Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

ListarArtículos en revistas indizadas por tema "resident"

ListarArtículos en revistas indizadas por tema "resident"

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  • Alva-Diaz, Carlos; Nieto-Gutierrez, Wendy; Taype-Rondan, Alvaro; Timaná-Ruiz, Raúl; Herrera-Añazco, Percy; Jumpa-Armas, David; Escobedo-Palzae, Seimer; Consejo Nacional de Residentado Medico (Elsevier, 2021)
    Introduction: Resident physicians who work more hours a day are prone to suffer mental health problems such as depression, a subject that has been little studied. In this regard, the aim of this study was to determine the ...
  • Petrova, Dafina; Mas Ubillus, Guiliana; Navarrete, Gorka; Rodriguez, Tania Tello; Ortiz, Pedro J.; Garcia-Retamero, Rocio (Public Library of Science, 2019)
    We investigated what factors may foster or hinder physicians' cancer screening risk literacy-specifically the ability to understand evidence regarding screening effectiveness and make evidence-based recommendations to ...
  • Martinez, Leonardo; Arman, Alyssa; Haveman, Nathan; Lundgren, Ashley; Cabrera, Lilia; Evans, Carlton Anthony William; Pelly, Tom F.; Saito, Mayuko; Callacondo, David; Oberhelman, Richard; Collazo, Gisela; Carnero, Andrés M.; Gilman, Robert Hugh (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2013)
    A cross-sectional, community-based study was performed in 2012 with 428 residents of periurban shantytowns in Lima, Peru to study risk factors for and changes in latent tuberculosis infection in age-stratified groups ...
  • Nakash, Ora; Levav, Itzhak; Aguilar-Gaxiola, Sergio; Alonso, Jordi; Andrade, Laura Helena; Angermeyer, Matthias C.; Bruffaerts, Ronny; Caldas-De-Almeida, Jose Miguel; Florescu, Silvia; De Girolamo, Giovanni; Gureje, Oye; He, Yanling; Hu, Chiyi; De Jonge, Peter; Karam, Elie G.; Kovess-Masfety, Viviane; Medina-Mora, Maria Elena; Moskalewicz, Jacek; Murphy, Sam; Nakamura, Yosikazu; Piazza Ferrand, Marina Julia; Posada-Villa, Jose; Stein, Dan J.; Taib, Nezar Ismet; Zarkov, Zahari; Kessler, Ronald C.; Scott, Kate M. (Wiley, 2014)
    Objective: This study aimed to study the comorbidity of common mental disorders (CMDs) and cancer, and the mental health treatment gap among community residents with active cancer, cancer survivors and cancer-free respondents ...
  • Zea-Vera, A.; Liendo-Caro, C.; Luna-Carrillo, L.; Prevost Ruiz, Yolanda; Castañeda-Guarderas, A.; Málaga Rodríguez, Germán Javier (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2012)
    A cross-sectional study evaluated 182 students in the last two years of medical school and 70 residents of a national hospital in Peru on the risk indicators used for reporting results in clinical trials. A questionnaire ...
  • Zhao, Q.; Guo, Y.; Ye, T.; Gasparrini, A.; Tong, S.; Overcenco, A.; Urban, A.; Schneider, A.; Entezari, A.; Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M.; Zanobetti, A.; Analitis, A.; Zeka, A.; Tobias, A.; Nunes, B.; Alahmad, B.; Armstrong, B.; Forsberg, B.; Pan, S.-C.; Íñiguez, C.; Ameling, C.; De la Cruz Valencia, C.; Åström, C.; Houthuijs, D.; Dung, D.V.; Royé, D.; Indermitte, E.; Lavigne, E.; Mayvaneh, F.; Acquaotta, F.; de'Donato, F.; Di Ruscio, F.; Sera, F.; Carrasco Escobar, Gabriel; Kan, H.; Orru, H.; Kim, H.; Holobaca, I.-H.; Kyselý, J.; Madureira, J.; Schwartz, J.; Jaakkola, J.J.K.; Katsouyanni, K.; Hurtado Diaz, M.; Ragettli, M.S.; Hashizume, M.; Pascal, M.; de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coélho, M.; Valdés Ortega, N.; Ryti, N.; Scovronick, N.; Michelozzi, P.; Matus Correa, P.; Goodman, P.; Nascimento Saldiva, P.H.; Abrutzky, R.; Osorio, S.; Rao, S.; Fratianni, S.; Dang, T.N.; Colistro, V.; Huber, V.; Lee, W.; Seposo, X.; Honda, Y.; Guo, Y.L.; Bell, M.L.; Li, S. (Elsevier, 2021)
    Background: Exposure to cold or hot temperatures is associated with premature deaths. We aimed to evaluate the global, regional, and national mortality burden associated with non-optimal ambient temperatures. Methods: In ...
  • Torres-Valencia, Javier; Pecho-Silva, Samuel (Elsevier, 2020)
    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has posed a great challenge to our health system in relation to hospital capacity and the health care workforce. Likewise, it has dramatically affected the education of doctors in ...
  • García Apac, Coralith Marlinda; Llamocca, L.P.; García, K.; Jiménez, A.; Samalvides Cuba, Frine; Gotuzzo Herencia, José Eduardo; Jacobs, J. (BioMed Central, 2011)
    Background: Misuse of antimicrobials (AMs) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are global concerns. The present study evaluated knowledge, attitudes and practices about AMR and AM prescribing among medical doctors in two ...

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