Listar por tema "alcoholism"

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  • Scott, Kate M.; Alonso, Jordi; de Jonge, Peter; Viana, Maria Carmen; Liu, Zhaorui; O'Neill, Siobhan; Aguilar-Gaxiola, Sergio; Bruffaerts, Ronny; Caldas-de-Almeida, Jose Miguel; Stein, Dan J.; Angermeyer, Matthias; Benjet, Corina; de Girolamo, Giovanni; Firuleasa, Ingrid-Laura; Hu, Chiyi; Kiejna, Andrzej; Kovess-Masfety, Viviane; Levinson, Daphna; Nakane, Yoshibumi; Piazza Ferrand, Marina Julia; Posada-Villa, José A.; Khalaf, Mohammad S.; Lim, Carmen C.W.; Kessler, Ronald C. (Elsevier, 2013)
    Recent research demonstrating concurrent associations between mental disorders and peptic ulcers has renewed interest in links between psychological factors and ulcers. However, little is known about associations between ...
  • Bruffaerts, R.; Demyttenaere, K.; Kessler, R.C.; Tachimori, H.; Bunting, B.; Hu, C.; Florescu, S.; Haro, J.M.; Lim, C.C.W.; Kovess-Masfety, V.; Levinson, D.; Medina Mora, M.E.; Piazza Ferrand, Marina Julia; Piotrowski, P.; Posada-Villa, J.; Salih Khalaf, M.; ten Have, M.; Xavier, M.; Scott, K.M. (Elsevier, 2015)
    Although there is a significant association between preexisting depression and later onset of chronic headache, the extent to which other preexisting mental disorders are associated with subsequent onset of headache in the ...
  • Cabada, M.M.; Mozo, K.; Pantenburg, B.; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo (Elsevier, 2011)
    The risks associated with alcohol intoxication are rarely discussed during pre-travel counselling. However, alcohol immoderation abroad may increase the exposure to health risks. Few studies have addressed alcohol consumption ...
  • Fiestas, F.; Ponce, J.; Gallo López-Aliaga, Carla Maria; Bustamante Chavez, Ines Veronica; Ordóñez, C.; Mazzotti, G. (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2011)
    Objectives. To assess the predictive effect of key individual-level characteristics to identify cases of alcohol use problems among patients visiting an emergency room. Materials and methods. The study sample was composed ...
  • Correction Collins, P.Y.; Patel, V.; Joestl, S.S.; March, D.; Insel, T.R.; Daar, A.S.; Bordin, I.A.; Costello, E.J.; Durkin, M.; Fairburn, C.; Glass, R.I.; Hall, W.; Huang, Y.; Hyman, S.E.; Jamison, K.; Kaaya, S.; Kapur, S.; Kleinman, A.; Ogunniyi, A.; Otero-Ojeda, A.; Poo, M.-M.; Ravindranath, V.; Sahakian, B.J.; Saxena, S.; Singer, P.A.; Stein, D.J.; Anderson, W.; Dhansay, M.A.; Ewart, W.; Phillips, A.; Shurin, S.; Walport, M.; Scientific Advisory Board and the Executive Committee of the Grand Challenges on Global Mental Health (Springer Nature, 2011)
    A consortium of researchers, advocates and clinicians announces here research priorities for improving the lives of people with mental illness around the world, and calls for urgent action and investment. Schizophrenia, ...

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