Listar por tema "disease transmission"

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  • Watts, Nick; Amann, Markus; Arnell, Nigel; Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja; Belesova, Kristine; Berry, Helen; Bouley, Timothy; Boykoff, Maxwell; Byass, Peter; Cai, Wenjia; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Chambers, Jonathan; Daly, Meaghan; Dasandi, Niheer; Davies, Michael; Depoux, Anneliese; Dominguez-Salas, Paula; Drummond, Paul; Ebi, Kristie L.; Ekins, Paul; Fernandez Montoya, Lucia; Fischer, Helen; Georgeson, Lucien; Grace, Delia; Graham, Hilary; Hamilton, Ian; Hartinger Peña, Stella Maria; Hess, Jeremy; Kelman, Ilan; Kiesewetter, Gregor; Kjellstrom, Tord; Kniveton, Dominic; Lemke, Bruno; Liang, Lu; Lott, Melissa; Lowe, Rachel; Sewe, Maquins Odhiambo; Martinez-Urtaza, Jaime; Maslin, Mark; McAllister, Lucy; Mikhaylov, Slava Jankin; Milner, James; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Morrissey, Karyn; Murray, Kris; Nilsson, Maria; Neville, Tara; Oreszczyn, Tadj; Owfi, Fereidoon; Pearman, Olivia; Pencheon, David; Pye, Steve; Rabbaniha, Mahnaz; Robinson, Elizabeth; Rocklöv, Joacim; Saxer, Olivia; Schütte, Stefanie; Semenza, Jan C.; Shumake-Guillemot, Joy; Steinbach, Rebecca; Tabatabaei, Meisam; Tomei, Julia; Trinanes, Joaquin; Wheeler, Nicola; Wilkinson, Paul; Gong, Peng; Montgomery, Hugh; Costello, Anthony (Elsevier, 2018)
    The Lancet Countdown: tracking progress on health and climate change was established to provide an independent, global monitoring system dedicated to tracking the health dimensions of the impacts of, and the response to, ...
  • Watts, Nick; Amann, Markus; Arnell, Nigel; Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja; Belesova, Kristine; Boykoff, Maxwell; Byass, Peter; Cai, Wenjia; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Capstick, Stuart; Chambers, Jonathan; Dalin, Carole; Daly, Meaghan; Dasandi, Niheer; Davies, Michael; Drummond, Paul; Dubrow, Robert; Ebi, Kristie L.; Eckelman, Matthew; Ekins, Paul; Escobar, Luis E.; Fernandez Montoya, Lucia; Georgeson, Lucien; Graham, Hilary; Haggar, Paul; Hamilton, Ian; Hartinger Peña, Stella Maria; Hess, Jeremy; Kelman, Ilan; Kiesewetter, Gregor; Kjellstrom, Tord; Kniveton, Dominic; Lemke, Bruno; Liu, Yang; Lott, Melissa; Lowe, Rachel; Sewe, Maquins Odhiambo; Martinez-Urtaza, Jaime; Maslin, Mark; McAllister, Lucy; McGushin, Alice; Jankin Mikhaylov, Slava; Milner, James; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Morrissey, Karyn; Murray, Kris; Munzert, Simon; Nilsson, Maria; Neville, Tara; Oreszczyn, Tadj; Owfi, Fereidoon; Pearman, Olivia; Pencheon, David; Phung, Dung; Pye, Steve; Quinn, Ruth; Rabbaniha, Mahnaz; Robinson, Elizabeth; Rocklov, Joacim; Semenza, Jan C.; Sherman, Jodi; Shumake-Guillemot, Joy; Tabatabaei, Meisam; Taylor, Jonathon; Trinanes, Joaquin; Wilkinson, Paul; Costello, Anthony; Gong, Peng; Montgomery, Hugh (Elsevier, 2019)
    The Lancet Countdown is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration, dedicated to monitoring the evolving health profile of climate change, and providing an independent assessment of the delivery of commitments made ...
  • da Silva-Nunes, M.; Moreno, M.; Conn, J.E.; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Abeles, S.; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Ferreira, M.U. (Elsevier, 2012)
    Across the Americas and the Caribbean, nearly 561,000 slide-confirmed malaria infections were reported officially in 2008. The nine Amazonian countries accounted for 89% of these infections; Brazil and Peru alone contributed ...
  • Villasis Mayuri, Elizabeth Melisa; Lopez-Perez, M.; Torres Fajardo, Katherine Jessica; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza; Neyra, V.; Bendezu, J.; Tricoche, N.; Lobo, C.; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Lustigman, S. (BioMed Central, 2012)
    Background: Erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum is a complex process that involves two families; Erythrocyte Binding-Like (EBL) and the Reticulocyte Binding-Like (PfRh) proteins. Antibodies that inhibit merozoite ...
