Listar por tema "health care financing"

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  • Boccia, D.; Hargreaves, J.; Lönnroth, K.; Jaramillo, E.; Weiss, J.; Uplekar, M.; Porter, J.D.H.; Evans, Carlton Anthony William (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2011)
    Objective: To quantify the impact of cash transfer and microfinance interventions on a selected list of tuberculosis (TB) risk factors and assess their potential role in supporting TB control. DATA SOURCE: Published and ...
  • García, F.; Cieza Zevallos, Javier Antonio; Flores, J.; Huapaya, J.; Obregón, A. (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2012)
    Our aim is to describe the financial implications of no effective in patient discharges from 2001- from a general hospital in lima city. For this purpose we analyzed the total amounts, cancellations and exonarations from ...
  • Rocha, C.; Montoya, R.; Zevallos, K.; Curatola, A.; Ynga, W.; Franco, J.; Fernandez, F.; Becerra, N.; Sabaduche, M.; Tovar, M.A.; Ramos, E.; Tapley, A.; Allen, N.R.; Onifade, D.A.; Acosta, C.D.; Maritz, M.; Concha, D.F.; Schumacher, S.G.; Evans, Carlton Anthony William (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2011)
    Tuberculosis (TB) affected households in impoverished shantytowns, Lima, Peru. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate socio-economic interventions for strengthening TB control by improving uptake of TB care and prevention services. DESIGN: ...
  • Carrillo Larco, Rodrigo Martín; Segura, E.R. (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2012)
    Los países latinoamericanos han adoptado un modelo de gestión en el que la población coordina con sus autoridades los planes de inversión social (1); a ello se le conoce como presupuesto participativo (PP). En el Perú, la ...
  • Loh, Lawrence C.; Ugarte Gil, Cesar Augusto; Darko, Kwame (World Health Organization, 2013)
    Objective: To assess the effectiveness of care provided by mid-level health workers. Methods: Experimental and observational studies comparing mid-level health workers and higher level health workers were identified by a ...
  • Bhugra, D.; Tasman, A.; Pathare, S.; Priebe, S.; Smith, S.; Torous, J.; Arbuckle, M.R.; Langford, A.; Alarcón, Renato D.; Chiu, H.F.K.; First, M.B.; Kay, J.; Sunkel, C.; Thapar, A.; Udomratn, P.; Baingana, F.K.; Kestel, D.; Ng, R.M.K.; Patel, A.; De Picker, L.; McKenzie, K.J.; Moussaoui, D.; Muijen, M.; Bartlett, P.; Davison, S.; Exworthy, T.; Loza, N.; Rose, D.; Torales, J.; Brown, M.; Christensen, H.; Firth, J.; Keshavan, M.; Li, A.; Onnela, J.-P.; Wykes, T.; Elkholy, H.; Kalra, G.; Lovett, K.F.; Travis, M.J.; Ventriglio, A. (Elsevier, 2017)
    Background. This Commission addresses several priority areas for psychiatry over the next decade, and into the 21st century. These represent challenges and opportunities for the profession to sustain and develop itself to ...

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