Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Listar Artículos en revistas indizadas por autor "Velazco, F."

Listar Artículos en revistas indizadas por autor "Velazco, F."

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  • Gutierrez Aguilar, Dimitri Alexey; Bouloubassi, I.; Sifeddine, A.; Purca, S.; Goubanova, K.; Graco, M.; Field, D.; Méjanelle, L.; Velazco, F.; Lorre, A.; Salvatteci Merino, Franco Renato; Quispe, D.; Vargas, G.; Dewitte, B.; Ortlieb, L. (Wiley, 2011)
    We reconstructed a high-resolution, alkenone-based sea surface temperature (SST) record spanning the last ca. 150 years, from a sediment core retrieved within the main upwelling zone off Peru. A conspicuous SST decline is ...
  • Yseki, M.; Turcq, B.; Caquineau, S.; Salvatteci Merino, Franco Renato; Solís, José; Skilbeck, C. G.; Velazco, F.; Gutierrez Aguilar, Dimitri Alexey (Copernicus Publications, 2022)
    Reconstructing precipitation and wind from the geological record could help researchers understand the potential changes in precipitation and wind dynamics in response to climate change in Peru. The last deglaciation offers ...
  • Briceno-Zuluaga, F.; Castagna, A.; Rutllant, J. A.; Flores-Aqueveque, V.; Caquineau, S.; Sifeddine, A.; Velazco, F.; Gutierrez Aguilar, Dimitri Alexey; Cardich Salazar, Jorge Aquiles (Elsevier, 2017)
    Dust storms that develop along the Pisco-Ica desert in Southern Peru, locally known as "Paracas" winds have ecological, health and economic repercussions. Here we identify dust sources through MODIS (Moderate Resolution ...

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