Listar por tema "waist-to-hip ratio"

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  • Ruderman, Anahi; Perez, Luis O.; Adhikari, Kaustubh; Navarro, Pablo; Ramallo, Virginia; Gallo López-Aliaga, Carla Maria; Poletti, Giovanni; Bedoya, Gabriel; Bortolini, Maria C.; Acuna-Alonzo, Victor; Canizales-Quinteros, Samuel; Rothhammer, Francisco; Ruiz-Linares, Andres; Gonzalez-Jose, Rolando (Wiley, 2019)
    OBJECTIVES: This article aims to assess the contribution of genomic ancestry and socioeconomic status to obesity in a sample of admixed Latin Americans. METHODS: The study comprised 6776 adult volunteers from Brazil, Chile, ...

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