Listar por tema "antigen detection"

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  • Bustos Palomino, Javier Arturo; Rodriguez, Silvia; Jimenez, Juan A.; Moyano, Luz M.; Castillo Berrios, Yesenia; Ayvar, Viterbo; Allan, James C.; Craig, Philip S.; Gonzalez Zariquiey, Armando Emiliano; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Tsang, Victor C. W.; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo (American Society for Microbiology, 2012)
    Taenia solium causes taeniasis and cysticercosis, a zoonotic complex associated with a significant burden of epilepsy in most countries. Reliable diagnosis and efficacious treatment of taeniasis are needed for disease ...
  • Valero, M.A.; Periago, M.V.; Pérez-Crespo, I.; Angles, R.; Villegas, F.; Aguirre, C.; Strauss, W.; Espinoza, J.R.; Herrera Velit, Rosa Patricia; Terashima, A.; Tamayo, H.; Engels, D.; Gabrielli, A.F.; Mas-Coma, S. (Public Library of Science, 2012)
    Background: Emergence of human fascioliasis prompted a worldwide control initiative including a pilot study in a few countries. Two hyperendemic areas were chosen: Huacullani, Northern Altiplano, Bolivia, representing the ...
  • Zea-Vera, Alonsa; Cordova, Erika G.; Rodriguez, Silvia; Gonzales, Isidro; Pretell, E.Javier; Castillo Berrios, Yesenia; Castro-Suarez, Sheila; Gabriël, Sarah; Tsang, Victor C.W.; Dorny, Pierre; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo (Oxford University Press, 2013)
    Computed tomography (CT) remains the standard neuroimaging screening exam for neurocysticercosis, and residual brain calcifications are the commonest finding. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is more sensitive than CT but ...
  • Gilman, Robert Hugh; Gonzalez Zariquiey, Armando Emiliano; Llanos Zavalaga, Luis Fernando; Tsang, V.C.W.; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo (Taylor and Francis, 2012)
    Taenia solium is endemic in most of the world, causing seizures and other neurological symptoms. Transmission is mainly maintained in rural areas by a human to pig cycle. Despite claims on its eradicability, sustainable ...
  • McCarthy, J.S.; Lustigman, S.; Yang, G.-J.; Barakat, R.M.; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo; Sripa, B.; Willingham, A.L.; Prichard, R.K.; Basáñez, M.-G. (Public Library of Science, 2012)
    Diagnostic tools appropriate for undertaking interventions to control helminth infections are key to their success. Many diagnostic tests for helminth infection have unsatisfactory performance characteristics and are not ...

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