  • Calderon-Anyosa, R.; Ponce, O.J.; Carlos Tapia-Tapia, J.; Garcia Funegra, Patricia Jannet (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2012)
    La sífilis es una infección prevenible que continúa siendo una amenaza global a la salud ya que causa alrededor de 12 millones de infecciones cada año. Su transmisión es predominantemente sexual y sus manifestaciones son ...
  • Cornejo-Olivas, M.R.; Inca-Martinez, M.A.; Espinoza Huertas, Keren Antonieta; Veliz-Otani, D.; Velit-Salazar, M.R.; Marca, V.; Ortega, O.; Cornejo-Herrera, I.F.; Lindo-Samanamud, S.; Mora-Alferez, P.; Mazzetti, P. (IOS Press, 2015)
    Background: Late onset cases of Huntington disease (HD), with onset ≥60 years, account for up to 20% of HD cases worldwide. Clinical features include mild motor dysfunction with slow progression and cognitive impairment, ...
  • Delgado, Stephen; Ernst, Kacey C.; Pumahuanca, María Luz Hancco; Yool, Stephen R.; Comrie, Andrew C.; Sterling, Charles R.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Naquira Velarde, Cesar Gabriel; Levy, Michael Z. (BioMed Central, 2013)
    Background: Interruption of vector-borne transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi remains an unrealized Objetive: in many Latin American countries. The task of vector control is complicated by the emergence of vector insects in ...
  • Brunetti, E.; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo; Junghanss, T. (Public Library of Science, 2011)
    Cystic echinococcosis (CE), an infection with the larval form of the dog tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus, still causes serious lung and liver disease with a worldwide geographical distribution. This parasitic infection ...
  • Hussain-Alkhateeb, L.; Ramírez, T.R.; Kroeger, A.; Gozzer Infante, Ernesto Eugenio; Runge-Ranzinger, S. (Public Library of Science, 2021)
    Background Early warning systems (EWSs) are of increasing importance in the context of outbreak-prone diseases such as chikungunya, dengue, malaria, yellow fever, and Zika. A scoping review has been undertaken for all 5 ...
  • Acosta, F.; Agapito, J.; Cabibbe, A.M.; Cáceres Nakiche, Tatiana; Sola, C.; Pérez-Lago, L.; Abascal, E.; Herranz, M.; Meza, E.; Klotoe, B.; Muñoz, P.; Rossolini, G.M.; Bartoloni, A.; Tortoli, E.; Cirillo, D.M.; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; García De Viedma, D. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019)
    We performed a cross-border molecular epidemiology analysis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Peru, Spain, and Italy. This analysis revealed frequent transmission in Peru and exportation of a strain that recreated ...
  • Lalwani, P.; Araujo-Castillo, R.V.; Ganoza Gallardo, Christian Alejandro; Salgado, B.B.; Pereira Filho, I.V.; da Silva, D.S.S.; de Morais, T.B.D.N.; Jordão, M.F.; Ortiz, J.V.; Barbosa, A.R.C.; Sobrinho, W.B.S.; Cordeiro, I.B.; de Souza Neto, J.N.; de Assunção, E.N.; da Costa, C.F.; de Souza, P.E.; de Albuquerque, B.C.; Astofi-Filho, S.; Holanda, A.I.P.; Gomes, A.L.S.; França, A.P.S.D.; Monteiro, A.V.R.; Santos, A.D.P.; Teixeira, A.D.S.; Souza, A.V.S.D.; Pinheiro, B.; Santos, B.P.D.; Farias, B.P.; Paulino, B.N.; Silva, C.L.A.D.; Oliveira, C.I.F.B.D.; Martins, D.D.A.; Oliveira, E.A.D.; Carvalho, E.D.D.C.; Costa, E.F.D.; Simplicio, F.G.; Pereira, F.S.; Sinimbu, G.P.; Cardenes, G.D.O.; Silva, G.A.D.; Costa, I.S.F.D.; Correia, I.S.; Santos, I.G.C.D.; Guimarães, J.V.; Pinheiro, J.S.B.; Romana, J.C.; França, J.D.O.N.; Pinto, K.R.; Freitas, M.F.F.; Vasconcellos, M.C.D.; Moraes, M.C.; Damasceno, M.D.S.; Ruiz, M.A.; Lemos, M.M.C.D.; Picanço, N.S.; Maia, R.G.; Bezerra, R.C.; Souza, R.S.D.; Harjani, S.C.; Souza, V.B.D.; Melo, W.B.D.; Lalwani, J.D.B.; the DETECTCoV-19 Study Team (Elsevier, 2021)
    Background: The city of Manaus, Brazil, has seen two collapses of the health system due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We report anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibody seroconversion rates and associated risk factors in ...
