Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

ListarArtículos en revistas indizadas por tema "fever"

ListarArtículos en revistas indizadas por tema "fever"

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  • Alave, J.; Bustamante Rufino, Ana Beatriz; Soto, L.; Cáceres, J.; Seas Ramos, Carlos Rafael (Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2011)
    Billiary tract involvement in the course of disseminated histoplasmosis has been rarely reported. Here we present a severely immunosuppressed HIV-infected patient who presented with symptomatic acalculous cholecystitis ...
  • Pinto, M.E.; Banda Flores, Claudia Lizette; Seas Ramos, Carlos Rafael (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2012)
    A 48-year old woman with a recent diagnosis of Graves' disease arrived at the emergency room with fever, palpitations, and a sore throat. Her regular treatment included methimazole. On admission, laboratory results showed ...
  • Maguiña Vargas, Ciro; Garcia Funegra, Patricia Jannet; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Cordero, L.; Spach, D. (Oxford University Press, 2001)
    Bartonellosis remains a major problem in Peru, but many contemporary aspects of this disease have not been adequately described. We examined the cases of 145 symptomatic patients in Lima, Peru, in whom bartonellosis was ...
  • Goicochea, Carlos E.; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Carrillo, Carlos (Oxford University Press, 1996)
    Background: Brucellosis is an endemic disease in Latin America and other countries. Serologic cross-reaction between cholera and Brucella infection is well recognized. Since the introduction to cholera in 1991 in Latin ...
  • Cillóniz, C.; Dominedò, C.; Pericàs, J.M.; Rodriguez-Hurtado, D.; Torres, A. (European Respiratory Society, 2020)
    Very old (aged ≥80 years) adults constitute an increasing proportion of the global population. Currently, this subgroup of patients represents an important percentage of patients admitted to the intensive care unit. ...
  • Canal, Enrique; Pollett, Simon; Heitzinger, Kristen; Gregory, Michael; Kasper, Matthew; Halsey, Eric; Meza, Yocelinda; Campos, Kalina; Perez, Juan; Meza, Rina; Bernal, Maruja; Guillen, Alfredo; Kochel, Tadeusz J.; Espinosa, Benjamin; Hall, Eric R.; Maves, Ryan C. (BioMed Central, 2013)
    Background: Leptospirosis is a potentially lethal zoonosis mainly affecting low-resource tropical countries, including Peru and its neighbouring countries. Timely diagnosis of leptospirosis is critical but may be challenging ...
  • Kasper, M.R.; Lescano Guevara, Andres Guillermo; Lucas, C.; Gilles, D.; Biese, B.J.; Stolovitz, G.; Reaves, E.J. (Public Library of Science, 2012)
    Infectious diarrhea remains a major risk to deployed military units worldwide in addition to their impact on travelers and populations living in the developing world. This report describes an outbreak of diarrheal illness ...
  • Román, Karina; Castillo, Rosa; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Calderón Sánchez, Maritza Mercedes; Vivar, Aldo; Céspedes, Manuel; Smits, Henk L.; Meléndez, Paolo; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Guerra, Humberto; Maves, Ryan C.; Matthias, Michael A.; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Saito, Mayuko (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2013)
    Brucella melitensis is highly infectious for humans and can be transmitted to humans in a number of epidemiological contexts. Within the context of an ongoing brucellosis surveillance project, an outbreak at a Peruvian ...
  • Abeles, Shira R.; Chuquiyauri, Raul; Tong, Chuquiyauri; Vinetz, Joseph Michael (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2013)
    Infection of mosquitoes by humans is not always successful in the setting of patent gametocytemia. This study tested the hypothesis that pro- or anti-inflammatory cytokines are associated with transmission of Plasmodium ...
  • Accinelli Tanaka, Roberto Alfonso; Ynga-Meléndez, G.J.; Leon-Abarca, Juan Alonso; Lopez Oropeza, Lidia Marianella; Madrid-Cisneros, J.C.; Mendoza-Saldaña, J.D. (Elsevier, 2021)
    Background: Currently, there is no formally accepted pharmacological treatment for COVID-19. Materials and methods: We included COVID-19 outpatients of a Peruvian primary care center from Lima, Peru, who were treated between ...
