking in the majority of rural households worldwide. While their use is associated with an increased risk of lung diseases and all-cause mortality, the effects on cardiovascular ...
  • Wolff, M.; Shepherd, B.E.; Cortés, C.; Rebeiro, P.; Cesar, C.; Wagner Cardoso, S.; Pape, J.W.; Padgett, D.; Sierra-Madero, J.; Echevarria Zarate, Juan Ignacio; McGowan, C.C.; CCASAnet (Wolters Kluwer Health, 2016)
    Background: HIV-infected persons in resource-limited settings may experience high rates of antiretroviral therapy (ART) change, particularly because of toxicity or other nonfailure reasons. Few reports address patient ...
  • Caffrey, Deirdre; Miranda, J. Jaime; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Davila-Roman, Victor G.; Cabrera, Lilia; Dowling, Russell; Stewart, Talia; Bernabé Ortiz, Antonio; Wise, Robert; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Checkley, William; CRONICAS Cohort (BioMed Central, 2014)
    Background: We sought to determine if adult residents living at high altitude have developed sufficient adaptation to a hypoxic environment to match the functional capacity of a similar population at sea level. To test ...
  • Allan-Blitz, Lao-Tzu; Konda, Kelika A.; Vargas Rivera, Silver Keith; Wang, Xiaoyan; Segura, Eddy R.; Fazio, Boris M.; Calvo, Gino M.; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando; Klausner, Jeffrey D. (CSIRO Publishing, 2018)
    Background: Syphilis incidence worldwide has rebounded since 2000, particularly among men who have sex with men (MSM). A predictive model for syphilis infection may inform prevention counselling and use of chemoprophylaxis. ...
  • Danaei, G.; Fahimi, S.; Lu, Y.; Zhou, B.; Hajifathalian, K.; Cesare, M.D.; Lo, W.-C.; Reis-Santos, B.; Cowan, M.J.; Shaw, J.E.; Bentham, J.; Lin, J.K.; Bixby, H.; Magliano, D.; Bovet, P.; Miranda, J. Jaime; Khang, Y.-H.; Stevens, G.A.; Riley, L.M.; Ali, M.K.; Ezzati, M.; Kadir, K.A.; Abu-Rmeileh, N.M.; Acosta-Cazares, B.; Aekplakorn, W.; Aguilar-Salinas, C.A.; Ahmadvand, A.; Nsour, M.A.; Alkerwi, A.; Amouyel, P.; Andersen, L.B.; Anderssen, S.A.; Andrade, Dolores S.; Anjana, R.M.; Aounallah-Skhiri, H.; Aris, T.; Arlappa, N.; Arveiler, D.; Assah, F.K.; Avdicová, M.; Balakrishna, N.; Bandosz, P.; Barbagallo, C.M.; Alberto Barceló; Batieha, A.M.; Baur, L.A.; Romdhane, H.B.; Bernabé Ortiz, Antonio; Bhargava, S.K.; Bi, Y.; Bjerregaard, P.; Björkelund, C.; Blake, M.; Blokstra, A.; Bo, S.; Boehm, B.O.; Boissonnet, C.P.; Brajkovich, I.; Breckenkamp, J.; Brewster, L.M.; Brian, G.R.; Bruno, G.; Bugge, A.; de León, A.C.; Can, G.; Cândido, A.P.C.; Capuano, V.; Carvalho, M.J.; Casanueva, F.F.; Caserta, C.A.; Castetbon, K.; Chamukuttan, S.; Chaturvedi, N.; Chen, C.J.; Chen, F.; Chen, S.; Cheng, C.-Y.; Chetrit, A.; Chiou, S.