Listar por tema "psychotherapy"

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  • Alarcon-Ruiz, C.A.; Villarreal-Zegarra, David; Melendez-Torres, G.J.; Torres-Puente, R.; Ambrosio-Melgarejo, J.; Romero-Cabrera, A.B.; Navarro-Flores, A.; Albitres Flores, Julio Leonardo Rafael; Lindo-Cavero, A.; Huarcaya-Victoria, J. (F1000 Research, 2021)
    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been necessary to deliver mental health care using technologies (e-mental health). But there have been difficulties in its application. Quantitative systematic reviews such ...
  • Alonso, J.; Liu, Z.; Evans-Lacko, S.; Sadikova, E.; Sampson, N.; Chatterji, S.; Abdulmalik, J.; Aguilar-Gaxiola, S.; Al-Hamzawi, A.; Andrade, L.H.; Bruffaerts, R.; Cardoso, G.; Cia, A.; Florescu, S.; de Girolamo, G.; Gureje, O.; Haro, J.M.; He, Y.; de Jonge, P.; Karam, E.G.; Kawakami, N.; Kovess-Masfety, V.; Lee, S.; Levinson, D.; Medina-Mora, M.E.; Navarro-Mateu, F.; Pennell, B.E.; Piazza Ferrand, Marina Julia; Posada-Villa, J.; ten Have, M.; Zarkov, Z.; Kessler, R.C.; Thornicroft, G.; WHO World Mental Health Survey (Wiley, 2018)
    Background: Anxiety disorders are a major cause of burden of disease. Treatment gaps have been described, but a worldwide evaluation is lacking. We estimated, among individuals with a 12-month DSM-IV (where DSM is Diagnostic ...
  • Bhugra, D.; Tasman, A.; Pathare, S.; Priebe, S.; Smith, S.; Torous, J.; Arbuckle, M.R.; Langford, A.; Alarcón, Renato D.; Chiu, H.F.K.; First, M.B.; Kay, J.; Sunkel, C.; Thapar, A.; Udomratn, P.; Baingana, F.K.; Kestel, D.; Ng, R.M.K.; Patel, A.; De Picker, L.; McKenzie, K.J.; Moussaoui, D.; Muijen, M.; Bartlett, P.; Davison, S.; Exworthy, T.; Loza, N.; Rose, D.; Torales, J.; Brown, M.; Christensen, H.; Firth, J.; Keshavan, M.; Li, A.; Onnela, J.-P.; Wykes, T.; Elkholy, H.; Kalra, G.; Lovett, K.F.; Travis, M.J.; Ventriglio, A. (Elsevier, 2017)
    Background. This Commission addresses several priority areas for psychiatry over the next decade, and into the 21st century. These represent challenges and opportunities for the profession to sustain and develop itself to ...

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