  • Torres-Valencia, J.; Quevedo-Mori, A.; Untiveros-Mayorga, F. (Wiley, 2021)
    In presence of tachypnea, digital clubbing and cyanosis in a patient with the hallmarks of chronic liver disease, hepatopulmonary syndrome should be suspected and investigated
  • Mejía Cordero, Fernando Alonso; Seas Ramos, Carlos Rafael (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2014)
    A 29-year-old man presented with generalized, painless, erythematous lesions and fever. The patient had recently been diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. His CD4 T-cell count at presentation was ...
  • Charles, M.K.; Lindegren, M.L.; Wester, C.W.; Blevins, M.; Sterling, T.R.; Dung, N.T.; Dusingize, J.C.; Avit-Edi, D.; Durier, N.; Castelnuovo, B.; Nakigozi, G.; Cortes, C.P.; Ballif, M.; Fenner, L.; Ajayi, S.; Anastos, K.; Bashi, J.; Bishai, W.; Boulle, A.; Braitstein, P.; Carriquiry, G.; Carter, J.E.; Cegielski, P.; Chimbetete, C.; Davies, M.-A.; Diero, L.; Duda, S.; Egger, M.; Eboua, T.F.; Gasser, A.; Geng, E.; Gnokori, J.C.; Hardwicke, L.; Hoffmann, C.; Huebner, R.; Kancheya, N.; Kiertiburanakul, S.; Kim, P.; Lameck, D.; Leroy, V.; Lewden, C.; Mandalakas, A.; Maskew, M.; McKaig, R.; Mofenson, L.; Mpoudi-Etame, M.; Okwara, B.; Phiri, S.; Prasitsuebsai, W.; Petit, A.; Prozesky, H.; Reid, S.E.; Renner, L.; Reubenson, G.; Sohn, A.; Vo, Q.; Walker, D.; Wehbe, F.; Wejse, C.; Williams, C.; Wood, R.; Wools-Kaloustian, K.; Yao, Z.; Yunihastuti, E.; Zhang, F.J.; Zhao, H.X.; Han, N.; Merati, T.P.; Wirawan, D.N.; Yuliana, F.; Ditangco, R.; Uy, E.; Bantique, R.; Phanuphak, P.; Ruxrungtham, K.; Avihingsanon, A.; Khongphattanayothin, M.; Sungkanuparph, S.; Sanmeema, N.; Chaiwarith, R.; Sirisanthana, T.; Kotarathititum, W.; Pham, T.T.; Cuong, D.D.; Ha, H.L.; Nguyen, V.K.; Bui, V.H.; Nguyen, T.D.; Sohn, A.H.; Petersen, B.; Cooper, D.A.; Law, M.G.; Jiamsakul, A.; Boettiger, D.C.; Wati, D.K.; Atmikasari, L.P.P.; Malino, I.Y.; Nallusamy, R.; Chan, K.C.; Lumbiganon, P.; Kosalaraksa, P.; Tharnprisan, P.; Udomphanit, T.; Phongsamart, W.; Wittawatmongkol, O.; Dung, K.T.K.; Lam, N.V.; An, P.N.; Loan, N.T.; Truong, H.K.; Du, T.Q.; Chau, N.H.; Do, C.V.; Ha, M.T.; Nipathakosol, P.; Kariminia, A.; Mutimura, E.; Gitembagara, A.; Tatwangire, J.; Izabelle, I.; Niyongabo, T.; Twizere, C.; Baramperanye, E.; Edmonds, A.; Yotebieng, M.; Azinyue, I.; Ayangma, L.; Dickinson, D.; Eley, B.; Fritz, C.; Garone, D.; Giddy, J.; MacPhail, P.; Moultrie, H.; Ndirangu, J.; Pestilli, S.; Rabie, H.; Stringer, J.; Technau, K.; Graber, C.; Kaeser, F.; Keiser, O.; Cornell, M.; Maxwell, N.; Zannou, D.M.; Ahouada, C.; Akakpo, J.; Ahomadegbé, C.; Gougounon-Houéto, A.; Azon-Kouanou, A.; Houngbé, F.; Sehonou, J.; Koumakpaï, S.; Alihonou, F.; D'Almeida, M.; Hodonou, I.; Hounhoui, G.; Sagbo, G.; Tossa-Bagnan, L.; Adjide, H.; Drabo, J.; Bognounou, R.; Dienderé, A.; Traore, E.; Zoungrana, L.; Zerbo, B.; Sawadogo, A.B.; Zoungrana, J.; Héma, A.; Soré, I.; Bado, G.; Tapsoba, A.; Yé, D.; Kouéta, F.; Ouedraogo, S.; Ouédraogo, R.; Hiembo, W.; Gansonré, M.; Messou, E.; Gnokoro, J.C.; Koné, M.; Kouakou, G.M.; Bosse, C.A.; Brou, K.; Assi, A.I.; Chenal, H.; Hawerlander, D.; Soppi, F.; Minga, A.; Abo, Y.; Yoboue, J.