-T.; Cho, Y.; Chudek, J.; Cifkova, R.; Claessens, F.; Concin, H.; Cooper, C.; Cooper, R.; Costanzo, S.; Cottel, D.; Cowell, C.; Crujeiras, A.B.; D'Arrigo, G.; Dallongeville, J.; Dankner, R.; Dauchet, L.; de Gaetano, G.; de Henauw, S.; Deepa, M.; Dehghan, A.; Dhana, K.; Di Castelnuovo, A.F.; Djalalinia, S.; Doua, K.; Drygas, W.; Du, Y.; Egbagbe, E.E.; Eggertsen, R.; Ati, J.E.; Elosua, R.; Erasmus, R.T.; Erem, C.; Ergor, G.; Eriksen, L.; Escobedo-de la Peña, J.; Fall, C.H.; Farzadfar, F.; Felix-Redondo, F.J.; Ferguson, T.S.; Fernández-Bergés, D.; Ferrari, M.; Ferreccio, C.; Finn, J.D.; Föger, B.; Foo, L.H.; Fouad, H.M.; Francis, D.K.; do Carmo Franco, M.; Franco, O.H.; Frontera, G.; Furusawa, T.; Gaciong, Z.; Galbarczyk, A.; Garnett, S.P.; Gaspoz, J.-M.; Gasull, M.; Gates, L.; Geleijnse, J.M.; Ghasemain, A.; Giampaoli, S.; Gianfagna, F.; Giovannelli, J.; Gross, M.G.; González Rivas, J.P.; Gorbea, M.B.; Gottrand, F.; Grant, J.F.; Grodzicki, T.; Grøntved, A.; Gruden, G.; Gu, D.; Guan, O.P.; Guerrero, R.; Guessous, I.; Guimaraes, A.L.; Gutierrez, L.; Hardy, R.; Kumar, R.H.; He, J.; Heidemann, C.; Hihtaniemi, I.T.; Ho, S.Y.; Ho, S.C.; Hofman, A.; Russo Horimoto, A.R.V.; Hormiga, C.M.; Horta, B.L.; Houti, L.; Hussieni, A.S.; Huybrechts, I.; Hwalla, N.; Iacoviello, L.; Iannone, A.G.; Ibrahim, M.M.; Ikeda, N.; Ikram, A.M.; Irazola, V.E.; Islam, M.; Iwasaki, M.; Jacobs, J.M.; Jafar, T.; Jasienska, G.; Jiang, C.Q.; Jonas, J.B.; Joshi, P.; Kafatos, A.; Kalter-Leibovici, O.; Kasaeian, A.; Katz, J.; Kaur, P.; Kavousi, M.; Kelishadi, R.; Kengne, A.P.; Kersting, M.; Khader, Y.S.; Kiechl, S.; Kim, J.; Kiyohara, Y.; Kolsteren, P.; Korrovits, P.; Koskinen, S.; Kratzer, W.; Kromhout, D.; Kula, K.; Kurjata, P.; Kyobutungi, C.; Lachat, C.; Laid, Y.; Lam, T.H.; Landrove, O.; Lanska, V.; Lappas, G.; Laxmaiah, A.; Leclercq, C.; Lee, J.; Lee, J.; Lehtimäki, T.; Rampal, L.; León-Muñoz, L.M.; Li, Y.; Lim, W.-Y.; Fernanda Lima-Costa, M.; Lin, H.-H.; Lin, X.; Lissner, L.; Lorbeer, R.; Lozano, J.E.; Lundqvist, A.; Lytsy, P.; Ma, G.; Machado-Coelho, G.L.L.; Machi, S.; Maggi, S.; Makdisse, M.; Rao, K.M.; Manios, Y.; Manzato, E.; Margozzini, P.; Marques-Vidal, P.; Martorell, R.; Masoodi, S.R.; Matsha, T.E.; Mbanya, J.C.N.; McFarlane, S.R.; McGarvey, S.T.; McLachlan, S.; McNulty, B.A.; Mediene-Benchekor, S.; Meirhaeghe, A.; Menezes, A.M.B.; Merat, S.; Meshram, I.I.; Mi, J.; Miquel, J.F.; Mohamed, M.K.; Mohammad, K.; Mohan, V.; Yusoff, M.F.M.; Moller, N.C.; Molnar, D.; Mondo, C.K.; Moreno, L.A.; Morgan, K.; Moschonis, G.; Mossakowska, M.; Mostafa, A.; Mota, J.; Muiesan, M.L.; Müller-Nurasyid, M.; Mursu, J.; Nagel, G.; Namesna, J.; Nang, E.E.K.; Nangia, V.B.; Navarrete-Muñoz, E.M.; Ndiaye, N.C.; Nervi, F.; Nguyen, N.D.; Nieto-Martínez, R.E.; Ning, G.; Ninomiya, T.; Noale, M.; Noto, D.; Ochoa-Avilés, A.M.; Oh, K.; Onat, A.; Osmond, C.; Otero, J.A.; Palmieri, L.; Panda-Jonas, S.; Panza, F.; Parsaeian, M.; Peixoto, S.V.; Pereira, A.C.; Peters, A.; Peykari, N.; Pilav, A.; Pitakaka, F.; Piwonska, A.; Piwonski, J.; Plans-Rubió, P.; Porta, M.; Portegies, M.L.P.; Poustchi, H.; Pradeepa, R.; Price, J.F.; Punab, M.; Qasrawi, R.F.; Qorbani, M.; Raitakari, O.; Rao, S.R.; Ramachandran, A.; Ramos, R.; Rampal, S.; Rathmann, W.; Redon, J.; Reganit, P.F.M.; Rigo, F.; Robinson, S.M.; Robitaille, C.; Rodríguez, L.A.; Rodríguez-Artalejo, F.; Rodriguez-Perez, M.D.C.; Rojas-Martinez, R.; Romaguera, D.; Rosengren, A.; Rubinstein, A.; Rui, O.; Ruiz-Betancourt, B.S.; Rutkowski, M.; Sabanayagam, C.; Sachdev, H.S.; Saidi, O.; Sakarya, S.; Salanave, B.; Salonen, J.T.; Salvetti, M.; Sánchez-Abanto, J.; dos Santos, R.N.; Santos, R.; Sardinha, L.B.; Scazufca, M.; Schargrodsky, H.; Scheidt-Nave, C.; Shibuya, K.; Shin, Y.; Shiri, R.; Siantar, R.; Sibai, A.M.; Simon, M.; Simons, J.; Simons, L.A.; Sjostrom, M.; Slowikowska-Hilczer, J.; Slusarczyk, P.; Smeeth, L.; Snijder, M.B.; Solfrizzi, V.; Sonestedt, E.; Soumare, A.; Staessen, J.A.; Steene-Johannessen, J.; Stehle, P.; Stein, A.D.; Stessman, J.; Stöckl, D.; Stokwiszewski, J.; Strufaldi, M.W.; Sun, C.-A.; Sundström, J.; Suriyawongpaisal, P.; Sy, R.G.; Tai, E.S.; Tarawneh, M.; Tarqui-Mamani, C.B.; Thijs, L.; Tolstrup, J.S.; Topbas, M.; Torrent, M.; Traissac, P.; Trinh, O.T.H.; Tulloch-Reid, M.K.; Tuomainen, T.-P.; Turley, M.L.; Tzourio, C.; Ueda, P.; Ukoli, F.M.; Ulmer, H.; Valdivia, G.; van Valkengoed, I.G.M.; Vanderschueren, D.; Vanuzzo, D.; Vega, T.; Velasquez-Melendez, G.; Veronesi, G.; Verschuren, M.; Vioque, J.; Virtanen, J.; Visvikis-Siest, S.; Viswanathan, B.; Vollenweider, P.; Voutilainen, S.; Wade, A.N.; Wagner, A.; Walton, J.; Mohamud, W.N.W.; Wang, M.-D.; Wang, Y.X.; Wannamethee, S.G.; Weerasekera, D.; Whincup, P.H.; Widhalm, K.; Wiecek, A.; Wilks, R.J.; Willeit, J.; Wojtyniak, B.; Wong, T.Y.; Woo, J.; Woodward, M.; Wu, A.G.; Wu, F.C.; Wu, S.L.; Xu, H.; Yang, X.; Ye, X.; Yoshihara, A.; Younger-Coleman, N.O.; Zambon, S.; Zargar, A.H.; Zdrojewski, T.; Zhao, W.; Zheng, Y. (Elsevier, 2015)
    Background: Diabetes has been defined on the basis of different biomarkers, including fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 2-h plasma glucose in an oral glucose tolerance test (2hOGTT), and HbA1c. We assessed the effect of different ...
  • Bennett, A.; Epstein, L.D.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Cama, V.; Bern, C.; Cabrera, L.; Lescano Guevara, Andres Guillermo; Patz, J.; Cárcamo Cavagnaro, César Paul Eugenio; Sterling, C.R.; Checkley, W. (American Public Health Association, 2012)
    Objectives: To improve our understanding of climate variability and diarrheal disease at the community level and inform predictions for future climate change scenarios, we examined whether the El Niño climate pattern is ...
  • Pons-Estel, Guillermo J.; Ugarte Gil, Manuel Francisco; Alarcón, Graciela S. (Taylor and Francis, 2017)
    INTRODUCTION: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a disease distributed worldwide, which occurs in both genders, and across racial/ethnic and age groups; however, higher rates are observed in adults, in women and in ...
