La autopercepción de salud es un predictor subjetivo de factores de riesgo, morbilidad y mortalidad y puede estar influenciada por el índice de masa corporal (IMC) representada a través de la autopercepción del peso. Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre el IMC y la autopercepción de salud en una muestra adulta peruana rural, migrante rural a urbano y urbana. Métodos: Diseño observacional de tipo analítico y de corte transversal que consistió en un análisis secundario de los datos recolectados en el estudio PERU Migrant realizado en poblaciones rural, migrante y urbana. Resultados: De los 970 participantes, el 377 (38,5%) presentaron sobrepeso y 198 (20,5%) obesidad y una prevalencia de 714 (73,2%) individuos con una autopercepción negativa de su salud. En el modelo de regresión GLM no ajustado se encontró que las personas con obesidad presentaban mayor probabilidad (RP= 1,11; IC95%: 1,01 – 1,21) de presentar una autopercepción de salud negativa respecto a las personas con peso normal y esta relación aumentaba en el modelo ajustando por potenciales confusores (RP=1,22; IC95%: 1,08 – 1,39). Conclusión: Existe una relación entre la obesidad y la autopercepción de salud negativa mediado parcialmente por la autopercepción del peso. Los factores de riesgo cardiovascular no se mostraron como modificadores de efecto, sin embargo se debe considerar la importancia epidemiológica.
Self-rated health is an unstable predictor of risk factors, morbidity and mortality that is often underestimated and can be influenced by the body mass index (BMI) represented through the self-rated weight. Aim: This study aimed to assess the association between BMI and self-perceived health in a rural and urban Peruvian adult sample. Methods: This is a secondary data analysis with an analytical and cross-sectional observational design whose migrant and urban sample were identified from defined sampling frames in 2006 census; and the rural group in 2007 census. Results: Of the 970 participants, 377 (38.5%) were overweight and 198 (20.5%) were obese. A total of 714 (73.2%) individuals with a negative self-perception of their health and 261 (26.7%) a positive self-perception was found. In the unadjusted GLM regression model, it was found that people with obesity were more likely (RP = 1.11; 95% CI: 1.01 - 1.21) to have a negative self-rated health compared to people with normal weight and this relationship increased in the model adjusting for potential confounders (RP = 1.22; 95% CI: 1.08 - 1.39). Conclusion: There is a relationship between obesity and negative self-rated health partially mediated by self-perception of weight. Cardiovascular risk factors were not shown as effect modifiers, however epidemiological importance must be considered.