-M.; Eholié, S.P.; Amego, M.D.N.; Andavi, V.; Diallo, Z.; Ello, F.; Tanon, A.K.; Koule, S.O.; Anzan, K.C.; Guehi, C.; Aka, E.A.; Issouf, K.L.; Kouakou, J.-C.; N'Gbeche, M.-S.; Pety, T.; Kouakou, K.; Moh, M.; Yao, V.A.; Folquet, M.A.; Dainguy, M.-E.; Kouakou, C.; Méa-Assande, V.T.; Oka-Berete, G.; Zobo, N.; Acquah, P.; Kokora, M.-B.; Timité-Konan, M.; Ahoussou, L.D.; Assouan, J.K.; Sami, M.F.; Kouadio, C.; Goka, B.; Welbeck, J.; Sackey, A.; Owiafe, S.N.; Da Silva, Z.J.; Paulo, J.; Rodrigues, A.; Da Silva, D.; Medina, C.; Oliviera-Souto, I.; Østergaard, L.; Laursen, A.; Sodemann, M.; Aaby, P.; Fomsgaard, A.; Erikstrup, C.; Eugen-Olsen, J.; Maïga, M.Y.; Diakité, F.F.; Kalle, A.; Katile, D.; Traore, H.A.; Minta, D.; Cissé, T.; Dembelé, M.; Doumbia, M.; Fomba, M.; Kaya, A.S.; Traoré, A.M.; Traoré, H.; Toure, A.A.; Dicko, F.; Sylla, M.; Berthé, A.; Traoré, H.C.; Koïta, A.; Koné, N.; N'Diaye, C.; Coulibaly, S.T.; Traoré, M.; Traoré, N.; Charurat, M.; Alim, G.; Dapiap, S.; Otu; Igbinoba, F.; Benson, O.; Adebamowo, C.; James, J.; Obaseki; Osakede, P.; Olasode, J.; Seydi, M.; Sow, P.S.; Diop, B.; Manga, N.M.; Tine, J.M.; Bassabi, C.C.; Sy, H.S.; Ba, A.; Diagne, A.; Dior, H.; Faye, M.; Gueye, R.D.; Mbaye, A.D.; Patassi, A.; Kotosso, A.; Kariyare, B.G.; Gbadamassi, G.; Komi, A.; Mensah-Zukong, K.E.; Pakpame, P.; Lawson-Evi, A.K.; Atakouma, Y.; Takassi, E.; Djeha, A.; Ephoévigah, A.; Djibril, S.E.-H.; Dabis, F.; Bissagnene, E.; Arrivé, E.; Coffie, P.; Ekouevi, D.; Jaquet, A.; Sasco, A.J.; Amani, D.; Azani, J.-C.; Balestre, E.; Bessekon, S.; Bohossou, F.; Gilbert, C.; Karcher, S.; Gonsan, J.M.; Le Carrou, J.; Lenaud, S.; Nchot, C.; Malateste, K.; Yao, A.R.; Siloué, B.; Clouet, G.; Dosso, M.; Doring, A.; Kouakou, A.; Rabourdin, E.; Rivenc, J.; Anglaret, X.; Ba, B.; Essanin, J.B.; Ciaranello, A.; Datté, S.; Desmonde, S.; Diby, J.-S.E.; Gottlieb, G.S.; Horo, A.G.; Kangah, S.N.; Malvy, D.; Meless, D.; Mounkaila-Harouna, A.; Ndondoki, C.; Shiboski, C.; Tchounga, B.; Thiébaut, R.; Wandeler, G.; McGowan, C.; Cahn, P.; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Reyes, M.W.; Grinsztejn, B.; Pape, J.W.; Padgett, D.; Madero, J.S. (Public Library of Science, 2016)
    Setting: World Health Organization advocates for integration of HIV-tuberculosis (TB) services and recommends intensive case finding (ICF), isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT), and infection control ("Three I's") for TB ...
