Listar por tema "erythropoietin"

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  • Sharma, S.; Gralla, J.; Ordonez, J. G.; Hurtado, M. E.; Swenson, E. R.; Schoene, R. B.; Kelly, J. P.; Callacondo, D.; Rivard, C.; Roncal-Jimenez, C.; Sirota, J.; Fuquay, R.; Jackson, B. P.; Swenson, K. E.; Johnson, R. J.; Hurtado, A.; Escudero, E. (Elsevier, 2017)
    Patients suffering from chronic mountain sickness (CMS) have excessive erythrocytosis. Low level cobalt toxicity as a likely contributor has been demonstrated in some subjects. We performed a randomized, placebo controlled ...
  • Gassmann, Max; Muckenthaler, Martina U. (American Physiological Society, 2015)
    Adequate acclimatization time to enable adjustment to hypoxic conditions is one of the most important aspects for mountaineers ascending to high altitude. Accordingly, most reviews emphasize mechanisms that cope with reduced ...
  • Painschab, M.S.; Malpartida, G.E.; Dávila-Roman, V.G.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Kolb, T.M.; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Miranda, J. Jaime; Checkley, W. (Mary Ann Liebert, 2015)
    Long-term residence at high altitude is associated with the development of chronic mountain sickness (CMS), which is characterized by excessive erythrocytosis (EE). EE occurs under chronic hypoxia, and a strongly selected ...
  • Villafuerte, Francisco C.; Macarlupú, José Luis; Anza-Ramírez, Cecilia; Corrales-Melgar, Daniela; Vizcardo-Galindo, Gustavo; Corante, Noemí; León-Velarde, Fabiola (American Physiological Society, 2014)
    Excessive erythrocytosis (EE) is the hallmark of chronic mountain sickness (CMS), a prevalent syndrome in high-altitude Andean populations. Although hypoxemia represents its underlying stimulus, why some individuals develop ...
  • Coronado Daza, J.; Martí-Carvajal, A.J.; Ariza García, A.; Rodelo Ceballos, J.; Yomayusa González, N.; Páez-Canro, C.; Loza Munarriz, Cesar Antonio; Urrútia, G. (Wiley, 2015)
    Background: Anaemia is a common complication in people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and mainly develops as a consequence of relative erythropoietin (EPO) deficiency. Anaemia develops early in the course of disease and ...
  • Singh, Rashim Pal; Grinenko, Tatyana; Ramasz, Beáta; Franke, Kristin; Lesche, Mathias; Dahl, Andreas; Gassmann, Max; Chavakis, Triantafyllos; Henry, Ian; Wielockx, Ben (Elsevier, 2018)
    The hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) compartment consists of a small pool of cells capable of replenishing all blood cells. Although it is established that the hematopoietic system is assembled as a hierarchical organization ...
  • Hurtado Arestegui, A.; Fuquay, R.; Sirota, J.; Swenson, E.R.; Schoene, R.B.; Jefferson, J.A.; Chen, W.; Yu, X.-Q.; Kelly, J.P.; Johnson, R.J.; Escudero, E. (American Society of Nephrolog, 2011)
    More than 140 million people live permanently at high altitude (>2400 m) under hypoxic conditions that challenge basic physiology. Here we present a short historical review of the populating of these regions and of evidence ...
  • Vizcardo-Galindo, G.; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Villafuerte, Francisco C. (Mary Ann Liebert, 2020)
    Background: The soluble form of the erythropoietin (Epo) receptor (sEpoR) is an endogenous antagonist of Epo. Decreasing plasma sEpoR increases free Epo, thereby increasing the availability of the hormone. In humans, ...
  • Laouafa, Sofien; Elliot-Portal, Elizabeth; Revollo, Susana; Schneider-Gasser, Edith-M.; Joseph, Vincent; Voituron, Nicolas; Gassmann, Max; Soliz, Jorge (American Physiological Society, 2016)
    The impact of cerebral erythropoietin (Epo) in the regulation of the hypercapnic ventilatory response (HcVR) is controversial. While we reported that cerebral Epo does not affect the central chemosensitivity in C57Bl6 ...
  • Díaz, Víctor; Gammella, Elena; Recalcati, Stefania; Santambrogio, Paolo; Naldi, Arianne Monge; Vogel, Johannes; Gassmann, Max; Cairo, Gaetano (Wiley, 2013)
    The liver-derived peptide hepcidin controls the balance between iron demand and iron supply. By inhibiting the iron export activity of ferroportin, hepcidin modulates iron absorption and delivery from the body's stores. ...
  • Spliethoff, Kerstin; Meier, Daniela; Aeberli, Isabelle; Gassmann, Max; Langhans, Wolfgang; Maggiorini, Marco; Lutz, Thomas .A.; Goetze, Oliver (Mary Ann Liebert, 2013)
    The diabetogenic side effects of dexamethasone should therefore be considered for AMS treatment. To examine whether reduced insulin sensitivity is predictive of AMS and how it is affected by dexamethasone at high altitude, ...
  • Dey, Soumyadeep; Cui, Zhenzhong; Gavrilova, Oksana; Zhang, Xiaojie; Gassmann, Max; Noguchi, Constance T. (American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2020)
    The blood hormone erythropoietin (EPO), upon binding to its receptor (EpoR), modulates high-fat diet-induced (HFO-induced) obesity in mice, improves glucose tolerance, and prevents white adipose tissue inflammation. ...

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