Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Listar por tema "clinical decision making"

Listar por tema "clinical decision making"

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  • Sun, Q.; McMahon, D.E.; Ugwu-Dike, P.O.; Sun, Q.; Tang, K.; Zhang, H.; Suchonwanit, P.; Oh, C.C.; Chong, A.H.; Willems, A.; Galván, C.; Dodiuk-Gad, R.P.; Fantini, F.; Recalcati, S.; Avancini, J.; Miyamoto, D.; Sanches, J.A.; Raboobee, N.; Bravo Puccio, Francisco Gerardo; Freeman, E.E. (Elsevier, 2021)
    When cases of a mysterious pneumonia debuted in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, in early December 2019, few people could have anticipated the outbreak’s trajectory. Within 2 weeks, scientists identified the responsible ...
  • Zena-Huancas, P.; Leon-Jimenez, F.; Bryce-Alberti, M.; Portmann Baracco, Arianna Sibila (Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021)
    Based on the pathophysiological characterization of COVID-19, initial studies suggested the use of tocilizumab (TCZ), a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody of the immunoglobulin G1 class, for management of the cytokine ...

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