  • Odonne, Guillaume; Valadeau, Céline; Alban-Castillo, Joaquina; Stien, Didier; Sauvain, Michel Henri Auguste; Bourdy, Genevieve (Elsevier, 2013)
    Up until now, the plant pharmacopoeia of the Chayahuita, an ethnic group from the Peruvian Amazon, has been poorly defined. This paper details the uses of medicinal plants within this community, as recorded in two villages ...
  • Monge, P.; Vega Dienstmaier, Johann Martín; Sapag, A.M.; Moreno, I.; Montúfar, R.; Khoury, V.; Camilo, P.; Rivera, R.; Rueda, J.C.; Jaramillo-Arroyave, D.; Londoño, J.; Del Carmen Ruiz, M.; Fernández, F.; Quintero, M.; Fuentes-Silva, Y.; Aguilar Olano, José Luis; Vallejo-Flores, C.; Caballero-Uribe, C.V.; Sandoval, H.; Pineda, C. (Wolters Kluwer Health, 2019)
    Background/Objective Although mortality rates related with chikungunya (CHIK) outbreaks in Latin America's (LA's) dengue-endemic rural and new urban regions are low, dealing with symptoms and sequelae can both produce a ...
  • Pham, T.V.; Van Nguyen, H.; Aguirre, A.R.; Van Nguyen, V.; Cleves, M.A.; Nguyen, X.X.; Nguyen, T.T.; Tran, D.T.; Le, H.X.; Hens, N.; Rosanas-Urgell, A.; D’alessandro, U.; Speybroeck, N.; Erhart, A. (Public Library of Science, 2019)
    Background: In Vietnam, the importance of vivax malaria relative to falciparum during the past decade has steadily increased to 50%. This, together with the spread of multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum, is a major ...
  • Paz-Soldan Parlette, Valerie Andrea; Morrison, Amy C.; Sopheab, Heng; Schwarz, Julia; Bauer, Karin M.; Mckenney, Jennie L.; Chhea, Chhorvann; Saphonn, Vonthanak; Khuon, Dyna; Hontz, Robert D.; Gorbach, Pamina M. (Public Library of Science, 2019)
    In 2012, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency Joint Science and Technology Office initiated a program to develop novel point-of-need diagnostic devices for surveillance of emerging infectious diseases including dengue, ...
  • Domecq, J.P.; Prutsky, G.; Lazo Porras, María de los Ángeles; Salazar, C.; Montori, V.; Prevost Ruiz, Yolanda; Huicho Oriundo, Luis; Erwin, P.; Málaga Rodríguez, Germán Javier (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2012)
    Objectives. Determine whether tachypnea and subcostal retractions can be efficient predictors for the diagnosis of Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) among children. Materials and methods. These were the databases used: ...
  • Vasquez-Rios, George; Pineda-Reyes, Roberto; Ruiz, Eloy F.; Terashima, Angelica; Mejía Cordero, Fernando Alonso (BioMed Central, 2019)
    Background: In clinical practice, identification of a case of severe asthma exacerbation prompts initiation of corticosteroids. However, not all that wheezes is asthma. Case presentation: A 61-year-old man from the Peruvian ...
  • León, M.; Alave, J.; Martinez, D.; Bustamante Rufino, Ana Beatriz; Rodriguez, Martin; Seas Ramos, Carlos Rafael (Oxford University Press, 2011)
    Gastrointestinal involvement is an uncommon manifestation of cryptococcosis and, consequently, there are very few reports that have described symptomatic duodenal involvement. We present three cases of Cryptococcus-associated ...

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