  • Galea, J.T.; Kinsler, J.J.; Galan, D.B.; Calvo, G.; Sánchez, H.; León Sandoval, Segundo Ramos; Klausner, J.D.; Brown, B. (Wolters Kluwer Health, 2015)
    Background: Visible, anogenital warts may be associated with risk factors for HIV infection. This cross-sectional study examined the factors associated with visible anogenital warts among HIV-uninfected Peruvian men who ...
  • Hunter, G.C.; Borrini-Mayorí, K.; Ancca Juárez, J.; Castillo Neyra, Ricardo; Verastegui Pimentel, Manuela Renee; Malaga Chavez, F.S.; del Cornejo Carpio, J.G.; Córdova Benzaquen, E.; Naquira Velarde, Cesar Gabriel; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Bern, C.; Levy, M.Z. (Public Library of Science, 2012)
    Background: Chagas disease is endemic in the rural areas of southern Peru and a growing urban problem in the regional capital of Arequipa, population ~860,000. It is unclear how to implement cost-effective screening programs ...
  • Jaganath, Devan; Saito, Mayuko; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Queiroz, Dulciene M.M.; Rocha, Gifone A.; Cama, Vitaliano; Cabrera, Lilia; Kelleher, Dermot; Windle, HenryJ.; Crabtree, Jean E.; Checkley, William (Wiley, 2014)
    Background: In endemic settings, Helicobacter pylori infection can occur shortly after birth and may be associated with a reduction in childhood growth. Materials and Methods: This study investigated what factors promote ...
  • Carmona, E.; Sandoval, S.; García Apac, Coralith Marlinda (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2012)
    Objectives. To determine the frequency and associated factors of nasal colonization by Staphylococcus aureus and its antibiotic susceptibility pattern in a marginal suburban population Lima, Peru. Materials and methods. A ...
  • Bernabé Ortiz, Antonio; Cárcamo Cavagnaro, César Paul Eugenio; Scott, J.; Hughes, J.; Garcia Funegra, Patricia Jannet; Holmes, K. (BMJ Publishing Group, 2011)
    Introduction Data on hepatitis B virus (HBV) are limited in developing countries. The study goal was to evaluate the prevalence and factors associated with HBV infection in Peru, highlighting its relationship with consistent ...
  • Bernabé Ortiz, Antonio; Cárcamo Cavagnaro, César Paul Eugenio; Scott, John D.; Hughes, James P.; Garcia Funegra, Patricia Jannet; Holmes, King K. (Public Library of Science, 2011)
    Background: Data on hepatitis B virus (HBV) prevalence are limited in developing countries. There is also limited information of consistent condom use efficacy for reducing HBV transmission at the population level. The ...
  • Ugarte Gil, Manuel Francisco; Gonzalez, L. A.; Alarcón, Graciela S. (SAGE Publications, 2019)
    Is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is occurring more frequently now than in decades past? Despite improvements in the identification of patients with SLE, the development of new classification criteria, and the recognition ...
  • Abanto, Jesús; Blanco, D.; Saavedra Pastor, Herbert; Gonzales, Isidro; Siu, Diego; Pretell, E. Javier; Bustos Palomino, Javier Arturo; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo; Cysticercosis Working Group in Peru (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2021)
    Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is endemic in many parts of the world, carrying significant neurological morbidity that varies according to whether lesions are located inside the cerebral parenchyma or in extraparenchymal spaces. ...
  • González, Luis Alonso; Santamaría-Alza, Yeison; Alarcón, Graciela S. (Elsevier, 2021)
    Damage reflects the irreversible changes that occur in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients as a consequence of the disease, its treatment or comorbidities. The pattern of damage increases in a steady linear fashion ...
  • Huangfu, P.; Laurence, Y.V.; Alisjahbana, B.; Ugarte Gil, Cesar Augusto; Riza, A.-L.; Walzl, G.; Ruslami, R.; Moore, David Alexander James; Ioana, M.; McAllister, S.; Ronacher, K.; Koesoemadinata, R.C.; Grint, D.; Kerry, S.; Coronel, J.; Malherbe, S.T.; Griffiths, U.; Dockrell, H.M.; Hill, P.C.; Van Crevel, R.; Pearson, F.; Critchley, J.A. (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2019)
    BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is common among tuberculosis (TB) patients and often undiagnosed or poorly controlled. We compared point of care (POC) with laboratory glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) testing among newly ...

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