Listar por autor "Díaz, M.C."

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  • Castro, Alejandra N.C.; Díaz, M.C.; Mendoza-Torres, G.J.; Moreno-Burgos, B.; Zanuzzi, Carolina; Illia, M.C.; Lendez, P.A.; Carril, J.; Ghezzi, Marcelo D.; Bodiola-Diez, J.J.; Barbeito, Claudio Gustavo (Elsevier, 2021)
    The liver has multiple functions that change throughout ontogeny. South American camelids (SAC) have unique characteristics related to adaptation to extreme environments and metabolism. However, the process of hepatic cell ...
  • Firacative, C.; Lizarazo, J.; Illnait-Zaragozí, M.T.; Castañeda, Elizabeth; Arechavala, A.; Córdoba, S.; Mazza, M.; Taverna, C.; Isla, G.; Chiapello, L.; Vergara, M.L.S.; Melhem, M.S.C.; Szeszs, M.W.; Martins, M.A.; Bonfietti, L.X.; de Oliveira, R.A.; de Oliveira, L.; Santos, D.C.S.; Lazera, M.S.; Wanke, B.; Díaz, M.C.; Escandón, P.; Noguera, M.C.; Andreu, C.M.F.; Castrillón, L.; Bustamante Rufino, Ana Beatriz; Dolande, M.; Ferrara, G.; Latin American Cryptococcal Study Group (Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, 2018)
    Cryptococcosis is a life-threatening fungal infection caused by the encapsulated yeasts Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii, acquired from the environment. In Latin America, as occurring worldwide, C. neoformans causes ...

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