The mechanisms of resistance to nitrofurans from 18 meat samples with Salmonella enterica (chicken: 15; beef: 2; pork: 1) collected in Lima (Peru) were analyzed. The isolates were serotyped and the susceptibility levels to furazolidone and nitrofurantoin [with and without the efflux pump inhibitor Phenyl-Arginine-β-naphthylamide (PAβN)], the presence of mutations in the snrA and cnr genes and the transferability of resistance by conjugation were established. Fifteen samples with S. infantis (13 from chicken samples), 2 with S. enteritidis and 1 with S. anatum were identified. All isolates except the S. anatum were resistant to both nitrofurans showing MICs (minimum inhibitory concentration) of furazolidone and nitrofurantoin of 32-64 μg/mL and 128-256 μg/mL, respectively. The addition of PAßN had no effect on the MIC levels. All nitrofuran-resistant isolates showed amino acid codon alterations at both snrA and cnr (S. infantis: snrA STOP-151; cnr STOP-137; S. enteritidis: snrA STOP-180; cnr STOP-179). No transferable mechanisms of nitrofuran resistance were detected.
En el presente estudio, se analizaron los mecanismos de resistencia a nitrofuranos en 18 muestras cárnicas con Salmonella enterica (15 de pollo, 2 de ternera y 1 de cerdo) de mercados de Lima (Perú). Determinaron los serotipos de los aislamientos y la sensibilidad a furazolidona y nitrofurantoina (con y sin el inhibidor de bombas de expulsión Phenyl-Arginine-β-Naphthylamide [PAβN]), las mutaciones en los genes snrA y cnr por PCR y la transferabilidad de la resistencia por conjugación. Se identificaron 15 muestras con S. infantis (13 muestras de pollo), 2 con S. enteritidis y 1 con S. anatum. Todos los aislamientos, excepto S. anatum, fueron resistentes a ambos nitrofuranos (concentración mínima inhibidora [CMI] a furazolidona: 32-64 μg/mL, CMI a nitrofurantoina: 128-256 μg/mL), sin diferencias al adicionarse PAβN. Todos los aislamientos resistentes a nitrofuranos presentaron sustituciones en snrA y cnr (S. infantis: snrA STOP-151; cnr STOP-137; S. enteritidis: snrA STOP-180; cnr STOP-179). No se detectaron mecanismos transferibles de resistencia a nitrofuranos