Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Listar por tema "hepatocellular carcinoma cell line"

Listar por tema "hepatocellular carcinoma cell line"

Ordenar por:Orden:Resultados:

  • LaMonte, G.M.; Orjuela-Sanchez, P.; Calla Choque, Jaeson Santos; Wang, L.T.; Li, S.; Swann, J.; Cowell, A.N.; Zou, B.Y.; Abdel-Haleem Mohamed, A.M.; Villa Galarce, Z.H.; Moreno, M.; Tong Rios, C.; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Lewis, N.; Winzeler, E.A. (Springer Nature, 2019)
    The exoerythrocytic stage of Plasmodium infection is a critical window for prophylactic intervention. Using genome-wide dual RNA sequencing of flow-sorted infected and uninfected hepatoma cells we show that the human mucosal ...

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