  • Carrasco Escobar, Gabriel; Manrique, Edgar; Ruiz Cabrejos, Jorge; Saavedra Romero, Marlon Pierino; Alava, Freddy; Bickersmith, Sara; Prussing, Catharine; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Conn, Jan E.; Moreno, Marta; Gamboa Vilela, Dionicia Baziliza (Public Library of Science, 2019)
    Interest in larval source management (LSM) as an adjunct intervention to control and eliminate malaria transmission has recently increased mainly because long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spray ...
  • Waltmann, Andreea; Willcox, Alexandra C.; Balasubramanian, Sujata; Borrini Mayori, Katty; Mendoza Guerrero, Sandra; Salazar Sánchez, Renzo Sadath; Roach, Jeffrey; Condori Pino, Carlos; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Bern, Caryn; Juliano, Jonathan J.; Levy, Michael Z.; Meshnick, Steven R.; Bowman, Natalie M. (Public Library of Science, 2019)
    Triatomine vectors transmit Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease in humans. Transmission to humans typically occurs when contaminated triatomine feces come in contact with the bite site or mucosal ...
  • Delgado, S.; Neyra, R.C.; Machaca, V.R.Q.; Juárez, J.A.; Chu, L.C.; Verastegui Pimentel, Manuela Renee; Apaza, G.M.M.; Bocángel, C.D.; Tustin, A.W.; Sterling, C.R.; Comrie, A.C.; Naquira Velarde, Cesar Gabriel; del Carpio, J.G.C.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Bern, C.; Levy, M.Z. (Public Library of Science, 2011)
    Background:The history of Chagas disease control in Peru and many other nations is marked by scattered and poorly documented vector control campaigns. The complexities of human migration and sporadic control campaigns ...
  • Reyes, M.M.; Taramona, C.P.; Saire-Mendoza, M.; Gavidia, C.M.; Barron, E.; Boufana, B.; Craig, P.S.; Tello, L.; García Lescano, Héctor Hugo; Santivañez, S.J. (Public Library of Science, 2012)
    Echinococcus granulosus infections are a major public health problem in livestock-raising regions around the world. The life cycle of this tapeworm is sustained between dogs (definitive host, canine echinococcosis), and ...
  • Abeles, Shira R.; Chuquiyauri, Raul; Tong, Chuquiyauri; Vinetz, Joseph Michael (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2013)
    Infection of mosquitoes by humans is not always successful in the setting of patent gametocytemia. This study tested the hypothesis that pro- or anti-inflammatory cytokines are associated with transmission of Plasmodium ...
  • Brown, B.; Blas Blas, Magaly Marlitz; Cabral, A.; Byraiah, G.; Guerra-Giraldez, C.; Sarabia-Vega, V.; Cárcamo Cavagnaro, César Paul Eugenio; Gravitt, P.E.; Halsey, N.A. (SAGE Publications, 2012)
    Summary: Female sex workers (FSWs) are at high risk of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Questionnaires were administered to 200 FSWs aged 18-26 years in Lima, Peru, to gather risk behaviours, and cervical swab samples ...
  • Bórquez, A.; Guanira, J.V.; Revill, P.; Caballero, P.; Silva-Santisteban Portella, Alfonso Alberto; Kelly, S.; Salazar Lostaunau, Ximena; Bracamonte, P.; Minaya, P.; Hallett, T.B.; Caceres Palacios, Carlos Fernando (Elsevier, 2019)
    Background: HIV incidence remains high among transgender women in Lima, Peru, most of whom report sex work. On the basis of a stakeholder analysis and health system capacity assessment, we designed a mathematical model to ...
  • Buttenheim, A.M.; Paz-Soldan Parlette, Valerie Andrea; Barbu, C.; Skovira, C.; Caldern, J.Q.; Riveros, L.M.M.; Cornejo, J.O.; Small, D.S.; Bicchieri, C.; Naquira Velarde, Cesar Gabriel; Levy, M.Z. (BMJ Publishing Group, 2013)
    Objectives: High rates of household participation are critical to the success of door-to-door vector control campaigns. We used the Health Belief Model to assess determinants of participation, including neighbour participation ...
  • Ugarte Gil, Cesar Augusto; Ponce, Mario; Zamudio Fuertes, Carlos Eduardo; Canaza, Luz; Samalvides Cuba, Frine; Seas Ramos, Carlos Rafael (BioMed Central, 2013)
    Background: Patients with Tuberculosis (TB) are a vulnerable group for acquiring HIV infection. Therefore, countries with a concentrated HIV epidemic and high prevalence of TB should provide adequate information about HIV ...

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