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Browsing by Subject "DNA, Bacterial"

Browsing by Subject "DNA, Bacterial"

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  • Mullins, K.E.; Hang, J.; Jiang, J.; Leguia, M.; Kasper, M.R.; Ventosilla, P.; Maguiña Vargas, Ciro; Jarman, R.G.; Blazes, D.; Richards, A.L. (Microbiology Society, 2015)
    Three novel isolates of the genus Bartonella were recovered from the blood of two patients enrolled in a clinical trial for the treatment of chronic stage Bartonella bacilliformis infection (verruga peruana) in Caraz, ...
  • Ricaldi, J.N.; Matthias, M.A.; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Lewis, A.L. (BioMed Central, 2012)
    Background: Sialic acids are negatively charged nine carbon backbone sugars expressed on mammalian cell surfaces. Sialic acids are part of a larger family of nonulosonic acid (NulO) molecules that includes pseudaminic and ...
  • Waltmann, Andreea; Willcox, Alexandra C.; Balasubramanian, Sujata; Borrini Mayori, Katty; Mendoza Guerrero, Sandra; Salazar Sánchez, Renzo Sadath; Roach, Jeffrey; Condori Pino, Carlos; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Bern, Caryn; Juliano, Jonathan J.; Levy, Michael Z.; Meshnick, Steven R.; Bowman, Natalie M. (Public Library of Science, 2019)
    Triatomine vectors transmit Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease in humans. Transmission to humans typically occurs when contaminated triatomine feces come in contact with the bite site or mucosal ...
  • Diniz, Pedro Paulo V.P.; Morton, Bridget A.; Tngrian, Maryam; Kachani, Malika; Barrón, Eduardo A.; Gavidia, Cesar M.; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Angulo, Noelia P.; Brenner, Elliott C.; Lerner, Richard; Chomel, Bruno B. (Public Library of Science, 2013)
    Bartonella species are emerging infectious organisms transmitted by arthropods capable of causing long-lasting infection in mammalian hosts. Among over 30 species described from four continents to date, 15 are known to ...
  • Mullins, Kristin E.; Hang, Jun; Jiang, Ju; Leguia, Mariana; Kasper, Matthew R.; Maguiña Vargas, Ciro; Jarman, Richard G.; Blazes, David L.; Richards, Allen L. (American Society for Microbiology, 2013)
    A recently described clinical isolate, “Candidatus Bartonella ancashi,” was obtained from a blood sample of a patient presenting with verruga peruana in the Ancash region of Peru. This sample and a second isolate obtained ...
  • Chaloner, G.L.; Ventosilla, P.; Birtles, R.J. (Public Library of Science, 2011)
    Bartonella bacilliformis is the aetiological agent of human bartonellosis, a potentially life threatening infection of significant public health concern in the Andean region of South America. Human bartonellosis has long ...
  • Blakemore, R.; Nabeta, P.; Davidow, A.L.; Vadwai, V.; Tahirli, R.; Munsamy, V.; Nicol, M.; Jones, M.; Persing, D.H.; Hillemann, D.; Ruesch-Gerdes, S.; Leisegang, F.; Zamudio Fuertes, Carlos Eduardo; Rodrigues, C.; Boehme, C.C.; Perkins, M.D.; Alland, D. (American Thoracic Society, 2011)
    Rationale: The Xpert MTB/RIF is an automated molecular test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis that estimates bacterial burden by measuring the threshold-cycle (Ct) of its M. tuberculosis-specific real-time polymerase chain ...
  • Contreras, C.A.; Ochoa Woodell, Theresa Jean; Ruiz, J.; Lacher, D.W.; Rivera, F.P.; Saenz, Y.; Chea-Woo, E.; Zavaleta, N.; Gil, A.I.; Lanata, C.F.; Huicho Oriundo, Luis; Maves, R.C.; Torres, C.; DebRoy, C.; Cleary, T.G. (Microbiology Society, 2011)
    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, virulence factors (stx, eae, ehxA and astA) and phylogenetic relationships [PFGE and multilocus sequence typing (MLST)] of Shiga toxinproducing Escherichia coli (STEC) ...
  • Ricaldi, J.N.; Fouts, D.E.; Selengut, J.D.; Harkins, D.M.; Patra, K.P.; Moreno, A.; Lehmann, J.S.; Purushe, J.; Sanka, R.; Torres, M.; Webster, N.J.; Vinetz, Joseph Michael; Matthias, M.A. (Public Library of Science, 2012)
    The whole genome analysis of two strains of the first intermediately pathogenic leptospiral species to be sequenced (Leptospira licerasiae strains VAR010 and MMD0835) provides insight into their pathogenic potential and ...

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