Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Listar Artículos en revistas indizadas por autor "Prutsky, Gabriela J."

Listar Artículos en revistas indizadas por autor "Prutsky, Gabriela J."

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  • Prutsky, Gabriela J.; Domecq, Juan Pablo; Erwin, Patricia J.; Briel, Matthias; Montori, Victor M.; Akl, Elie A.; Meerpohl, Jorge J.; Bassler, Dirk; Schandelmaier, Stefan; Walter, Stephen D.; Zhou, Qi; Coello, Pablo Alonso; Moja, Lorenzo; Walter, Martin; Thorlund, Kristian; Glasziou, Paul; Kunz, Regina; Ferreira-Gonzalez, Ignacio; Busse, Jason; Sun, Xin; Kristiansen, Annette; Kasenda, Benjamin; Qasim-Agha, Osama; Pagano, Genaro; Pardo-Hernandez, Hector; Urrutia, Gerard; Murad, Muhammad Hassan; Guyatt, Gordon (BioMed Central, 2013)
    Background: Randomized control trials (RCTs) stopped early for benefit (truncated RCTs) are increasingly common and, on average, overestimate the relative magnitude of benefit by approximately 30%. Investigators stop trials ...
  • Prutsky, Gabriela J.; Padhya, Dipti; Ahmed, Ahmed T.; Almasri, Jehad; Farah, Wigdan H.; Prokop, Larry J.; Murad, M. Hassan; Alsawas, Mouaz (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2021)
    CONTEXT: Unplanned PICU readmissions within 48 hours of discharge (to home or a different hospital setting) are considered a quality metric of critical care. OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine identifiable risk factors ...
  • Brito, Juan P.; Tsapas, Apostolos; Griebeler, Marcio L.; Wang, Zhen; Prutsky, Gabriela J.; Domecq, Juan Pablo; Murad, M.Hassan; Montori, Victor M. (Elsevier, 2013)
    To evaluate the quality of systematic reviews (SRs) affecting clinical practice in endocrinology.
  • Prutsky, Gabriela J.; Olivera, Emma B.; Bittar, Khaled (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2016)
    A 5-month-old Caucasian male presented to the emergency department after his primary care physician referred him for workup of noted failure to thrive (FTT) and severe global developmental delay (DD) that did not respond ...
  • Lazo Porras, María de los Ángeles; Prutsky, Gabriela J.; Barrionuevo, Patricia; Tapia, Jose Carlos; Ugarte Gil, Cesar Augusto; Ponce, Oscar J.; Acuña-Villaorduña, Ana; Domecq, Juan Pablo; De la Cruz-Luque, Celso; Prokop, Larry J.; Málaga Rodríguez, Germán Javier (BioMed Central, 2020)
    BACKGROUND: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the World Health Organization antibiotic regimen for the treatment of paucibacillary (PB) and multibacillary (MB) leprosy compared to other available regimens. METHODS: ...

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